June 7, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

I’m back after taking some time off to travel to Ventura, California with my wife Erin to visit the church where we were married 20 years ago. We reunited with friends, spent some time at the beach, and ate hamburgers at the best burger chain in the world – In-N-Out. 

So much has happened in the news while I was gone. 

Please keep pro-life heroine and grandmother Linda Gibbons in your prayers. She was arrested for a second time in two weeks for witnessing to life in front of a Toronto-area abortion mill. 

Manitoba passed Bill 8 which makes it illegal for pro-life advocates to try to persuade a mother against having an abortion within 50 metres of a baby killing centre. Shame on Premier Wab Kinew for abandoning the smallest and most vulnerable among us — the child in the womb — with this evil legislation.

Bill C-64 (The Pharmacare Act), which provides contraceptives and abortifacients such as Plan-B freely to women, passed third reading on June 4. It now heads to the Senate. With our plummeting fertility rate of 1.3, well below the replacement level, governments should be passing policies that encourage women to have more children. Future generations will one day look at this as one of the most anti-Canadian and anti-women bills passed by any government. Shame. 

CPC leader Pierre Poilievre has come out with his strongest comments in favour of abortion to date, saying that when he becomes prime minister, “no laws or rules will be passed that restrict women's reproductive choices. Period.” He also made a similar statement on homosexual “marriage.” Sadly, Mr. Poilievre is exactly like Mr. Trudeau when it comes to the issues that matter most – life and family. Both are zealous defenders of abortion and homosexual “marriage.” 

Our sister organization Campagne Québec-Vie had its first March for Life in Quebec last Saturday. Pro-abortion counter-protesters threatened to shut down the event, even using a smoke bomb at one point. But, pro-lifers prevailed and the event went on. There are three stories to read on this. 

Our National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day campaign, which ran this week, generated some positive news. We asked parents to keep their children at home on June 3-4 to protest homosexual ideology in the schools, particularly the raising of the LGBTQ Pride flag. Don’t miss the stories on this. 

Please check out the amazing opinion piece in the National Post by our former summer intern Liana Gordan about why Conservatives should defend the preborn. This piece is proof that our internship program is working and making a difference!  

Also, don’t miss another piece in the National Post by former Canadian ambassador to China David Mulroney and African pro-life leader Obianuju Ekeocha smacking down the Trudeau Liberal’s pro-abortion foreign aid policies. 

Finally, don’t miss my reflection at the end about what the passage of Manitoba’s bubble zone bill really means. 

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


LifeSiteNews: Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons arrested outside Toronto abortion mill for second time in 2 weeks

“Canadian veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons could face jail time after being arrested again for defending the unborn at the notorious Morgentaler abortion clinic in Toronto.” 

CBC: Pierre Poilievre disagrees with Conservative MP who wants to vote against same-sex marriage

"As our party's policy book, adopted by party members, has said for years, “’a Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion.’” When I am prime minister, no laws or rules will be passed that restrict women's reproductive choices. Period.”

LifeSiteNews: Trudeau gov’t bill to give free contraception to women spreads a ‘big lie’: pro-life group

“Canada’s top pro-life group said the government’s new “free” plan to provide contraception to all Canadians spreads the “big lie” that women don’t have control over their fertility unless their “popping” contraceptives.”

Quebec's first March for Life

LifeSiteNews: Canadian employment minister claims women need contraception, abortion access for ‘success’

“Canada’s top pro-life group blasted the government’s continued abortion push after a top cabinet minister implied that women need to be on the pill to stifle their fertility and freely accept unlimited abortion to achieve “success” in life.”

National Post: It's common sense for Conservatives to defend the unborn

“Instead of caving into the deceitful tactics of progressive politics, true conservatives would proudly defend life.”

National Post: Memo to Canada: Talk less and listen more to the rest of the world

“People in most African countries profess respect for the sanctity of life and the primacy of the family, something confirmed by opinion polls, public commentary and legislation. Yet the lion’s share of Canada’s global funding for “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” some $700 million per year, is spent persuading people across Africa to accept abortion.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Court agrees to fast-track euthanasia case for autistic Calgary woman.

