Lent 2025

Dear Maureen,

Today marks the first day of Lent for many, and also the Spring 40 Days for Life campaign, which will span from March 5 to April 13.

40 Days for Life is a self-described “internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and peaceful all-day vigil in front of abortion businesses.”

Here’s a list of Canadian vigil sites:













Niagara Falls







The list of Canadian locations may also be found on our webpage here.

I encourage those who give up something for Lent to make a sacrificial offering of your time and comfort by standing vigil for the pre-born outside your nearest “killing place” on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

If you’ve never participated in 40 Days for Life before, please reach out to your local organizer for instructions and to receive a sign. You can also email or call us and we can direct you!

We need all Christians to join together in prayer and fasting to drive out the demon of child sacrifice.

Even if you don’t have an official vigil site nearby, you can still witness on your own. You don’t need a formal campaign just to pray. Consider, as well, organizing a 40 Days for Life campaign in your community for this fall, or joining efforts to promote your local campaign.

We know that these vigils bear fruit in time. Since 2007, 40 Days for Life has recorded 25,353 lives saved, 161 abortion centres closed, and 268 abortion workers who have quit.

Even in the cold and dark (in more ways than one!) expanse of the True North, the 40 Days for Life campaign has yielded results.

For example, Clinic 554 in Fredericton, New Brunswick, already on its last legs, finally closed its doors last year following a 40 Days for Life campaign.

In 2022, the Toronto 40 Days for Life campaign saved nine babies!

The same year, the Winnipeg campaign also saved a life, when a young, pregnant single mother interpreted a volunteer’s “Pray to End Abortion” sign as confirmation from her recently deceased brother that cancelling her abortion appointment was the right thing to do.

It is a great tragedy that tiny humans are killed across our country in benign-looking buildings, but even more tragic still that so many of their deaths go unnoticed and unprotested.

Let’s do our part to intervene at the eleventh hour. We don’t know God’s plans, but let Him not find us sleeping on the job.

Wishing you a blessed and fruitful 40 Days for Life (and Lent), 

Maeve Gainey
Youth & Outreach Coordinator
Campaign Life Coalition

Campaign Life Coalition · 157 Catharine St N, 2nd Floor, Hamilton, ON L8L 4S4, Canada
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