Go to Joseph


by Fr. Jim Whalen

1997, Issue 1

"Go to Joseph and do all that he shall say to you." (Gen 41:55). These words were spoken by the pharoh to his people in the seven years of famine, which Joseph had prepared for after interpreting the dreams of years of plenty and want. Similar words were spoken by Jacob, Joseph’s father, to his sons when he sent them to Egypt for help: "Go so...that we may survive and not die." (Gen 42, 2). The Joseph referred to was able to help his adopted people and his family, saving many lives. The advice given was wise.

Today we receive the same kind of advice, to turn in our time of need to a greater advocate, a greater deliverer, St. Joseph, Patron of Priests for Life, Canada, so that our unborn children may survive and not die.

Today, Pope John Paul II tells us: "We still have good reason to commend everyone to St. Joseph...Let us learn from him how to be servants in the economy of salvation. The church commends all of her care including those dangers which threaten the human family." (Redemptoris Custos, John Paul II, 1989, P. 42).

St. Joseph speaks to us by his actions. He said nothing when he was given marching orders by the angel when the Holy Innocent, Jesus, was in danger: "Arise, take the child and his mother and fly into Egypt." (Matt 2, 13).

St. Joseph’s way was in doing, in obedience. No excuses. No delays. No help was promised him. He was the faithful servant, "The Just Man" (Matt 1:19), that was called to be husband of Mary, the foster father of Jesus, the Protector of Mary and Jesus. He was chosen to be the deliverer of Jesus from Herod’s edict of killing Jesus, killing Life. Many Holy Innocents were slaughtered. Today we have another holocaust with abortion killings. (Yearly - 50 million in the world; 0ver 100,000 in Canada - 300 on a daily basis)

We are challenged to be doers, to end abortion! St. Teresa of Jesus tells us "St. Joseph never refused her anything" (Life, 6). We need St. Joseph’s fatherly protection. He can help us return good for evil, "Do Justice" (ISA 1:10-17). ¤

ST. JOSEPH is...

commemorated every Wednesday.

commemorated every March.

a Patron Saint of Priests for Life, Canada.