June 28, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons was arrested for the fourth time on Wednesday. The 75-year-old Christian grandmother was surprisingly released from jail last Friday (June 21) after being arrested for witnessing to life in front of a Toronto-area abortion mill. 

Earlier this week, on the second anniversary of the overturn of Roe in the US, the Liberals engaged in a coordinated social media attack on the Conservative Party of Canada using portions of the documentary ROE Canada: The True-North in a Post-Roe World from DunnMedia & Entertainment.

In the midst of this, Josie Luetke, one of the principal investigators in the film, had the rare honour of being memed by the party in a social media post on X. We used this as an opportunity to proclaim on X our message that the pro-life movement will not stop until preborn children are afforded the same right to life that our Charter guarantees to "everyone."

Please read some excellent reports on our website by our president Jeff Gunnarson about how the case against faithful school trustee Mike Del Grande is falling apart. 

Toronto Catholic school board employees are planning to represent the board and march in the city’s morally depraved “Pride” parade. We’ve launched a petition to the Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees demanding that they forbid this from happening. You can sign the petition below. 

A petition in the House of Commons is calling on the Government of Canada to cease transgender medical procedures for minors. The petition, which has almost 1,700 signatures, has been authorized by newly elected Conservative MP Jamil Jivani. Please consider adding your name to this petition here.  

Don’t miss the most recent episode of Focused on Life podcast in which CLC Vice President Matthew and African pro-life leader Obianuju Ekeocha discuss the Ugandan Martyrs, School-board victories, bubble-zones, abortion in the DRC, and ask whether ‘pride’ is fizzling out. Listen to it here

Finally, take a peek at my closing reflection in which I respond to MP Mark Holland’s argument that free contraception is about women’s “health.”

P.S. - I will be off next week with my family at a camp. So, no News Bits next week. 

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


LifeSiteNews: Linda Gibbons arrested for 4th time after skipping court to witness outside abortion clinic

“Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons has been arrested again this morning after deliberately skipping a court hearing related to her activism, choosing to witness in front of an abortion clinic instead.” 

LifeSiteNews: Trudeau Liberals called out for targeting pro-life MPs on anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal

“Canada’s top pro-life group spared no time fighting back against a coordinated social media hit job by multiple MPs from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party targeting pro-life Canadian MPs, saying the pro-life movement in Canada is ‘for the win.’” 

Catholic Register: The new colonialism

“I think it boils down to depopulation. They’re trying to keep Africa poor.”

LifeSiteNews: ‘Sinister trend’: Pro-life group calls on Alberta gov’t to stop the rise of late-term abortions

“A provincial pro-life group sounded the alarm over what it says is a “sinister trend” developing in the Canadian province of Alberta, noting how late-term abortions are on the “rise” with full-term babies being left “to die” due to inaction from the Conservative provincial government.”


National Post: Parents Sue BC Hospital for Refusing to Kill their Daughter

“The family of a woman who was denied the chance last year to have a medically assisted death in her hospital room is suing the province and health officials, alleging a Catholic hospital’s ban on the practice deprived their daughter of her constitutional rights.”

Catholic Register: Prisoners killed in Canadian prison system via MAiD 

“11 federal prisoners have ended their lives through MAiD from the time medical homicide was legalized in 2016 until March 31, 2024”

CBC: Father of autistic woman starving herself to death abandons court fight against her MAID approval

“A Calgary father fighting through the courts to keep his 27-year-old [autistic] daughter from accessing medical assistance in dying (MAID) has abandoned his appeal, 14 days after she stopped eating and drinking.”

Gender Ideology

Campaign Life Coalition: Ask Toronto Catholic school trustees to cancel Gay Pride Parade participation

“If your a resident of Toronto, and whether you're a Catholic or not, you can help us lobby the Toronto Catholic school trustees to cancel plans to march in the Gay Pride parade.”

Campaign Life Coalition

“Good news! Based on the latest eyewitness testimonies, I believe the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) witch-hunt against Michael Del Grande is falling apart.”

LifeSiteNews: New Conservative MP sponsors petition to stop ‘sex changes’ for children in Canada

“A petition that has the support of a newly elected Conservative MP calling for the House of Commons to “cease all” surgical or chemical “transitioning” of children or any “gender-affirming” care for kids that causes “irreversible” harm is quickly gaining steam.”  

Inspiring stories to give you hope

LifeNews: Pro-Life Laws Save Thousands of Babies From Abortion Every Month

“Currently 14 states effectively protect all preborn children.”

Right to Life UK: Baby Born at 24 Weeks, Size of a Barbie Doll, Heads Home From Hospital

“A baby girl who was born the size of a Barbie doll is finally going home after spending nearly five months in hospital.”

LifeNews: The Pro-Life Movement is Not Just “Pro-Birth,” We Support Everyone’s Right to Life

“The concern of the movement for women and children, he continues, is evidenced by how the 2,750 pro-life pregnancy centers in the US have shown up for women across the country.”

Live Action: Choices Pregnancy Resource Center and the true support pro-lifers offer women

“We’re giving women hope,” says Jess, the patient care coordinator. “That’s what Jesus does. We’re not just saying ‘keep your baby;’ we’re walking with them until their child is three years old.”

Live Action: Kentucky baby is 50th to be saved by a Safe Haven Baby Box

“Monday afternoon we were honored and blessed to have a baby surrendered at our Fire Station in Montgomery County, KY. The baby boy was surrendered and appeared to be in good health and was transported to our local hospital.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

I Was Gonna Be: This powerful pro-life song, which is from the point of view of a baby that never had a chance to be born, has skyrocketed on country music charts.

Take Action

Sign our new petition demanding that Toronto Catholic School Trustees ban employees from marching in the city’s “Pride” parade. Sign here

Sign our new petition in support of MP Arnold Viersen who is under attack for his pro-life views. Sign here

Maureen, Liberal MP Mark Holland, Canada's Minister of Health, recently posted on social media that the Trudeau/NDP coalition is “making contraceptives free for women across Canada” because “free contraception is about health, it’s about choice, and it’s about freedom.”

The fact is that contraception has nothing to do with "health," as Holland claims. In fact, it’s one of the most dangerous inventions ever foisted on women – really a medical experiment in which women are the guinea pigs.

According to the U.S. government’s National Cancer Institute, studies have provided consistent evidence that the “risks of breast and cervical cancers are increased” in women who use contraceptives.

The Canadian Cancer Society states that women who take the pill have a “higher risk” for breast, cervical, and liver cancers.

Contraception has also been linked to an increased risk of developing blood clots and it is known to precipitate depression. And, women using contraceptives have up to triple the risk of suicide when compared to women who don’t use it.

As Space X founder Elon Musk recently pointed out on X (Twitter), “Hormonal birth control makes you fat, doubles the risk of depression & triples risk of suicide. This is the clear scientific consensus, but very few people seem to know it.”

The cumulative cost of addressing these health issues in our failing healthcare system over time would be difficult to capture because of its magnitude. But, think billions of dollars.

While many women may not know what the literature says about the harms of contraception, more and more of them are getting off hormonal contraception after experiencing too many side effects.

Women are also waking up to the reality that they don’t need man-made substances to control their fertility. They have a natural rhythm in their bodies where, if they don’t want to get pregnant, they simply forgo relations during their fertile window, about 5-6 days of the month. The scientifically proven Billings and symptothermal methods of fertility awareness are what's empowering women today to take back control.

It turns out that women have always had what it takes to control reproduction. Man-made contraception simply enslaves women to big pharma.

It’s time for MPs like Holland to stop lying to women that offering contraception for free is about “health.” The exact opposite is true.

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski