June 14, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

There was a significant win for the pro-family movement this week when an Ontario Catholic school board voted against flying the “Pride” flag at board-run schools. We are finally starting to see some much-needed pushback against this perverse ideology from school boards. And, it’s largely thanks to parents who have said, “Enough!” Bravo! I’ve provided coverage from a few outlets on this important story. 

MP Arnold Viersen is facing a huge attack because of his pro-life views. We’ve created a petition to support him. Please sign it using the link in the “Take Action” section of this email. 

The Trudeau Liberals have let the cat out of the bag regarding the real reason they are pushing free contraction on Canadian women. It turns out that it’s about turning women into workers, making them become part of the economic wheel. It’s also about taking mothers out of the home. You can read more about that in LifeSite’s report. 

The June edition of CLC National News is now available online. Don’t miss CLC President Jeff Gunnarson’s letter to pro-lifers about making life win in Canada. 

Finally don’t miss a great reflection at the end by CLC summer intern Sophia, who is helping me in the communications department. She writes about the meaning of the victory at the Catholic school board where trustees voted down the “Pride” flag. 

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


Campaign Life Coalition: Trudeau’s Liberals are attacking pro-life MPs

“Every single pro-life MP in Ottawa needs your encouragement.”

Campaign Life Coalition: Stand With Arnold Viersen

“Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party is going after one of the most stalwart pro-life MPs in the House of Commons - Arnold Viersen.”

LifeSiteNews: Doctor admits Trudeau’s contraception plan will keep women working, cost less than if they become mothers

“Dr. Wendy Norman, a professor at the University of British Columbia and head of Canada's Contraception & Abortion Research Team, admitted that Trudeau's free contraception program will keep women in the workforce and cost the government less than if women had babies.”

LifeSiteNews: Pro-life group blasts new Manitoba law banning pro-life activism near abortion mills

“Lamenting Manitoba's new law restricting pro-life activism near abortion mills, Campaign Life Coalition's Pete Baklinski wrote, 'It just became illegal in Manitoba for pro-life advocates to try to persuade a mother against having an abortion within 50 meters of a baby killing center.’”

LifeSiteNews: Veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons released from Toronto jail

“Canadian veteran pro-lifer Linda Gibbons, who was arrested and jailed for a second time in two weeks on Thursday for witnessing to the unborn in front of the notorious Morgentaler abortion clinic in Toronto, was released from jail on Friday afternoon.”


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian doctor says assisted dying law is being used by more people than anticipated

“A Canadian doctor has claimed that the assisted dying law, passed in her country, is being used by more people than anticipated despite it being hailed as an ‘exceptional’ procedure.”

Gender Ideology

Ontario Catholic school board votes down “pride” flag

LifeSiteNews: ‘Repugnant’: Josh Alexander’s lawyer blasts Catholic school board over secret expulsion decision

“Josh Alexander's lawyer James Kitchen recently skewered the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board after it was revealed the board secretly denied his client's expulsion appeal by characterizing his Biblical beliefs on sexuality as 'unsafe.’”

Western Standard: New Brunswick joins Saskatchewan to intervene in Parental Rights Bill case

“New Brunswick has joined Alberta in seeking intervener status as Saskatchewan defends its Parents' Bill of Rights in court.

Inspiring stories to give you hope

LifeNews: Arkansas is Creating a Memorial to Honor the 65 Million Babies Killed in Abortions

“On Tuesday the Arkansas Capitol Arts and Grounds Commission agreed to recommend a location on the state capitol grounds for a monument honoring the unborn.”

LifeNews: Florida Pregnancy Center Celebrates Saving 400 Babies From Abortions

“A Safe Haven for Newborns celebrated the milestone of more than 400 babies safely surrendered earlier this spring.”

Pregnancy Help News: Iowa pregnancy center sees first Abortion Pill Reversal

“Her boyfriend pressured her into having an abortion. Kelci’s significant other threatened her if she didn’t take the pill given to her at the abortion clinic. So, she complied. However, that was not what she wanted to do, and she reached out for help.”

Live Action: After suffering the heartbreaking loss of three babies, they followed God’s call to adopt

“Tiffani Rickey’s biggest dream was to be a mother, but her journey to motherhood would take her down a path of unanticipated loss, crushing heartache… and finally, peace and joy.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

Anna Lulis

Abby Johnson

Must-see video of the week

Take Action

Sign our new petition in support of MP Arnold Viersen who is under attack for his pro-life views. Sign here

Send a postcard to pro-life MPs to show them support and to thank them for defending the preborn in Parliament. Click here.


Maureen, it’s Sophia here, a summer intern working under the direction of Pete Baklinski. He asked me to write the reflection for the end of the News Bits.  

When I was in elementary school, and even high school (which was only a few years ago), the discussion of flying a “Pride” flag had not even been a topic of conversation for many of the educators and school board leaders. 

The idea of promoting this ideology amongst my peers had not even come up in topics of conversation. It was seen as a fringe idea. Then, all of a sudden, the school had a different outlook and the narrative changed. There were topics of flying a “Pride” flag outside our school. This narrative was slowly making its way into the classroom and school assemblies. 

The point is that this ideology, from my perspective as a student, didn’t gradually find its way into our classrooms. There has been a clear ideological push coming from people in positions of power who have a clear agenda that they want to push onto children. 

When those of us who feel uncomfortable with this agenda voice our concerns, we are called horrible names and told we are “intolerant” and that we are “closed-minded.” Reputations can be ruined by such names. The result is that people opposed to this agenda are forced into silence. A vocal minority suddenly controls so many lives.  

So, why have so many people been willing to adopt this ideology so quickly? 

I think it is a multi-layered answer. However, most importantly, I think that people have lost their sense of identity as a child of God. This, at the core, is what makes us who we truly are.

When you have generations of parents who have neglected their faith, the result is children who will do the same. It leaves children with an empty sense of self. They don’t know who they are and they have no sense of belonging. Then they find a place on the internet where they can be ‘accepted’ and ‘feel welcome,’ which is exactly what the LGBT ideology promises to people.

These children will so quickly adopt this new identity. Then, after these people are promised to ‘find their true identity,’ they are left with a life where their whole purpose revolves around sexual perversion.  

Some people, however, are beginning to see the LGBT ideology for its empty promises. Certainly, parents have been seeing this for some time. That is why so many parents have been attending board meetings where the subject at hand is LGBT ideology in their children’s schools. They have said, “Enough! Leave our kids alone.” 

Parents certainly had this attitude at the recent meeting at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic board where trustees, listening to parents, voted against flying the “Pride” flag at board-run schools. 

Parents are taking back control of their children and the education they are receiving in schools. This is a step in the right direction!

[Thank you Sophia for this great reflection! - Pete]

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski