The Legion of Mary and the 1947 Marian Congress
The Ottawa Journal, June 18 1947, page 10
50,000 Coming By Train - A total of more than 15,000 persons from the Maritime, Quebec and Eastern Ontario are coming in groups by Canadian National Railway specials for Ottawa's Marian Congress. District passenger agent A. R. Macdougall said Tuesday the first arrivals will reach Ottawa Friday, when 1,400 Champlain Guards and other, religious groups will arrive at Union Station. Others will be disembarked at the the 'Isabella Street station; Main Street, Ottawa East; Island' Park Drive, and Bank Street near Isabella Street. They will be added to the upwards of 35, 000 persons reaching the Capital In group by "Canadian Pacific special trains. The largest groups arriving include 1.200 from Valleyfield; and 1,000 Eucharistic Crusade members from Montreal. 1,000 from Actonale; 1.000 . Irom Coaticopkr Sherbrooke -diocese 100 from Drummondville; 3,000 members from the Sacred -.Heart League, Montreal, and other thousands arriving all day Saturday and Sunday. District groups included more than 1, 000 from Whitney, members of the "Bishop Smith Pilgrimage" and an additional 500 from Bishop Smith's own Pembroke diocese.
A. sudden downpour of rain forced .temporary cancelation of last night's English presentation. of the lyric drama,. "Our Lady of the Crown", at the huge Repository at Lansdowne Park. Although rain started to fall more than an hour before the religious pageant was scheduled to commence, thousands of ticket holders poured into the park in the hope that a let-up would permit the presentation of the play. Marian Congress officials quickly canceled the pageant, however, when rain turned, the field into a veritable quagmire. Not to be disappointed, the visitors Joined with others, in viewing impressive religious displays in five main, buildings containing Marian Congress exhibits. Roman Catholic hymns and prayers were sung during the night by a large crowd that filled ' the Peace Chapel located in the Coliseum. (The Work of Sisters of Charity of Providence Depicted at Marian Congress in Ottawa Attracts Attention
Achievements and endeavors of the lay apostolate in many parts of the world were revealed when the first international congress of the Legion of Mary, begun yesterday morning in St Patrick's parish, continued throughout the afternoon and evening. In attendance were delegates from among the 500 or more legionnaires said to be In Ottawa for the Marian Congress. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. William Flint, of Toronto, the afternoon session opened. with a report on legion activities among the underprivileged and physically handicapped, given by Helen Clausa, Cambridge, Mais. There followed reports on work in penal institutions, by Catherine Mclnerney, Saint John, NB, activities among Catholic students in non-Catholic Institutions, by Miss Mary Dervin, Ottawa, and auxiliaries, by John Bannon, Toronto, Rev. William Dillon, Windsor, Ont., in "a talk" entitled "Converts", and by Lawrence: Ecroyd, Montreal, speaking to non-Catholics, told of efforts made to dispel misconceptions about the Catholic religion, by inviting those of, other faiths to informal friendly discussion meetings. Mr., Ecroyd said that "the faith must be brought to the attention of those outside the church". He referred, to "horrible misconceptions" and asserted that, besides the truth, there was a need of education and the inspiration of a good example. Miss Mary Brennan, of Ottawa, presided ' after a recess period, and Rev. Roger Charest, SMM, of Papineauville, Que., gave a paper on "Blessed Grignon de Montfort" and "his book on "The True Devotion to Mary". Rev. E. Kotter, Cincinnati, then spoke on the publication, "Maria Legionis",' official organ of the legion, and urged all members to subscribe. In a talk on "The Legion In the Philippines' given during an informal evening session under the chairmanship of John O'Keefe, of Ottawa, T Rafael M. Baltazar, of Manila, Phillippine representative, told of the growth of the legion in his country, with special reference to activity continued in the face of Japanese occupation, ' Holding aloft the red, white and blue banner of the recently established Phillippine Republic. Legion of Mary Congress hears Reports on Aid to Needy like, he paid tribute to the spirit of American democracy, which had been willing to allow Filipino to follow their own 4estiny. ' . On behalf of the legionnaires of his country he presented to the Ottawa curia a white mantel of embroidered manilla hemp inscribed with the Latin words, "Legio Mariae". Rev. Francis J. Ripley, of Liverpool, England, closed the sessions with a talk on religious signs of the times,, which he said were the Marian revival, the lay apostolate, the revival of the devotion to the Mystical Body of Christ, ' and great ' missionary activity. Refreshments were served, and Miss Ramona Slegrlst, of San Antonio, Texas, sang Schubert's "Ave Maria" to her own piano accompaniment. Charles O'Reilly accompanied . her in an encore. In the midst of a program of community singing that followed. solos in Irish and Scotch Gaelic were offered by a delegate from Dublin, ' and "My Home in Indiana" was sung with feeling by a group from the Hoosier State. Rev. F. H. Bradley, spiritual director of the senior Ottawa curia, closed the day's proceedings with a prayer.
One of the interesting displays by religious orders in the Horticultural Building at Lansdowne Park during the Marian Congress is the booth of the Sisters of Charity of Providence, the Mother House, and Novitiate which is located at "Heathfield", Kingston. This Order, more familiarly known as the Sisters of Providence, have the various phases of their work depicted by life-size figures while their particular devotion, the Seven Sorrows, is illustrated by hand-painted murals on the walls centered by the statuary from the Pieta. There are smaller exhibits of the vestry department, the printing department, and the hostels. Sister M. Hlldegarde is in charge of Exhibit 1. The Sisters staff hospitals from Montreal to Vancouver. 2. Under their care in both eastern and western Canada are many homeless children and orphans. 3. Illustrating their work In many high schools In the various dioceses. 4. Outstanding work Is this reproduction of the Novitiate Garden at the Mother House in Kingston. : (Photos by Maiak). Bishop Cody of London, Ont., Native of Ottawa, at Congress A 'specialist in liturgy and sacred eloquence and noted pulpit orator, Rt Rev. John Christopher Cody, Bishop of London, Ont., was born in Ottawa on December IS, 1809. He belongs to a family of 11 Children. He made his earlier studies at St Malachy's and St Mary's separate schools in Ottawa. In September 1912, he entered St. Alexandre's College at Llmbour, Que., directed by the Fathers of the Holy Ghost Where be made his classical studies. - He was one of the first students in that Institution. . ; He completed his philosophy at the Sulpician Seminary in Montreal and his theology at the Ottawa Grand Seminary under the direction. of the Oblate Fathers. During these years he was known for his studious disposition and his great aptitude for learning. Though several .months under canonical age he was ordalned to the priesthood at Ottawa on May 26, 1823, by the late Archbishop Medard Emard. First appointed to assist Rt Rev. Msgr Fitzgerald, of St Patrick's Church, Ottawa, he became conspicuous for success in dealing with inquiries into the Catholic faith, receiving into the ' Church more than 'one convert a month since his In 1928, Father Cody founded and organized St Patrick's junior and senior Tabernacle Society. one of the best known and most active institutions of its kind in the archdiocese. He also organized the Knights of the Sanctuary and the Pages of the Blessed Sacrament At the same time he held the post of Catholic POLICIES of the Canada Life s hundred years ago contained clauses such as this: The Policy will become void... If the Person having assured his or her life, shall die... ia conseqoence of a duel." . During the past century, Canada Life policies have been progressively im- - proven to anticipate the changing needs of Canadians. Cal Instructor at the Ottawa Normal School. !. " Father Cody later served as parish priest of St Declan's Church, Darling, Ontario, and after some time was appointed parish priest of St Elizabeth's Church at Cantley. Que, however, it was as pastor of the Assumption Church, Eastview, a suburb of Ottawa, where he was called in the Fall of 1834, that he attracted the widest attention as a strong organizer, a convincing preacher, and an ardent exponent of Catholic Action. On January 8, 1937, Father Cody was. appointed Bishop of Victoria, BC He was consecrated in the Ottawa Cathedral on February 25 following and enthroned at Victoria on April 8. He then became the 11th dignitary to occupy that See which, like the Ottawa diocese, was founded in 1947. He was transferred to London, Ont, coadjutor-bishop of that diocese in 1946, : , Trained in sacred eloquence by the late Father Guertln, OMI of Ottawa University, Bishop Cody has a well-established reputation as a pleasing and convincing speaker. Of Irish extraction, he has always been a close student of Irish events. He is also known for his profound knowledge of the French language and Is a great believer in the principle that every Canadian should know both the official languages In Canada.
' Nicaraguan Bishop Arrives in Ottawa- Pope Pius XII is 'Very pleased" that the Marian Congress it being held in Canada, His Excellency Isidro Aviado, Bishop of Leon, Nicaragua, said upon arrival in Ottawa yesterday.
Bishop Aviado, who was received by the Pope while touring Europe, said the Pope told him he was very much interested in the Congress, and that he felt a great deal Of good would result from it because of the large number of countries, represented and the exchange of ideas between these countries. - Bishop Aviado has been touring Europe and the United States to discover the reasons behind recent labor troubles. He said he wants to see the church go deeper into the problems of the working class, and to put into practice Roman Catholic social teachings for the benefit of that class. Speaking on Communism he said the only way for the church to combat Communism was for it to face the facts and be realistic in dealing with that matter. The Church,' he said, must give the people something ' better than Communism. ,
Second Showing of Pageant Draws Capacity House A warmly appreciative audience that filled the Capitol Theatre to the very last seat in the topmost gallery and overflowed into the aisles, viewed the second presentation of the stirring Marian Congress pageant "Our Lady of Fair Love", Tuesday night Once again the crowd thrilled to the richness of the voices of the mixed choir with its orchestral accompaniment and the unaccompanied choir. The' spectacular stage settings, depicting Biblical times, and the effective simplicity and directness with which the cast presented scenes from the life of the Blessed Virgin won , the rapt attention of the audience and each scene and musical presentation received rounds of applause. The fact that all parts were carried out In "pantomime, with each actor giving a faultless performance, bespeaking long -training and a desire to portray his part with sincerity, added to the impressiveness of the pageant. . Background scenery and lighting for the eight tableaux were particularly effective. - The costumes were matchless in the beauty of detail and color and, designed by Gilberte Landreville, were historically authentic to the minutest detail. . " The singing of the well-loved Christmas carols, with Josephs Victor Laderoute, noted Canadian tenor, leading, was a highlight of the evening. Mr. Laderoute also won the heart of the crowd with his rendition of Shubert's Ave Maria. The music incorporating Palestrlna, the carols, a Gregorian chant, and modern arrangements, lent the final touch of perfection to the pageant Paul Larose was responsible for the effective arrangements and ' also composed special scores for several scenes. Cantata soloists for the evening were Mrs. R. Gagne and Mrs. J. C. Rossignol. The pageant will be presented at the Capitol Theatre each night this week. The Journal WELCOMES VISITORS TO OTTAWA FOR THE OBSERVANCE OF THE MARIAN CONGRESS
Evangelization - Maria Legionis September 1996 ("Frank Duff Woman of Genesis" - Page 362 fff)
The message from Christ which we deliver must not be a mere lesson, because that would leave the listeners cold. Moreover, it must tell of a Person rather than an Institution because institutionalism is a bad word in these days which think that institutions are of their very nature static and always in need of reform; that they stifle initiative and even common active Evangelization.
Accordingly present the Church so that it shines as Christ, for it is Christ. In that short inning of ours, we must go straight to that essence of the Church. Explain that by Baptism there is established a union between Christ and the soul such that they live a sort of joint life with sharings of mission and of goods. The Mystical Body which is thus built up of Christ and the believers is the Catholic Church. Christ's Mother is likewise its mother. She who played a necessary part in redemption continues to play an analogous part in the salvation of each man. The Pope is the visible head of that Body; through him, Christ's voice speaks authoritatively, infallibly. That Body reenacts the life of Christ from the cradle to the grave. It is filled with the Holy Spirit and its food is the Eucharist. The other sacraments admit us to Christ's forgiveness of sin, unite us in matrimony, and bestow the function of the priesthood. The Mass is Calvary in our midst; it is the divine expedient that enables us to be repeatedly present at Christ's sacrifice. Thus built into Christ and helped along the way, the Church must seek to extend its life to all men.
Such a presentation might be called the living core of Catholicism. Do not overload it with secondary things which may only obscure. Plumage decorates but it is not the living bird .... Brief though it is, it delivers an appealing message which represents the essence of the Church."
Some of the History of the Legion of Mary in Ottawa ON Canada
Julian Mack, President of the Ottawa Regia on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the Legion of Mary in 2021. Excellent and to the point presentation on the role of the Legion of Mary in the Church's call to Evangelize
History of Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium 2009 – 2023 at The Good Shepherd Parish, Ottawa, ON
History of Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium 2009 – 2023 at The Good Shepherd Parish, Ottawa, ON
The beginning of the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium took root at an Ottawa
Senatus meeting in 2007 when Father James Whalen, the Spiritual Director, enquired of
Jennifer Snell why was it that her parish, The Good Shepherd, did not have a Praesidium. Father
made the point that Jennifer was a member at Morning Star Praesidium at Annunciation of the
Lord Parish. Even before she could answer, Father Whalen directed Jennifer to get busy and
start a Praesidium at her own parish. Father added that Father Joseph Muldoon, the Parish
Priest at The Good Shepherd Parish, discerned his vocation whilst a member of the Legion of
It will become clear further on that Maureen Ward plays an important role in this history. It was
Maureen who invited Jennifer to join the Legion of Mary in 2004.
Father Muldoon was approached about starting a Praesidium at The Good Shepherd Parish and
without hesitation he agreed that anyone with an interest could start making preparations to
have a Praesidium at the Parish. Shortly thereafter a Columban Drive was held. Maureen Ward
from Annunciation of the Lord Parish helped with the drive and immediately several people
from the parish came forward to state their interest in learning more about the Legion of Mary.
A few phone calls were made to former members of the Legion who expressed their wish to
have a Legion of Mary Praesidium in the Orleans area. These people were delighted at the
prospect of a local Praesidium opening. This result was very encouraging and Jennifer felt there
was much potential to create a Praesidium at the parish. Father Whalen was notified of the
progress and he was very happy.
Energized by the positive response, the wheels to have an introductory meeting with interested
people was set in place, only to have them come to a screeching halt! Resistance from the
Parish to having an introductory meeting was subtle in the beginning but became very obvious
as time went on. Jennifer was told at one point that anyone from outside of The Good
Shepherd Parish who would come for a meeting about the Legion of Mary would have to
submit the necessary paper work for Responsible Ministry and wait for approval of their
request and it was suggested that anyone wanting information about the Legion of Mary could
attend meetings at other parishes. At this point, the plan to start the Legion was put on hold.
Meetings with Father Muldoon to discuss forming a Praesidium were not possible. This was a
very discouraging experience and impossible to explain, especially to Father Whalen, who kept
asking how plans were unfolding for the new Praesidium. Even Monsignor Robert Latour at
Annunciation of the Lord, where Jennifer was a member, was interested in following the plans
for the new Praesidium.
The plans to start the Praesidium at The Good Shepherd Parish was necessarily stopped but the
idea was always placed before Our Lady in prayer. In 2008, Jennifer and Maureen traveled to
the Eucharistic Congress in Quebec City. Mass and a Eucharistic procession were held at Ste.
Anne de Beaupre Basilica on the Friday evening when Maureen and Jennifer implored Good
Ste. Anne to help in eventually having a Legion of Mary at The Good Shepherd Parish. The next
morning, Jennifer woke and saw an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe at the foot of her bed.
Jennifer believes that Our Lady winked with her left eye and then disappeared. This was a very
peaceful experience and filled Jennifer with peace. When Maureen was told of this experience
it was, she who said, “Our Lady of Guadalupe, this is supposed to be the name of the new
In August of 2008, Father Vernon Boyd was appointed Administrator of The Good Shepherd
Parish and on his first day a meeting was held with him to discuss starting a Legion of Mary
Praesidium. Father Boyd was very interested in the Legion of Mary and told Jennifer he would
consider the idea and that he would get back to her when he had an answer. One year later in
September 2009, Father asked Jennifer if she was still interested in starting a Legion of Mary at
the Parish. He enquired as to why there had not been any follow up about the request. The
response was that Our Lady was working on the file and that she would let Father know when
the time was right. Father Boyd mentioned that the wait was a test of obedience.
On the First Friday in the month of October 2009, the first meeting of the Praesidium was held
in the Holy Family Room at the Good Shepherd Parish. Seventeen people attended the
meeting! The next meetings were held in the larger board room. Over a period of time the
numbers gradually declined to ten people. The members of the Praesidium named the meeting
room, Our Lady of Guadalupe. Since the room lacked any religious articles, one member
provided a Crucifix and another an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Father Boyd cautioned the members that there was considerable resistance within the parish to
the Legion of Mary. Predictions were that the initiative would fail, so it was questionable to
start it in the first place. For this reason, Father Boyd restricted our Legion work to within the
walls of Church. The only work assigned to the members was to pray for the parish. The
Praesidium gradually received permission to lead the Rosary before the daily Holy Mass during
the months of May and October and to establish a lending library (Book Barrow).
Of great significance is that once permission was granted to begin a Praesidium and Friday was
the chosen day is that one week later, Father Boyd instituted one hour of Eucharistic Adoration
on Friday mornings following the Holy Mass. Looking back, it no coincidence that the first
meeting of Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium was held on the First Friday of the month of
October and that the parish would begin Eucharistic Adoration in the parish just one week later.
In October of 2010, Jennifer asked Father Boyd about expanding the work of the Legion of Mary
to outside of the parish church. Father explained that our prayers are working so he asked the
members to continue praying for the parish within the church. By this time the Praesidium had
52 auxiliary members who committed to pray for the success of the Praesidium and most
especially for its active members. All this time the Praesidium did not have official status as a
Praesidium within the Ottawa Senatus because there were no officers in place. It was felt
without members doing substantial Legion of Mary work in the community it was not
reasonable to expect members to take on officer roles until they understood the requirements
to be an active member of this lay apostolate.
In 2011, Father Emeka Onyeogubalu was assigned the Administrator of the Parish. Father was
very well acquainted with the Legion of Mary, as he so aptly put it, “my mother is addicted to
the Legion of Mary.” Father assigned our members to visit people in the retirement homes. At
this time, on a weekly basis we visited the AMICA and Blackburn Seniors Residences to pray the
Rosary and to spend time visiting the residents. Father Emeka emphasised how lonely these
people are and how much they need people to visit with them.
It was under Father Emeka that in 2012 Our Lady of Guadalupe finally had four officers in place
and was recognized as a Praesidium in the Ottawa Senatus. Father continued to assign the
Praesidium additional tasks throughout the three years of his being the Spiritual Director. For
the parish assignments listed below beautiful booklets with specific prayers were created for all
to follow. It is noteworthy that these booklets were often taken by visitors for use in their own
parishes. Much thanks to goes to Louise Chretien for sharing her gift of producing all the
booklets for Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium. Devotions assigned by Father Emeka and
coordinated by the Legion of Mary between 2011 – 2014 included:
pray the Holy Rosary before all daily Masses
nine hours of Eucharistic Adoration to celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart
twenty-four hours of Eucharistic Adoration in honour of the Feasts of Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception (08 Dec) and St. Juan Diego (09 Dec)
a day of Eucharistic Adoration in honour of the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Assumption
Divine Mercy Devotions every Friday at 3 pm.
led the first celebration of Divine Mercy Sunday with 33 participants.
five hours of Eucharistic Adoration on the First Friday of each month
coordinated a pilgrimage to St. Joseph’s Oratory for 46 pilgrims
In the fall of 2012, the Praesidium hosted a social where many auxiliary members joined us to
pray the Legion prayers, to enjoy a buffet breakfast and together, we enjoyed a video where
Mother Angelica and Raymond Arroyo interviewed Father Francis Peffly about the Legion of
Mary. Of interest, Father Peffly is a well-known Priest from Pennsylvania, who is the son of
parents who met through their membership in the Legion of Mary.
In 2014, Father Hezuk Shroff was assigned to The Good Shepherd Parish as the Parish Priest.
Father Shroff was the also the Spiritual Director to the Ottawa Regia of the Legion of Mary.
Father Shroff reassigned all previously assigned Spiritual Works to the Praesidium.
Once Chapel Hill Retirement Home opened, members began to visit the residents there to pray
the Rosary, to spend time visiting residents and to sing hymns with the residents. During 2017
we read “Fatima For Today, The Urgent Marian Message of Hope” by Father Andrew Apostoli,
C. F. R. to the residents. We also assisted Father Shroff in celebration of the weekly Holy Mass.
Between 2014-2018 Father Shroff added the following work assignments to the Praesidium:
to spend ten minutes in silent meditation, daily.
weekly Stations of the Cross
door to door Visitations within parish boundaries – we visited 222 homes and had 135
conversations. We distributed a parish bulletin at each door, gave many rosaries and rosary
pamphlets and a few Miraculous Medals to residents. We discovered about 25% of those
visited are fallen away Catholics. Based on the nature of some conversations, we suggested an
appointment with Father Shroff. We encouraged young people to visit the parish youth ministry
and to parents that their children would love our children’s liturgy at Sunday masses.
Bus Ministry – this idea grew when one member started to have Catholic conversations while
riding on City of Ottawa buses, it eventually escalated into a work assignment. We did this
ministry as an alternative to door to door during winter months. The structure is parallel to
door-to-door visitations with the same distribution of bulletins, rosaries and medals. We found
the same number of fallen away Catholics as when we visited homes. We feel we had some
success in reminding people that God is just waiting for them to speak to Him.
Other work assignments started in 2017 and continued up until the pandemic of 2020 included:
Daily: Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Legion Prayers, to pray for past and present Spiritual
Directors and parish Deacons.
Weekly: 1 hour of Eucharistic Adoration, Stations of the Cross
In 2018 Father Virgil Amirthakumur was assigned to The Good Shepherd Parish as the Parish
Priest. All previously assigned work were approved by Father Amirthakumur. Due to lack of
insurance door-door visitations were halted in 2019. Due to the announced pandemic weekly
meetings of the Legion of Mary were not possible from 12 March 2020 until 05 August 2020.
The Legion requested to once again hold meetings in August and this request was granted by
Father Amirthakumur. Although no community works were possible, members attended weekly
meetings as usual. Prayer assignments included praying for the residents and staff of Bearbrook
and Chapel Hill Retirement Homes.
As of January 2021, all meetings were again suspended due to extended pandemic restrictions.
Up until this time Our Lady of Guadalupe consistently maintained four officers and least four
other members and held between 50 and 100 auxiliary members. However, by the spring of
2023 Our Lady of Guadalupe had only three officers and no other members and no member
was a parishioner at The Good Shepherd Parish.
In the spring of 2023 as was a yearly practice a Columban Drive was held at the parish. Fourteen
parishioners expressed interest and as of July 2023 two of these parishioners attend meetings
as probationary members.
Once all pandemic restrictions were lifted the Praesidium began to meet weekly but active
members declined and although the Parish Priest was the Spiritual Director his attendance at
meetings was limited to witnessing of the Legion Promise for new members. By the spring of
2023 three members left the Praesidium to re open Our Lady of the Holy Rosary at the Divine
Infant Parish which is their own parish. The Parish Priest at St. Joesph Parish approached one of
our members and requested that she begin a new Praesidium at this parish, also her own parish
and another member had permission from the Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Miraculous
Medal, her own parish, to start a new Praesidium there as well. This left one officer whose
second term was coming to completion in two months and two probationary members at the
In July the three executive members decided the Our Lady of Guadalupe should close. In
discussion with Br. Maximilien Vachon, the Praesidium will officially close on 21 August 2023
when the annual report for the Praesidium is due. The fruits of the Praesidium are considered
a bountiful yield with three new Praesidium opening their doors.
To Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and St. Joseph her most chaste spouse.
Sr. Jennifer Snell
I took these two photos shortly after Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium was established
Some recent Legion of Mary Events ( and some not-so-recent)
Father Hezuk Shroff Spiritual Director
2019 04 27 - Mary Our Mother of Divine Mercy by Fr. Shroff (pdf)
2020 10 17 - Fr. Hezuk Shroff's talk at the LOM Retreat (mp3)
2020 03 25 - Letter from Fr. Hezuk Shroff on this Feast of the Annunciation (pdf)
Good Shepherd Parish December 6, 2014
The December Function was truly a beautiful event in many ways. I wish to share a few thoughts on the day, especially for the members of Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium who were not able to be with us. I also wish to acknowledge and thank all those who made such a valuable contribution to the success of the day.
The day started when a man from Gatineau appeared at the church by 8 AM. He spends two hours on a bicycle to make it to the church. When I met him he was 'as happy as the days are long' to be with us. He joined those of us there in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament and then helped to prepare the Parish Hall for the luncheon. He was a long-time member of the Legion of Mary in Quebec but when their president died, the Legion ceased to be and the parish eventually closed. At this time he lost contact with the Legion of Mary. He found out about the December function by reading an ad at one of the parishes in Vanier and decided he would like to join us. For me, this gentleman was like an angel who came to us from Heaven. Imagine spending two hours on a bicycle on this frosty December morning. He left home at 6 AM in the dark. This was one of many highlights of my day. He left the church before I could speak further with him but I will never forget M. Gatreau.
Jennifer's full report December Function, December 6, 2014,
Market Ministry
The Legion of Mary in Ottawa Canada puts aside a weekend in August every year to do this ( all day Saturday and all day Sunday ) We set up a booth as you can see ( with permission from the city but I don't know how that works exactly ) There is a table with Church information, Legion of Mary Information, and we pass out blessed rosaries and blessed miraculous medals.
August 12, 2006, Jennifer and I joined a few other Legion members Praise Jesus!
more on this important Ministry
October 13, 2012
Our Lady of Guadalupe Praesidium - Event hosting Auxiliary Members
report- Jennifer Snell
Study Day for North American Conference
Maureen took notes
Study Day for North American Conference
the following notes were taken by Maureen Ward
"What does it really mean to be a Legionary?" October 14, 2006 9:00 a.m. MASS---Our Lady of Fatima Church
(Open to all Active and Auxiliary Members)
10:45 a.m. "The Mission of the Legion of Mary in the United States and Canada-
The New Evangelization." Opening remarks.
Highlights of the July 2006 Legion Dublin Conference to be presented on the following topics, and discussed in an open forum with all present.
11 :00 a.m. Holiness of Its Members / Leadership in the Legion
11 :30 a.m. Towards a New Evangelization / Reaching Out to All
12:30 p.m. CATENA
12:40 p.m. Extension and Recruiting / Finance and Literature /Audits
I: 15 p.m. Leadership and Formation of Legionaries /Young Adult /Youth Movement/ Junior Movement
1:50 p.m. STRETCH - Washroom break
2:00 p.m. Legion Government / Promotion of the Three Causes
2:30 p.m. Co-operation with Priests/ Legion Works
"What Does it Really Mean to be A Legionary?"The Mission of the Legion of Mary in the United States and Canada: The New Evangelization
After attending 9 AM Mass, we met in the Parish hall for Registration and Coffee. The rosary and opening prayers were led by Father Jim Whalen at 10 AM . Afterwards, we were shown a slide show of the July 2006 Dublin Conference: It was an Open Forum presented by Sisters Marilyn Montminy and Sue Shepherd on the topics discussed at the Dublin Conference:
A little about our Founder
Frank Duff the founder of the Legion of Mary was a humble ordinary man who loved the Mass and His Catholic Faith.
When Frank Duff read The True Devotion to Mary the first time he didn’t put too much stock in this little Treatise on Our Blessed Mother by Saint Louis Marie de Montfort. But eventually he came to love The True Devotion . He said that one day he read it and something clicked and he realized what a treasure it was and he must take it to families! Today The Legion of Mary has 10,000,000 members world wide. -Frank Duff always prayed with a map in his lap.
He said that in his experience, People were eager to be asked about their faith and responded favorably when he approached them: for example He would walk up to somebody and say " Did you ever think about being a Catholic?"
He drove his bicycle where ever he went and he would take his camera throughout Dublin and take pictures . His camera had a little statue of Mary on the top and very often people would ask about it. That would be the opening he needed to talk about our Blessed Mother.
He describes the Legion as "Mary’s Presence, her Personality. Her Love."
Holiness of its Members and Leadership in the Legion:
How can we become more holy?
-Frequent attendance at Mass
-Practice true devotion to the Trinity.
-Frequent reception of the Sacraments. Every Sacrament allows transformation.
-Secret of the Legion is the True Devotion.
-Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
-Praying the Rosary
-Faith, Love, and Reason
Leadership in the Legion
-Frank Duff said that even the impossible can lead to grace
-Officers must earn respect from its members
-Friend to all
-Have workshops to train officers
-Appoint various members to participate in leading a part of a meeting
-Legion executives must be servants
-Unity. Never, Never, Never disagree in front of the body.
-Don’t be a complainer or it will turn your Praesidium into a pig sty.
-Set aside time every month to study the promise.
-We do not go to the Holy Spirit. He comes to us and we must respond.
-Officers of each Praesidium should get together occasionally to plan schedules, dates for events etc.
-Be a good listener
-Leadership roles are to facilitate the Body of the Praesidium.
-If a leadership role is too large then divide it up.
-Enthusiasm and joy is always available from Mary.
-Senatus needs our prayers
-Father Whalen needs our prayers.
-Prayer keeps the devil at bay.
Towards A New Evangelization Reaching OutTo All
Mary is the "Star of the New Evangelization" Pope Benedict XV1
-it was suggested having apologetics classes for Legionaries. ( How to defend ones faith with short concise answers without offending anyone)
-People are harder to reach these days because of " Gated Community"
-Get to know someone in one of these condo- type communities and perhaps have an information session in their common room
" Exploratus Communicatus"
-Visit another Praesidium once in a while and perhaps set up a table together with Legion Information.
-Newly baptized are always open about learning more about the Catholic faith
-Faith is The "Father’s Gift" When we share our faith we are extending this gift to those who chose to accept it. (Like a bouquet of flowers)
-our young people are not the Church of the Future, they are the Church of today.
-think, plan, immobilize ( follow up)
-Patricians, a great way to evangelize.
-How about having a legionary at the door of the church to greet parents who are dropping their child off for mass?
-perhaps the legionary could prepare a package for parents of infants being baptized?
-try to visit schools
-personal testimonies. People love stories.
-teaching the rosary to families in their homes
-the University CCO Students give out free popcorn . They try to get names of fellow students and follow up with a phone call to invite them to a Christian meeting,
-the first contact is very important.
-Sister Marilyn said that the distance and aging problem didn’t seem like a problem any more after the Conference.
-the legion handbook is the most read book in the world after the Bible.
-3,000,000 active Legionary members
-7,000,000 auxilliaries
-Sister Marilyn said to us" there is so much grace behind you, so be proud of your Legion."
-sometimes we feel we are small but we are told we are going to be a smaller but more fervent Church ( Pope Benedict XVI)
-Sister Jennifer shared about the Evangelization ministry of the NET Ministry. We must pray for them and all our youth.
Extension and Recruiting
-step out from the core and use a map
-tactile and hands on.
-Columban Drive: assign extention workers.
-gather all the executives together for discussion.
-visit Seminarians, give them each at least 3 pieces of Legion Literature
including information On Frank Duff.
-Write letters. Frank Duff wrote numerous letters every day.
-Faith is caught, not taught.
Finance and Literature- Audits
-Paper work should always be kept.
-always 2 signatures
-cash must be counted by 2 Legionaries
-should help the church pay for any utilites we use, even if just a stipend.
-we can raise money for a Praesidium work ( i.e) Handicapped Pilgrimage
-any large amounts of money must go through council.
-someone commented that the treasurer of a Praesidium is most like Mary
( very practical)
–all councils should have their books professionally audited.
-a copy of all audits should go to Concilium
-no masses bought or paid for by secret bag ( except November Mass for Departed Legionaries and a mass each year for the sanctification of our priests.
-photocopy of monthly bank statement.
-accepting donations?
-public liability insurance.
-Father Whalen says that Legionary work is minimal risk because we always are sent out two by two.
-secret bag counted by two legionaries at the end of each meeting.
Leadership And Formation of Legionaries Young Adult/ Youth/ Junior Movement
-nominated to a leadership role: from that moment he/she is working to replace his/herself
-every executive position should be explained clearly
-assist officers as often as possible.
–we are Mary all over again; we are her up to date garment of flesh
-we need to challenge our membership to do things they don’t always feel like doing.
-show enthusiasm with our assignments.
-when a member balks at an assignment one could gently ask "Would you please do it for Mary?"
-we need to encourage enthusiasm in souls.
-to quote Frank Duff " Do you want more grace in your life?"
Young Adults- Youth Movement
-Sister Sue said that she learned about NET Ministries at the conference
-be Innovative
-Learn another language
-music is the universal language for youth ministry
-involve parents in activities
-Junior Group suggested age: 8-13
-Don’t baby them. Challenges are good for the young ones.
-altar servers
-include the youth whenever possible in parish activities.
-ask children to hand out church bulletins, song books etc. There is s a story of one priest who gathered up all the songbooks in the pews and had the young people hand them out at the door. It made extra work for the priest but it gave the youngsters a sense of purpose.
-Junior Retreats and Socials
-an older teen friend to look up to.
-include the youth whenever possible in parish activities.
Legion Government
-The weakest link in the Legion of Mary is The Curia , Communication between different levels of Legion Government is of utmost importance.
-All Legionaries must attend weekly meetings.
-Executives must attend Senatus.
-The priest is the Spiritual Director, not the Administrator,
-Organizational problem, go to the Council.
-Council Meetings decisions have an eternal effect. Please attend!
-No sluggish acceptance of postponed reports.
Promotion of the Three Causes
-promoting the cause for the canonization of Frank Duff is a great way to evangelize
-his true devotion to the Holy Spirit
-every apostolic work
-there is no such thing as a hopeless cause
- Emulating Frank Duff in holiness- promoting the great Catholic Doctrines
-Write to the Archbishop to promote the cause for Frank Duff
-think of Frank Duff as our personal friend because he is.
-carry Legion stickers, labels, booklets on Frank Duff, Edel Quinn, Alfie Lamb
-consult the Bishop about having a mass said at the Cathedral for Frank Duff as a special function and invite everyone in the diocese. Tables at the back set up with Legionary pamphlets etc.
-no other lay person has ever promoted such devotion to the Church as Frank Duff has: true devotion to Mary ,the Liturgy of the Hours, attendance at daily mass, pastoral service, defender of the faith.....
-wrote four lengthy letters every night. Frank Duff had a library full of books, but Before he died he regretted that he didn’t get to read more because he was always writing letters.
-an alcoholic at Morningstar Hostel once said "Frank Duff was the only person who looked up to him." Frank Duff by Bradshaw,
Alfie Lamb was a young shy country boy who died of cancer at the age of 26.
-at the time South America was trying to gain independence from Europe. Alfie was able to mobilize the lay people and give them power and hopefulness.
-He changed the Church in South America.
-Great favors are given when great favors are asked for.
-He died on the Feast Day of Saint Agnes
-After his death the youth would walk 30 km each year in January to Alfie’s graveside: he was so deeply loved.
-after his death, 200 legionaries came forward to continue his work in Chile, Peru, Bolivia
Edel Quinn was born in Cork in 1907 and died in 1936
-her missionary work was in Africa-where she worked tirelessly
-she covered the outbacks in rain mud and every kind of conditions
-she was proclaimed Venerable in 1994 by Pope John Paul 11
-it was said that Edel never had a day where she wasn’t ill but she persevered.
-Father Ted Colleton gave her communion 2 days before she died
The works of Frank Duff, Edel Quinn and Alfie lamb are nothing less than heroic.
Cooperation With Priests
-Legionaries work is ministerial and missionary
-Frank Duff said the Legionary work is a vocation.
-Frank Duff had total respect for priests
- never go to our priests with complaints
-"we must be wise as serpents but gentle as doves"
- pray and fast before contacting a priest-
- Be hospitable to student Priests
-Use retired priests as our Spiritual Directors
-Father Whalen says that he owes his vocation to the Legion of Mary
-It is unfortunate that many priests do not want the Legion of Mary in their parishes.
-pray pray pray for priests
Legion Works
-advance the praesidium by heroic works by emulating the heroes of the legion.
Father Jim Whalen said that -pro-life, pro-family work is always heroic ;
-Our Market Ministry
-Book Barrow to the University
-Frank Duff would approach people and ask them questions about their faith.
he was usually well received
-after huricaine Katrina a legionnaire traveled 8 hours in a bus to give the annual report of her praesidium
-in faith, step out of our comfort zone.
Closing Remarks
-grace comes -
- Mary will make the dream come true-
-Beg for a portion of Frank Duff’s wisdom and devotion
-partnership between laity and clergy
-handbook should become second nature to us and read daily.
-when you go where you have not been before you will never be the same.
-pray for heroic legionaries to be raised up. -
-purchase an ad to be put on back of parish bulletin.
-everything we do in the Legion of Mary changes the world.
-when I am judged God will ask me if I looked after the souls he sent to me.
-God is looking for our heart
-fidelity, there is grace in the effort.
Sister Marilyn told us a cute little joke
"Mary had a little lamb and he became a sheep’
He joined the Legion of Mary and died for lack of sleep"
Closing prayers 3:pm
It was a wonderful day . Thank you Mary!
A WITNESS TO LIFE: BESSIE O'MEARA by Fr Jim Whalen 2002, Issue 1 May 26th, 1984.B. O’Meara
"The one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:14). We celebrate the awesome life and death of Bessie O’Meara, one such little one, a child of Mary, a woman of fervent faith, boundless hope and unlimited charity. She was above all a witness to life.
"The one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:14). We celebrate the awesome life and death of Bessie O’Meara, one such little one, a child of Mary, a woman of fervent faith, boundless hope and unlimited charity. She was above all a witness to life.
When Bessie was born in St Mary’s Parish, Ottawa, Ontario, in 1907, God knew this little one would be close to Him and Mary, all her life - here on earth and for eternity. She was very special. He used her again and again to witness to life and teach others humility and simplicity of lifestyle and the true meaning of faith. She would constantly amaze people by her love of life and her wit and humour. She was the life of every party with her cheerful jingles, hearty laughter and joyful impersonations. She used her talents to put people at ease and bring them together, sharing her life and experiences with us.
