Good Shepherd Parish Day: October 1, 2014

The Good Shepherd Parish Prays during the 2014, 40 Days for Life Campaign

The Good Shepherd Parish prayed for an end to abortion at the Ottawa vigil site on 1st Oct, the feast day of St. Theresa de Liseux, the child of Jesus or the saint of little ways. An average of five people prayed hourly throughout the day including many from across the city. Deacon Lee and three other parishioners proclaimed the Word from scripture. Father Shroff, our Pastor was accompanied by two other Priests and a seminarian for an hour of prayer. It was a blessing to have so many clergy praying at the vigil site.

The Good Shepherd Parish specifically prays for an end to abortion during the 40 Days for Life on the feast of St.Theresa. This day is chosen as our 'parish day' because the feast of St. Theresa is celebrated by simple prayer, spiritual service and kindness to others. "The little way" is the signature of St. Theresa. Shortly before her death St. Theresa said, "After my death I will let fall a shower of roses. I will spend my Heaven doing good on earth."

On this feast day, roses in the form of goodness, encouragement and mercy surely fell on those who prayed for victims of the abortion industry. Midway through the morning a city worker arrived using his break time to join us in prayer. Before leaving he thanked those praying for caring about women who abort their babies, for whatever reason, and for being a visible sign to them as they pass through the door to the abortuary. Soon after a young man on a bicycle stopped to say he wants us to know how much he appreciates the visible sincerity of prayerful people as he passes on his way to work every day. He reminded us that in the end God's way will win. These two 'roses' came almost one after the other during a time when many women were entering the facility where the life of their child and one our brethren in Christ would end.

Just as the day was winding down and several women were exiting the building, a young man with physical challenges came to pray. He brought several copies of words he received in prayer on the wickedness of satan and his fight against God, words specifically related to the sin of abortion. Someone had the notion to offer the information to an abortion worker. While others prayed about this attempt to enlighten the heart of another, the words were delivered to the worker. It was a gift to see that the document was freely accepted by the worker even though it was explained what the text contained. Perhaps a seed was planted with the information which was received in prayer.

As we know, roses grow on vines alongside thorns and so it is with a situation that our parishioners witnessed, first the thorn and then the rose. During the day a young woman was witnessed to be 'escorted' through the door of the abortuary, obviously against her will. Tragically, this is a common scene! This same woman and her 'escort' returned to the vigil site towards the end to the day. In a reserved, gentle way, she approached a gentleman (who was there to pray) with two questions. The first question was about a picture he was holding and the second was to know why people were "standing here all day." The poster in question showed an unborn baby at twelve weeks gestation. She specifically wanted to know if during a pregnancy of three months if this is how "it really looks." As answers to her questions were provided, this beautiful young woman showed much pain, her suffering was clear. An opportunity was thus presented where kindness and love could be extended to her, just as in the signature of St. Theresa's little way. This opportunity was considered a rose from St. Theresa and one clearly meant for this woman. In light of what happened earlier in the day (the thorn) this beautiful sister in Christ was showing the sorrow within her heart, her sadness and regret at the loss of her child. Prayer warriors were given an opportunity to extend compassion and love to this woman. She also received tangible support and most importantly she heard that God loves her.

The day ended at this time and the parish day came to a close. It is ironic that the young woman just presented, is someone who seemingly had 'no choice' but to endure the consequence of what our culture would tell us 'is a woman's right to choose.'

Let us pray that we, the people of life, may always proclaim and defend human life as a gift from God.

meant for this woman. In light of what happened earlier in the day (the thorn) this beautiful sister in Christ was showing the sorrow within her heart, her sadness and regret at the loss of her child. Prayer warriors were given an opportunity to extend compassion and love to this woman. She also received tangible support and most importantly she heard that God loves her.

The day ended at this time and the parish day came to a close. It is ironic that the young woman just presented, is someone who seemingly had 'no choice' but to endure the consequence of what our culture would tell us 'is a woman's right to choose.'

Let us pray that we, the people of life, may always proclaim and defend human life as a gift from God.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus...have mercy on us

Our Lady of Guadalupe...pray for us.

St. Joseph...pray for us

St. Theresa...pray for us

Jennifer Snell

Pro-Life Representative