Blessed Pope John XXIII (1881-1963AD)

Mini-Bio: pope: (1958-1963) Italian; He advanced cooperation with other faiths and traditions including Protestant and Greek Orthodox. Doubled the number of cardinals, making the college the largest in history and convened Vatican II, on 11 October 1962.

“Hold truth in holy respect; fear to offend it, to betray it. Impose upon yourself the discipline of silence, of moderation, of patience. Truth seeks only to be proclaimed in its entirety.” Blessed Pope John XXIII

" Humility reduces the vision one has of oneself down to its proper proportion in accordance with right reason. The gift of fear of God follows close upon it to perfect the soul by making the Christian aware that God alone is the highest good." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" Nazareth is the school in which one can begin to understand the life of Jesus: the school of the Gospel. Here one learns to watch, to listen, to meditate, and to penetrate the most profound and mysterious meaning of this manifestation of the Son of God. "Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Such is the charity of the Christians convinced that their possessions have a social function. For they believe that to use what is superfluous to their needs, in favor of one who does not have the necessities, is not an optional act of generosity but a duty." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" It is not enough merely to formulate a social doctrine. It must be translated into reality. This is particularly true of the Church's social doctrine, which has truth as its light, justice as its objective, and love as its driving force." Blessed Pope John XXII

" The voice of the Church is like the voice of a mother: it may seem monotonous at times. However, it has a tone of tenderness and of strength that keeps us from evil and saves us." Blessed Pope John XXII

" This is the flame that Jesus wanted to bring down upon the earth, the one He ardently desired to see enkindled: the fire of His charity, of the justice that He taught and sanctified, of His love for all." Blessed Pope John XXII

" There is no truth that we think is self-evident for all to see: When the sacred rights of God and religion are ignored or infringed upon, the foundations of human society will sooner or latter crumble and give way." Blessed Pope John XXII

" You must trust in God, but also in yourselves. You must trust in the admirable energies that God has given to every person for the development of personality and in a chosen form of life. " Blessed Pope John XXII

" There can be no outward peace unless it reflects and is ruled by that interior peace without which the affairs of human beings shake, totter, and fall. Only God's holy religion can foster, strengthen, and maintain such a peace. " Blessed Pope John XXII

" God is present, no matter how often humanity may forget God. Christianity has the living and modern spiritual energy, ready to confront the negations of a materialistic world. " Blessed Pope John XXII

" Listen to the voices that call you to great things. They call you to your individual work, honestly and humbly performed; to a right conception of social service; and to a true witness each day of your lives by holiness and sanctity." Blessed Pope John XXII

" The Savior expects great fruits from us, and we can supply them in ever greater measure. However, this is true only if we remain in Him, bathed in His Most Precious Blood and inflamed by the fire of His love." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" We cannot shut ourselves off within the narrow vision of our own interests, even sacred ones. For we know that our brothers and sisters in faith throughout the whole world are facing the same problems as we are and perhaps without the means and resources that the Lord has given to us." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Christianity is the meeting point of earth and heaven. It lays claim to the whole person, body and soul, intellect and will. It calls people to raise their minds above the changing conditions of this earthly existence and reach upward for the eternal life of heaven. " Blessed Pope John XXIII

" Fortitude is a Christian virtue, the arduous and ever painful habit of rightful thinking; it is self-control and primacy of the spirit. Fortitude is inseparable from the quest for, and the love of, truth, justice, and equity." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" The longing of Christ's Heart [that all be one] must be our invitation. We must dedicate ourselves anew to the task of establishing among Catholics a firm and abiding love and witness to that unity which is the first mark of the Church." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" What is of greatest importance is that people be fired with loving enthusiasm for prayer. In addition, they must spread the warmth of that flame to others with zeal and self-sacrifice." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"When the Word of God is duly accepted and properly observed, it assures unity in families as well as stability in society. It also assures an indestructible joy that will last beyond time and be transformed for all eternity into a life that suffers no decline." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" Peace is not weakness, nor being indifferent. It is the daughter of justice." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Joseph obeyed. Filled with joy, he offered up the tremendous human sacrifice that was asked to him. He would be the father of the one born, not of flesh, but from love. He was publicly the husband, but really only the guardian, the witness and defender of the immaculate virginity and the Divine Maternity of Mary." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"This is the time to act, to do. A Church that chooses to remain inactive could not possibly be a faithful Church. It would not be a living Church. It could neither confront nor overcome the difficulties that we face in our days." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Remember well, a Christian, especially a Catholic, must be strong. I mean spiritual and moral strength. A follower of Christ should not be afraid. Christians should feel surrounded by an atmosphere of Providence that makes all things work out." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" Let us not only take care to defend ourselves from the contagion of evil but also to promote the good, sustain it, give witness to it, defend it, and multiply it. We must take responsibility for the face that the world is suffering from evil stemming from our lukewarmness." Blessed Pope John XXIII

" We must be convinced of the necessity of having a living, authentic, and active faith. That is all the more true today, when we face so many difficulties. It is not enough to have a vague, weak, or uncertain faith." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"It must be borne in mind that to proceed gradually is the law of life in all its expressions. Therefore, in human institutions, too, it is not possible to renovate for the better except by working from within them gradually." Blessed Pope John XXIII

"Christian life is a sacrifice. Sacrifice inspired by charity has the merit of bringing us into conformity with the earthly life of Jesus. For He became our brother and died for us in order to assure us of joy and glory forever."

Blessed Pope John XXIII

"The Christian family is a sacred institution. If it totters, if the norms that the Divine Redeemer laid down for it are rejected or ignored, then the very foundation of the state tremble. Civil society stands betrayed and in peril. Everyone suffers." Blessed Pope John XXIII


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