“Justice Jolaine Antonio agreed that the case of the autistic Calgary woman, known as MV, who was approved for euthanasia but whose father challenged the euthanasia approval based on the fact that she is otherwise healthy, can be fast-tracked and heard by the end of June. The original court of appeal hearing, which MV had agreed to, was October 7.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Private Members Bill would allow euthanasia by advanced request.

“Sylvie Bérubé BQ MP and Luc Thériault BQ MP (Montcalm)…introduced Bill C-390 to expand Canada's (MAiD) euthanasia law to, among other areas, permit euthanasia by advanced request.”

Gender Ideology

Stories on CLC’s Walk Out/Pray-In on June 3

LifeSiteNews: New Brunswick premier bans ‘sex-ed’ group from schools after presentation on porn, immoral sex acts

“Once again, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs is showing Canadian politicians how to effectively advocate for common sense socially conservative policies.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

LifeNews: Pro-Life Doctor: I Oppose Abortion Because Both Mother and Baby are Important

“Scientifically and morally, there is no difference in the value of a child whether she is in her mother’s arms or her mother’s womb.”

Live Action: The smallest surviving preemie in the US, born 17 weeks early, is finally home

“Evelyn, born 17 weeks early in September 2023, weighed just 8.46 ounces — less than a can of soda.”

Live Action: Conceived in rape, Mark is grateful his birth mother chose life

“Mark Roepke always knew he was adopted. He also knew he was the son of a 14-year-old girl whom he later learned had become pregnant by rape at a Fourth of July party she had attended with her cousin in South Dakota.”

Live Action: Colorado high school senior with Down syndrome makes history as commencement speaker

“Her achievement was especially moving to the listeners and to Ball’s family, because she was diagnosed with Down syndrome shortly after birth.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition 

Abby Johnson

March For Life

Must-see video of the week

Dad powerfully shares how abortion of his daughter hurt him, personally.


Maureen, it has now become illegal in Manitoba for pro-life advocates to try to persuade a mother against having an abortion within 50 metres of a baby killing centre.

Bill 8, the Safe Access to Abortion Services Act, received royal assent on June 4. It creates access zones around abortion facilities and around the residences of abortion providers.

It intends to keep people “safe,” namely abortion-bound mothers and abortionists. But it does this at the expense of the preborn, making it easier to kill the smallest members of the human family.

Ultimately, Bill 8 is about making it easier to kill people.

It’s something no Manitoban should be proud of.

The Women’s Health Clinic, an abortion mill in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is celebrating the province’s passage of Bill 8. I imagine the Nazis would have also celebrated had a similar bubble zone been set up around the Auschwitz killing centre.

It seems that when you’re in the business of killing defenceless humans, you need to silence those who oppose you. An abortion mill like The Women’s Health Clinic is today’s equivalent of a WWII killing camp.

An abortion mill, like the Nazi killing camp, is only able to operate today because we as a nation have denied humanity to a certain group of persons, deeming them unworthy of life.

The truth is that abortion centres are extermination centres of preborn humans. Bill 8 now makes it more difficult to save human lives lost to the holocaust of abortion.

When pro-life advocates peacefully and prayerfully witness to life in front of these killing centres, they are engaging in a work of mercy. They are trying to save lives. They are trying to save the mother from making the terrible mistake of killing her child, a mistake that she will regret for the rest of her life.

Pro-life advocates recognize the truth that human life exists in the womb. It is worthy of protecting and defending because every life matters.

Shame on Premier Wab Kinew for abandoning the smallest and most vulnerable among us — the child in the womb — with this evil legislation.

And, shame on MLA Nahanni Fontaine for sponsoring a bill that makes baby-killing easier. She will now have the blood of numerous babies on her hands who might have been saved had pro-life advocates been able to reach mothers with a life-saving message.

When evil laws pass, they must be opposed and overturned, no matter how long it takes. The news of this bill’s passage should not make us feel defeated, but it should inflame our desire all the more to reach out and help babies targeted for abortion. A law making it difficult to help them should make us want to help them all the more.

If more of us were like Linda Gibbons, such laws would eventually be overturned.

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski

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