40 Days for Life Winter/ Spring 2021

In the Ottawa area, we are now coming out of lockdown, just as Lent and the Winter/Spring 40 Days for Life campaign begins. Ottawa has not signed up to participate with an on-street vigil at Bank and Queen streets, but that does not hinder us from praying during this period for an end to abortion. Churches are opening up again, giving us the opportunity to have communal prayer for the precious unborn. We all pray for an end to the COVID pandemic, but let us also remember to pray for the hundreds of innocent babies who are killed through abortion on an on-going basis. Let us join our prayers and sacrifices to those of others, including those in the 567 cities throughout the world, who have signed up to hold 40 Days for Life Winter/Spring campaigns.

Prentis is again organizing the recitation of the Rosary, each day throughout the 40 days, by way of Zoom. More information will follow as I receive it.

From time to time I’ll be sending out an email, during this Winter/Spring campaign (February 17 to March 28, 2021).

Keeping in mind God’s immense love for all mankind, let us continue to pray that the annihilation of human beings through the atrocity of abortion comes to an end.

Yours for Life,


Wanda Hartlin


40 Days for Life, Ottawa