We never knew what she would entertain us with next: a skit about Bridget O’Flynn who would not come in, or a dream song that would conclude with a surprise ending, which she would declare most forcefully: "I ate the baloney". In one instance, Bessie was the supervisor of a young lady, Anita Pieko, who was 17 years of age at the time. Bessie was always searching for others to join her in serving Jesus through Mary, in the Legion of Mary apostolate. She recruited her for the Legion of Mary although she had only worked with her for one week. She was more concerned with her willingness to work and join the Legion than how well she worked on the job. She certainly taught many through her childlike demeanor about our need for help from God, our dependency on God and on others outside ourselves; about how we need a child’s simple faith to accept God’s saving actions. We can be sure that it was her childlike qualities that secured heaven for her. It was typical of Bessie’s wisdom to choose passover at Epiphany, the ideal time to move on to her permanent home. As the last of eleven children, she wanted to make sure all the others made it to heaven before her.
Her life pointed to and manifested Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, and Mary as the way to Jesus, following St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion. She honoured Mary and witnessed to Jesus in an extraordinary life of service and intense personal friendship, acquiring personal holiness through the sanctification of others, the Legion of Mary way.
In 1937, she joined the Legion of Mary Praesidium, Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted, taking part in weekly visitation to women in prison and the handicapped. She continued to visit the women when they were released from prison, helping them by bringing them to retreats. She was the heart of many a pilgrimage for the handicapped to Cap-de-la-Madeleine or St-Anne-de-Beaupré.
She worked on the Senatus, the governing body of the Legion for Northern Ontario, with Mary Brennan as secretary, for six years. Their travel experiences, as legionaries, were many and legendary. On one occasion Mary got left behind when the train pulled out of the subway station in London, with Bessie being separated from her. We were later told that Mary prayed to St. Anthony and promised him increasing amounts of donations for the poor if he would bring Bessie back. Bessie came back twenty minutes later and it cost Mary one dollar.
Her other great service to life was her apostolate to the native missions. She was a missionary par excellence, devoting hundred of hours to gathering handmade mittens and other items to raise money for the needy. This yearly event at St. George’s would gather in legionaries and Catholic Women’s League members from all over the city and countryside. No one could refuse to help Bessie as she would not take no for an answer. This was not surprising, as she never refused to help anyone in need.
Two other passages in Scripture really spoke to me about her: "In life and death we are the Lord’s" (Rom 14:9) and "God will bring those who have died in Jesus with Him" (1Thess 4:14).
Bessie belonged to a generation that had a great respect for life and a sense of death, both of which we are in danger of losing today. She had a sense of the all-pervading presence of God in good times and in bad. Her life was spent in the shadow of God’s presence. This came from a wisdom of long years lived well and a sense of what was right, true and good, from a sense that nothing could come between her and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:39) and from a sense that those who live a virtuous life are in the hands of God. No torment will ever touch them (Wis 3:1). She had a sharp sense of God’s presence that flowed into the values around which she organized her life, into the faith, hope and love she planted in the souls of her family members, friends, and many, many godchildren. This is expressed in their loyalty to the virtues she cultivated in them, faithfulness to Mass, Confession and family life.
Her goodness was evident in the everyday bits and pieces, little acts of charity and little acts of prayerful silence and her sense of the wonder of God that many of us would like to have. We thank her for her ‘witness to life’, teaching us how to live well and die well, in service to God and life, to neighbour, to the neediest, and to aboriginal people. Pro-lifers would do well to imitate her commitment.¤
Development of the Legion of Mary in the Ottawa Archdiocese - May 26th, 1984.B. O’Meara
If ever the saying; that "Great oaks from little acorns grow" were proven, it was in the humble way the first praesidium of the Legion of Mary was started in October 1934 in St. Joseph's Parish in Ottawa. It could almost be described as "accidental" because of the rapidity with which it got under way. But we know that in God's plan nothing is accidental, although the method is sometimes unusual.
And so it was God's plan that Mary Duffy, the first full-time Legion, Envoy from Legion H. Q. in Dublin, came to Saint John, N. B., at the request of a Redemptorist priest, Father Tim O'Sullivan, and set up praesidia in that region. From there she was to proceed to Toronto, and Father Tim suggested that she stop off in Ottawa en route.
With only one day at her disposal for such a stop-over, Mary came to Ottawa, in early October 1934. She got into conversation with a priest at the train station , and who do you think it was? None other than Father Scannell, an Oblate priest just arriving from England for his assignment in St. Joseph's Parish. He suggested that she pay a visit to the Pastor there and gave her the address.
Mary dropped in to the church to say a prayer for guidance and, noticing the name "Father James Sullivan" on a confessional, said to herself': "Now that's a good name, I'll try him", and proceeded to the rectory. She was thrilled with Father Sullivan's reception and she had two pluses going for her. ( 1) She was promoting an organization devoted to Our blessed Lady and (2) she shared the same nationality, Father Sullivan having hailed from County Kerry himself.
On explaining that she had to go on to Toronto the next day, Father said he would get a group together that evening. There were fast phone calls to some devoted parishioners and Mary spoke to them that night. And that is the unheralded manner in which the first praesidium of the Legion of Mary (called Mary Immaculate) and actually the first in the Ottawa Archdiocese, saw its birth.
Mary Duffy went off to Toronto the next day, leaving the newborn praesidium to develop. The first President was Maye McEvoy and Father Sullivan was the spiritual director. We must remember that the lay apostolate was something almost unheard of at that time. So it took more than a little courage for these first legionaries to make such a commitment and to start out on visitation of the parish - but do it they did! For two years they carried on their work quietly and unobtrusively, with wonderful results under the zealous direction of Father Sullivan. One early report showed that 13 persons under visitation returned to the Sacraments after absences ranging from 1 to 45 years.
Today we salute the memory of those first legionaries in Ottawa, at the same time saluting the present members of "Mary Immaculate"Praesidium, who are carrying on the Legion work in St. Joseph's in the same dedicated spirit.
Then another Envoy was sent out from Ireland to join Mary Duffy in extension work in Canada and the United States. John Murray came to Ottawa in November 1936 and in the course of one month started groups in St. Mary's, St. Brigid's and Almonte.
St. Joseph's Praesidium gave him valuable assistance in this extension. Then there were four praesidia.
As a praesidium is like a body without a heart until a governing Council is established in an area, a Curia was formed in November 1937, with Maye McEvoy as President and Father Sullivan the spiritual director.
In 1941 Father Sullivan was transferred to Vancouver, leaving a deep sadness in the hearts of the Ottawa legionaries on the loss of a very beloved spiritual director. Father Bradley was appointed to succeed him as Curia Spiritual Director, and was with us until November 1971, representing 30 years of devoted service to the Legion. We owe a debt of gratitude to Father Bradley, especially for his fidelity to the monthly Curia meetings and his down-to-earth Allocutios, always oriented to the training of legionaries. Father Lunney succeeded Father Bradley and is still with us.
A Junior Curia was established in 1941 to govern the junior praesidia. Tne junior section of the Legion played a notable part in Legion history here. At one time 28 praesidia were attached to the Junior Council. The activities of the young legionaries in some cases approximated those of seniors. One notable achievement was an annual day of retreat for physically handicapped children which: when reported in Maria Legionis, resulted in other centres following suit. One happy highlight was the number of young people whose vocations to the priesthood and religious life were fostered by their membership in a junior group. A rundown of some reports reveals a fascinating account of what young apostles can do with the proper supervision and motivation. To our sorrow there are no longer any junior groups in the Ottawa picture-a real challenge faces us today in this respect.
During the years from 1941 to 1956 extension work was carried out in many diocese apart from Ottawa. In fact, so much extension activity was going on that in 1956 the Concilium asked Ottawa to take on Senatus status. This meant governing the Legion throughout the Province of Ontario. It was a tall order, and with many qualms we accepted the new responsibility.
Up Until this time the individual French-speaking Praesidia were attached to the English Curia. At this juncture, however, it was felt that the French Praesidia would benefit greatly by having their own Council with affiliation to the Senatus. So Curia Immaculata was set up in 1956, with Sister Jeanne Chagnon as the first president.
Senatus Correspondents were appointed for the affiliated Councils and isolated praesidia in different parts of Ontario, and many generous legionaries gave their vacation time and weekends to extension efforts in and outside of the Senatus area. This is just a sample:
3 months in London Diocese
2 months in Alexandria Diocese
1 month in Hamilton Diocese
1 month in Edmonton area - including Peace River District
An event of tremendous importance was a trip to Lindsay in 1956, where we first made the acquaintance of Mary Kennedy, who was keeping house for Father Carroll. When their group was started, little did Mary Kennedy (or we) dream that she was taking the first step on her way to Legion fame.
On a visit home to Ireland later, she went to Legion H.Q. and the Concilium recognized her as Legion envoy potential. On returning to Canada she spent several years in Ottawa learning everything she could about the Legion. In 1963 when a request was received from Father McKey, S.J. for an extension worker for the Jesuit Indian Missions, the Senatus suggested Mary as an ideal prospect. Most of you know the rest of the story of her 8 years' work throughout Canada as an Envoy, followed by a three-year stint as President of the Toronto Regia, where she did magnificent work in building up the Legion. Mary returned to Ireland about 3 years ago and is now Treasurer of the world Legion Council (known as the Concilium) and she is busier than ever.
In 1978, in order to ease the pressure on the Senatus, the Councils of Windsor Niagara, Hamilton (and later, Peterborough) were transferred to Toronto, which was then raised to the status of Regia. This Council has been doing exceptional work under the devoted direction of Father Sheehy. This was clearly demonstrated at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Legion in Toronto held early this month when Cardinal Carter and 30 spiritual directors (including Father McGrath) concelebrated Mass in St. Michael's Cathedral - certainly a definite indication of approval of the Legion.
And now - I will ask Sister Blanche Gareau, President of Curia Immaculata, to present a resume on the development of the Legion in the French parishes of the Archdiocese. This was prepared by Sister Jeanne Chagnon, who unfortunately is unable to be with us today due to illness.
We offer our warmest congratulations to Curia Immaculata on the splendid progress made since their Council was set up in 1956.
Now I will continue with some special highlights in our Legion history.
Most of our present Praesidia are set up in a parish situation where they can be of tremendous help to a pastor (almost like a second curate) in keeping him in touch with his parishioners. Teaching catechism to children attending public schools, visiting the sick in homes and hospitals, working amongst senior citizens, taking the parish census and carrying out what is called "the apple of the Legion's eye" - home-to-home visitation, of the parish, conferences for non-Catholics - to name only a few of the myriad activities of parish Praesidia.
Over the years the Legion in Ottawa has been unique in the number of non-parochial Praesidia set up for a specific apostolate.Most of these are not in existence now, but they do represent areas of very rewarding apostolates and an important part of our history, so I am mentioning them.
Queen of Apostles - Originally set up to assist with the classes for non-Catholics held at Immaculata High School. With the discontinuance of such classes the Praesidium began to work amongst new Canadians and are still doing great work in that apostolate.
Our Lady of Light - Composed of blind and sighted members - working with the blind, the deaf and other handicapped people. One notable project is an annual day of retreat for the disabled - one such day was held last Saturday.
Retreat Praesidium -In cooperation with the then-existing Retreat Association sponsored special evenings for non-Catholics, converts and various organizations at Villa Madonna Retreat House. This group was disbanded some years ago.
Our Lady Fountain of Faith - (no longer in existence) A unique group whose membership represented 18 different nationalities with the Chinese Centre as their meeting place. They worked amongst University students and young people from the Carribbean. This group was also responsible for initiating the Holiday Apostolate project. Senior high school students under responsible leadership provided by various religious communities went to Indian Reserves in a specified section of Ontario and spent not less than two weeks doing whatever work the pastors' wished. This activity became nationwide and the Legion's association with it discontinued, but it is still being carried on under the dynamic leadership of Father Jim Whelan and Sister Jeanne d'Arc (Sisters of St. Mary of Namur) under the title of "Holiday Community Volunteers" Sister Mary Jefferies (Notre Dame Congregation) was closely involved in the initial stages of this project ..
The Seminary Praesidium in Holy Rosary Scholasticate is worthy of special mention because of the fruitful results it has produced. Their purpose was to become familiar with the Legion system so they could apply it later on in their ministry. Many Oblates who were members of this group have given outstanding service as Legion spiritual directors in numerous parts of Canada and mission areas. This praesidium was disbanded some years ago.
Mother of Christ Praesidium -(No longer in existence), visited the men's prison and worked amongst juvenile boys at the Detention Home in Alfred.
A Praesidium in St. Vincent's Rospited (not now in existence) was composed of patients and outside legionaries. This was written up in 'Maria Legionis', resulting in similar groups being started in other areas.
Mary Comforter of the Afflicted - (not now existing) The fascinating story of how this praesidium came about is one all of its own. Weekly visits to the women's prison and follow-up visits after release comprised the assignments. The contribution of Reverend Sister Hortense (Sisters of Charity) was so outstanding that on her death an editorial in the Citizen paid special tribute to her.
And now a brief outline of events which are real highlights of Legion history in Ottawa
First Canadian Congress in October 1941, attended by 250 legionaries from Canada and the United States. 80 out-of-town legionaries were billeted in homes of local members.
Unforgettable Congress in 1947 - held in compliance with Archbishop Vachon's request that all Marian societies hold a Conference just prior to the opening of the Marian Congress. Some 500 legionaries from Canada and the United States attended, and special visitors were Cardinal D'Alton from Armagh, Ireland, Bishop Helmsing of St. Louis, Missouri and Father Francis Ripley of Liverpool, England, whose Legion writings are so well known. The Legion was also invited to have a Booth at, The Marion Congress Mission Exhibit and some wonderful contacts were made.
P.P.C. Project - sponsored by the Senatus and hosted by St. Patrick's Parish praesidium, when a team from Ireland and local legionaries spent two weeks doing house-to-house visiting in St. Patrick's parish, with some outstanding results.
Catholic Information Booth - at the Central Canada Exhibition for 3 years, where again some wonderful contacts were made with people of all faiths. Father Francis McEvoy did a great job contacting young people.
Pilgrimage to Cap de la Madeleine and Ste. Anne's - First pilgrimage was held in August 1939 - none could be held during the war years. Resuming in 1946, this year represents the 38th trip.
Retreats - Annual retreats for legionaries have been held since the early days of the Legion. A special project for some years was an eight-day Holiday Retreat at the Retreat House of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Nominingue, Quebec, attracting legionaries from many Countries Father McGrath was one of our favourite retreat masters.
Auxiliaries (rightly called the "praying Wing of the Legion) have supported the work of the active members throughout the years, and our special thanks goes out to them for this precious backing.
This covers in a very general way the development of the Legion since it started here in 1934. At this time there are 16 senior praesidia (English-speaking) in the Ottawa Diocese. Councils affiliated with the Senatus are: Kingston, Belleville, North Bay, Sudbury, Sault Ste. Marie, and praesidia in Thunder Bay and Nipigon. There are still many places in the Senatus area where extension work should be done. Mr.Duff has written an article called Our potential membership is the uncommitted population!! - so it would seem there are many people out there who we could be approaching to join the Legion.
Pope John 23rd once made this statement "The Legion of Mary represents the true face of the Catholic Church today" - that is something for us to remember as he didn't say those words lightly.
Statistics are usually dry affairs, but Legion statistics are anything but. Through the routine of the weekly meeting and assignments, the members reports fairly sparkle with the graces which through Our Blessed Lady have been brought to literally thousands of souls contacted by the Legion in the past 50 years.
With all this talk of accomplishments you might think there were no problems - but there were many of them! Sure it would be the rare Legion Council which never had any. If you know of any such a Council, let us know and we'll give them a few! We should not be boastful about what has been accomplished, but sure there's nothing against us being very happy about it, and certainly we are most grateful to God. The bottom line, of course, is that our fidelity to the Legion rules will mark what makes a good legionary end develops that ingredient called the "Legion Spirit" This is not something floating around in the air where you can grab it, but it must be worked at and cultivated through fidelity to the Legion system. In this way eventually our Legion membership becomes a way of life with that joyousness that should mark a true follower of Our Blessed Lady. Joy is an indication of true Legion membership. If this is not evident in our daily lives, there is something missing in our membership.
This resume of Legion history would not be complete without a special recognition of Father McGrath's contribution to the Legion in Ottawa in so many different ways over the years. His continued interest is evidenced by his presence today for our 5Oth anniversary celebration.
Thanks also to the many priests and sisters who have guided the Legion along the way in the role of spiritual directors. I am sure that Father Sullivan is looking down on this gathering and rejoicing that the seed sown in 1934 has had such rewarding results.
Throughout this resume the names of legionaries involved are not mentioned because there are just too many who have made an outstanding contribution to the Legion in countless ways. But we should pay a tribute to five legionaries no longer with us whose dedication was notable. I speak of Mary Tierney, Marjorie Brennan and Charlie O'Reilly from the Senatus, and Blanche Dionne and Julienne Bernier of Curia Immaculata. We can be confident that they received a royal welcome from Our Blessed Lady for their devoted service in her Legion for so many years.
Before closing, I must pass along a true story once told to us by Mary Duffy. As you know, the Miraculous Medal is standard equipment to every Legion visit. Two legionaries had been visiting the home of an elderly couple for a while and the husband was not all that fussy about their coming. On one occasion he answered the door and finding them on the steps he immediately walked away, bellowing to his wife in the kitchen: "Sarah, it's those darn "miraculous meddlers" again !'
And now to conclude - let us always remember that
All is in the hands of Mary,
In the mighty hands of Mary,
All is in the hands of Mary
Her Legion marches on. "
- May 26th, 1984.B. O’Meara
A WITNESS TO LIFE: BESSIE O'MEARA by Fr Jim Whalen 2002, Issue 1 May 26th, 1984.B. O’Meara
"The one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:14). We celebrate the awesome life and death of Bessie O’Meara, one such little one, a child of Mary, a woman of fervent faith, boundless hope and unlimited charity. She was above all a witness to life.
by Fr Jim Whalen
2002, Issue 1
May 26th, 1984.B. O’Meara
"The one who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven" (Mt 18:14). We celebrate the awesome life and death of Bessie O’Meara, one such little one, a child of Mary, a woman of fervent faith, boundless hope and unlimited charity. She was above all a witness to life.
When Bessie was born in St Mary’s Parish, Ottawa, Ontario, in 1907, God knew this little one would be close to Him and Mary, all her life - here on earth and for eternity. She was very special. He used her again and again to witness to life and teach others humility and simplicity of lifestyle and the true meaning of faith. She would constantly amaze people by her love of life and her wit and humour. She was the life of every party with her cheerful jingles, hearty laughter and joyful impersonations. She used her talents to put people at ease and bring them together, sharing her life and experiences with us.
We never knew what she would entertain us with next: a skit about Bridget O’Flynn who would not come in, or a dream song that would conclude with a surprise ending, which she would declare most forcefully: "I ate the baloney". In one instance, Bessie was the supervisor of a young lady, Anita Pieko, who was 17 years of age at the time. Bessie was always searching for others to join her in serving Jesus through Mary, in the Legion of Mary apostolate. She recruited her for the Legion of Mary although she had only worked with her for one week. She was more concerned with her willingness to work and join the Legion than how well she worked on the job. She certainly taught many through her childlike demeanor about our need for help from God, our dependency on God and on others outside ourselves; about how we need a child’s simple faith to accept God’s saving actions. We can be sure that it was her childlike qualities that secured heaven for her. It was typical of Bessie’s wisdom to choose passover at Epiphany, the ideal time to move on to her permanent home. As the last of eleven children, she wanted to make sure all the others made it to heaven before her.
Her life pointed to and manifested Jesus as her Lord and Saviour, and Mary as the way to Jesus, following St. Louis de Montfort’s True Devotion. She honoured Mary and witnessed to Jesus in an extraordinary life of service and intense personal friendship, acquiring personal holiness through the sanctification of others, the Legion of Mary way.
In 1937, she joined the Legion of Mary Praesidium, Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted, taking part in weekly visitation to women in prison and the handicapped. She continued to visit the women when they were released from prison, helping them by bringing them to retreats. She was the heart of many a pilgrimage for the handicapped to Cap-de-la-Madeleine or St-Anne-de-Beaupré.
She worked on the Senatus, the governing body of the Legion for Northern Ontario, with Mary Brennan as secretary, for six years. Their travel experiences, as legionaries, were many and legendary. On one occasion Mary got left behind when the train pulled out of the subway station in London, with Bessie being separated from her. We were later told that Mary prayed to St. Anthony and promised him increasing amounts of donations for the poor if he would bring Bessie back. Bessie came back twenty minutes later and it cost Mary one dollar.
Her other great service to life was her apostolate to the native missions. She was a missionary par excellence, devoting hundred of hours to gathering handmade mittens and other items to raise money for the needy. This yearly event at St. George’s would gather in legionaries and Catholic Women’s League members from all over the city and countryside. No one could refuse to help Bessie as she would not take no for an answer. This was not surprising, as she never refused to help anyone in need.
Two other passages in Scripture really spoke to me about her: "In life and death we are the Lord’s" (Rom 14:9) and "God will bring those who have died in Jesus with Him" (1Thess 4:14).
Bessie belonged to a generation that had a great respect for life and a sense of death, both of which we are in danger of losing today. She had a sense of the all-pervading presence of God in good times and in bad. Her life was spent in the shadow of God’s presence. This came from a wisdom of long years lived well and a sense of what was right, true and good, from a sense that nothing could come between her and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:39) and from a sense that those who live a virtuous life are in the hands of God. No torment will ever touch them (Wis 3:1). She had a sharp sense of God’s presence that flowed into the values around which she organized her life, into the faith, hope and love she planted in the souls of her family members, friends, and many, many godchildren. This is expressed in their loyalty to the virtues she cultivated in them, faithfulness to Mass, Confession and family life.
Her goodness was evident in the everyday bits and pieces, little acts of charity and little acts of prayerful silence and her sense of the wonder of God that many of us would like to have. We thank her for her ‘witness to life’, teaching us how to live well and die well, in service to God and life, to neighbour, to the neediest, and to aboriginal people. Pro-lifers would do well to imitate her commitment.¤
A few articles about the Legion of Mary from the Ottawa Citizen back to 1943
Cardinal Will Attend Great Catholic Rally: Ottawa Citizen June 28, 1943
Legion of Mary holds Diocesan Convention: Ottawa Citizen September 13, 1943
Legion of Mary Holds Congress: Ottawa Citizen : September 14, 1943
Legion of Mary Rededication: Ottawa Citizen, March 25th 1947
Many Depart for Shrine at Ste. Anne: Ottawa Citizen, August 14, 1949 ( and Cap de La Madeleine
25 Years for the Legion of Mary
Many Bishops take Part in Pilgrimage to Shrine: ( Cap de la Madeleine) Ottawa Citizen August 11, 1967
228 Persons make Shrine Pilgrimage: Ottawa Citizen : August 28 1971