July 26, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Some encouraging news this week. 

First of all, our rally in support of Linda Gibbons in front of the Ontario Court of Justice was a great success. Supporters also packed the courtroom during her hearing and were able to shout words of encouragement to her. You can read all about it in the first report. 

A number of media outlets covered the rally. David Menzies from Rebel News did a tremendous video report of the rally, in which he spoke to CLC staff and our amazing CLC summer interns. It made me so proud! The video report is our ‘must-see’ video of the week. 

In other good news, the City of London abandoned plans for a bylaw that would limit the display of graphic images in public spaces.

The bylaw was first intended to ban abortion victim photography in the public square but was expanded to include all signs of a certain size after various pro-life groups threatened legal action. The expanded bylaw was supposed to head to community consultation but was abruptly dropped by the city council on Tuesday night.

This is a free-speech victory for everyone and shows what can happen when the pro-life community flexes its muscles.

CLC summer intern Luka Granic has penned a powerful piece marking the 56th anniversary of Humanae Vitae, an encyclical written by Pope Paul VI that upheld the Church’s moral teaching that each and every conjugal act must remain open to the transmission of human life. Don’t miss this excellent piece. 

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


Campaign Life Coalition: ‘Free Linda Gibbons’: Pro-life supporters rally outside Ontario courthouse for jailed Christian grandmother

“Before Linda’s scheduled 10 AM court appearance, some thirty supporters stood outside the courthouse to rally and pray for her. They held signs with messages such as ‘Repeal the Bubble Zone,’ ‘Free Linda Gibbons,’ and ‘Protect Free Speech.’ When it came time for Linda’s court appearance, they packed into the courtroom.”

More coverage of rally for Linda Gibbons

CTV News London: London pro-life residents relieved after graphic sign bylaw is scrapped

“London City Council has scrapped plans for a bylaw limiting the display of graphic images in public spaces.”

Newmarket Today: Anti-abortion advocates take their campaign to local streets

“Drivers and pedestrians at some local intersections in Newmarket and Aurora had their heads turned by members of a pro-life group waving signs with graphic anti-images at the intersection.”

CLC Youth Blog: 56 Years of Humanae Vitae —A Gen Z Reflection

“On the anniversary of such a profound, pro-life document which stands for the truth over and against the world, we must, in the spirit of St. Pope Paul VI, assert that ‘man cannot attain that true happiness for which he yearns with all the strength of his spirit, unless he keeps the laws which the Most High God has engraved in his very nature.’” 

Campaign Life Coalition: The Summer Students Trudeau Won’t Fund

“With summer now in full swing, our 2024 Internship Program is well underway, and I want to tell you about our nine wonderful interns who are hard at work.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Saskatchewan 2023 euthanasia deaths increase by more than 25%

“The Saskatchewan Health Authority reported to the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition that there were 344 assisted deaths in 2023 up from 257 in 2022.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: At least 4 New Zealand suicide deaths linked to Canadian

“At least 4 New Zealand suicide deaths are linked to a Canadian who sold ‘suicide kits’ online.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Live Action: Mom praises the ‘good team’ who helped her give birth on overnight flight

“I was having contractions and it woke me out of my sleep…I had to call for the flight attendant. And that’s when everything started happening so fast.”

Pregnancy Help News: New app fosters understanding of fetal development to impact hearts and minds for life

“Called See Baby Grow, this new, free app can help PHOs educate their clients about fetal development, which could ultimately positively impact decisions for life.”

Live Action: After birth at 22 weeks, micro-preemie finally heads home: ‘A baby miracle’

“A Milwaukee couple is celebrating after their son, who was born at just 22 weeks, has finally been able to join them at home after 144 days in the hospital.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition 

Students for Life

40 Days for Life

Must-see video of the week

“Pro-life advocate Linda Gibbons is a 75-year-old Christian grandmother turned enemy of the state. Her crime: protesting near an abortion clinic.”

Take Action

Sign our new petition to free Linda Gibbons. Sign here


Maureen, last week Liberal MP Dr. Hedy Fry (Vancouver Centre) posted on social media her concern for the health of newborns in the same sentence in which she also raised concern about “extreme right” governments who deny access to abortion.

Yes, you read that right. This pro-abortion MP posted about concern for newborns and abortion in the same sentence. 

Does she even read what she writes?

Babies, whether newborn or in the womb, are fully human and are therefore endowed with inalienable rights, the first and foremost of which is the right to life.

One cannot seriously champion newborns and abortion in the same sentence without the highest degree of cognitive dissonance.

In her post, MP Fry also boasted about being reelected as chair of the Canadian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (CAPPD).

This organization has nothing to do with trying to increase Canada’s plummeting fertility rate, which now sits at 1.3, far below the 2.1 rate needed to maintain a healthy population. This organization exists to champion abortion and contraception, both anti-human practices.

I cannot help but shake my head when encountering people like Dr. Fry who hold such mistaken views about the world, women, babies, rights, and freedoms. 

My hope is that such people cannot be around Parliament for much longer. Dr. Fry is already 82 and must soon quit politics. It can’t happen soon enough. Her radical feminism and all the mistaken ideas associated with it need to go with her. 

There is a new kind of woman today emerging from the ashes who are replacing women like Dr. Fry. I’m talking about women like Abby Johnson, Lila Rose, Kristan Hawkins, Angelina Steenstra, Laura Klassen, CLC's own Josie Luetke and Ruth Robert, and so many more. These are women who love what it means to be a woman, who love life, who reject abortion, and who are debunking the lies of false feminism. 

It turns out that this new kind of woman is really nothing new at all but harkens back to women of ages past. 

Yes, I have hope when I look at what women in the pro-life and pro-family movements are accomplishing. People like Dr. Fry cannot hold a candle to them or keep up with them!

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski