June 21, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network, a pro-LGBT organization, has received a $440K grant from the Trudeau Liberal Government to “organize against hate.” The problem with this group is that it appears to include on its list of “haters” those who are opposed to the anti-life and anti-family ideologies of the day. CLC has been targeted with hit pieces by this organization a few times. You don’t get flak unless you’re over the target, right?

A pro-life group in Alberta is suing the City of Edmonton for not allowing it to display a booth at the annual KDays exhibition as it has since the 1980s. The city banned the group because of its pro-life position. I’m glad to see this group taking a stand for its right to be in the public square.

We’ve released a report about our National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day campaign. By all measures, it was a great success. Praise God!

True North’s new intern reporter Clayton DeMaine has written two excellent pieces about Alliance for Life Ontario’s pro-life conference held last week. Make sure you check them out.

Don’t miss the video of the week featuring the story of a woman who was almost aborted twice after being conceived in rape.

Finally, please read at the end my reflection on Linda Gibbons who was jailed last week for witnessing to life outside a Toronto abortion mill.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


LifeSiteNews: Trudeau gov’t gives $440k to ‘anti-hate’ group known for condemning pro-life, pro-family Canadians

“While advertised as an organized aimed at stopping hatred against minority groups, CAHN openly bashes pro-life and pro-family organizations while promoting the LGBT agenda.”

LifeSiteNews: Campaign Life Coalition blasts ‘shameless’ Liberal Party ‘hit piece’ against pro-life MPs

“The pro-life organization fired back in defense of Arnold Viersen and 40 pro-life MPs, saying ‘Justin Trudeau is the most radically pro-abortion prime minister in history. He requires all his MPs to support his extreme abortion stance.’”

Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms: Pro-life org sues Edmonton City for denying it booth at KDays exhibition

“Internal email exchanges between Explore Edmonton personnel from 2022, obtained through a freedom of information request, showed that the corporation looked for ways to exclude Edmonton Prolife from KDays.”

The Bridgehead: Late-term babies who survive abortions in Canada are still being left to die

“It is a chilling thing to consider, but it is indisputably true: Every year in Canada, babies are born alive and left to die – and not a single political party is interested in speaking out for these children, or stopping this brutality.” 

True North: “It’s time to get loud:” Pro-life groups gear up for the battle of ideas

“Armed with information, pro-life advocates in Ontario left an educational conference over the weekend with renewed determination and passion.”

True North: Can’t fight for unborn without fighting for free speech, pro-life activists argue

“As several Ontario municipalities try to ban pro-life activists from showing images of fetuses on public streets, Ontario pro-life groups are making a push for their Charter rights to be upheld.”

LifeSiteNews: Jordan Peterson calls abortion ‘hands down’ the biggest cause of death for children

“Prominent anti-woke Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson made a strong pro-life statement after observing that abortion is “hands down” the number one cause of death in children in a rebuke to a U.S. congresswoman’s social media post saying gun violence is the main cause of child fatalities.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Catholic hospital facing lawsuit for refusing to euthanize 34-year-old Canadian woman

“This case is about the euthanasia lobby brooking no dissent. They want to force every medical institution to kill by euthanasia.”

Gender Ideology

Campaign Life Coalition: Stop Gordon Wyant

“Don't let him become Saskatoon Mayor.”

Campaign Life Coalition: REPORT: National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day

“A 70% boycott rate was reported across Ottawa's French Public Schools, including an 80% absence rate at Michaëlle-Jean Public Elementary School. National "Pride" Flag Walk-Out Day was observed in at least 8 provinces.”

Real Women of Canada: Homosexual Activists Have Gained Control of Our National Agenda

“This is the result of Prime Minister Trudeau providing enormous grants to the major homosexual organization, EGALE (Equality for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere). EGALE effectively hit the gravy train when Trudeau became Prime Minister, receiving $100 million in taxpayers’ money since 2017.” 

Western Standard: Liberals put forward bill to establish national day of conversion therapy awareness

“A total 293 days a year are currently dedicated to ‘2SLGBTQI significance,’ in a list that is ‘not exhaustive.’”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Pregnancy Help News: One couple’s amazing story about how they reversed a chemical abortion

“I just had this feeling in my gut that this wasn't the right thing to do,” Ben said of the impending abortion. “So, I sent her a text message saying, ‘You know what? Get out of there. We can do this.’”

LifeNews: Family Saves Abandoned Newborn Baby

“A family out for a morning walk in Texas jumped into action when they found an abandoned newborn girl wrapped in a towel on the ground…”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

40 Days for Life

Kristan Hawkins

Jordan B Peterson

Must-see video of the week

Take Action

Sign our new petition in support of MP Arnold Viersen who is under attack for his pro-life views. Sign here

Send a postcard to pro-life MPs to show them support and to thank them for defending the preborn in Parliament. Click here.


Maureen, I have so much respect for Canadian pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons. She was arrested and sent to jail last week after once again breaking Ontario’s bubble zone law by witnessing in front of a Toronto-area abortion mill.

Linda was sent to the Vanier Centre for Women in Milton, Ontario, where she remains.

The 75-year-old Christian grandmother has chosen to remain in jail rather than be released on bail with the condition that she must no longer witness to life in front of the abortion mill. Linda is not able to comply with this condition.

It shows just how much she loves the preborn. She is not willing to abandon them even when it means the loss of her freedom. 

She has a court appearance today at 2 PM where she will learn the charges against her. 

Throughout all of this, Linda remains in good spirits. She is willing to suffer imprisonment joyfully for the sake of the preborn.

Please pray for Linda. Also, please send Linda an encouraging message by writing to her in jail at the following address:

Linda Gibbons
Vanier Centre for Women
655 Martin St.
P.O. Box 1040
Milton, Ontario, L9T 5E6

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski