Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Christ is risen! Truly he has risen! Easter runs for eight days. So, let us continue to celebrate the greatest miracle that ever happened–Jesus rising from the dead. We know that Jesus has already won the victory. Everything that happens after this is just minor details.

My colleague Matt has penned an important piece on how more and more countries at the UN are starting to oppose Trudeau’s anti-life and anti-family crusade. Bravo!

Canada’s top pro-life researcher Patricia Maloney has released on her blog the latest data for the number of abortions in Canada. The numbers spiked by almost 10,000 from the previous year, an increase of some 11 percent. It is unclear what caused the spike, whether it was more accurate reporting of numbers from different provinces or more Canadian women opting to have their pre-born children killed. Whatever the reason, we certainly have our work cut out for us in one day bringing an end to abortion. Each one of these aborted children was a child of God. May God show us the way to accomplish this seemingly impossible task. 

A pro-life doctor in Saskatchewan is being persecuted by the province’s college of physicians for trying to talk one of his patients out of an abortion. He was trying to save a life. And, he is now facing disciplinary charges. Please pray for this doctor.

The Ontario pro-life group Guelph and Area Right to Life is appealing the City’s decision to ban the group’s bus advertisements that promote the abortion reversal procedure. Please pray for the success of this appeal.

Finally, don’t miss the lighthearted must-watch video of the week featuring an actual race between crawling babies. It’s a lot of fun.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


Campaign Life Coalition: The world is fed up with Trudeau’s feminist crusade against life, family, and traditional values

“Countries around the world are starting to stand up to Justin Trudeau’s anti-life and gender crusade at the United Nations, pushing back in a significant way, at the 68th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the largest annual gathering of feminists and abortion activists in the world.”

Run with Life: Canada's abortions up by 11%

“Canada's 2022 abortion stats are out. And they are up by 11%. We've decapitated, disemboweled and dismembered more pre-born children in 2022 than in 2021. That's 9,726 more dead little souls who will never draw their first breath. This is apparently what it means to be progressive.”

CTV News: Saskatoon pro-life doctor persecuted for trying talk patient out of abortion

“A Saskatoon doctor is facing disciplinary charges for allegedly counselling a patient against getting an abortion for moral and religious reasons.”

Guelph Today: Right to Life appeals city denial of abortion pill 'reversal' ads

“The ads in question promote an abortion pill ‘reversal’ process.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Father of 27-year-old autistic woman appeals court ruling in euthanasia decision

“The father of a 27-year-old autistic woman who has been approved for euthanasia, has appealed the decision.”

Gender Ideology

Reduxx: Canadian Male Convicted After Using “Gender-Neutral” Changing Room to Watch Women Undress

“A man with a history of sexually predatory behavior has been sentenced for voyeurism after it was discovered he had been using the “gender-neutral” changing room of a local recreation center to watch women undress.”

April 2024 CLC National News now available

The April edition of CLC National News is now available on our website here. Don’t miss these stories, including: 

Don’t miss CLC president Jeff Gunnarson’s April letter to pro-lifers about joining together in the trenches. Read here.

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Epoch Times: ‘Porn-Proof’ Your Children: Mom Pens Book After Friend’s Son Sexually Abused His Siblings

“Stunned by a revelation from a friend, a mom of three went looking for guidance and found a gap in the market of resources to help parents and their kids navigate the dangers of pornography. So she decided to take matters into her own hands.”

Live Action: Baby girl given 30 minutes to live celebrates her first birthday

“A baby girl has beaten the odds and survived after doctors initially predicted she would only live for a short time after birth due to a large tumor in her chest seen during an ultrasound.”

Epoch Times: Woman Finds Out She’s Pregnant As She Prepares for Infertility Operation: ‘I Feel Very Lucky’

“As she was getting ready to head into the operating theatre, her doctor sprinted into the room and told nurses to stop prepping her for the procedure.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

Lila Rose

Abby Johnson

Must-see video of the week

It's the greatest baby race of all time. It's fun and it shows how much babies can delight and entertain an entire baseball stadium. 

Take Action

If you live in Manitoba, please use our online Action Alert Email platform to send a message to your MLA telling them to vote NO on the abortion buffer zone Bill 8. Click here.

Sign our new petition telling Hamilton City Council: “Don’t censor images of preborn humans.” Click here.


Maureen, I was devastated to learn that the number of abortions has dramatically risen in Canada in 2022.

Every single life lost to this inhuman practice is a tragedy. Each life is precious and irreplaceable. When tens of thousands are aborted every year in our country, the magnitude of the loss is simply indescribable.

This news hits close to my heart. My wife Erin and I are about to welcome our new baby into our home this month. We are eagerly anticipating our baby’s arrival. Our baby’s eight brothers and sisters are also looking forward to meeting our baby. Our baby is the cause of so much joy and happiness in our home.

We can’t wait to see what our baby will be like. What kind of personality? Will our baby look more like me or like my wife? Erin can’t wait to hold and nurse the baby. We can’t wait to lavish our love upon our baby.

It breaks my heart to think that there are tens of thousands of mothers who fell victim to the abortion regime and who chose death over life, denying themselves the opportunity to meet their babies, hold or nurse them, and love them.

Babies are so helpless. All they are looking for is to be loved. And, when they are loved, they have so much to give in return.

Abortion destroys all of this. It sunders the relationship between mother and child. It is the greatest act of violence possible.

When I think of what these mothers are losing out on when they destroy their children, my heart just breaks for them.

I often wrestle with God in prayer about this, asking him how much longer he can allow such evil to continue before intervening in some dramatic fashion. The blood of the innocent is one of the four sins that call out to God for justice.

God certainly hears the silent screams of the preborn destroyed by abortion. May he quickly bring this evil to an end. And, may we in the pro-life movement give God permission to be his hands and feet to do his work to accomplish this end.

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski

March 30, 2024