July 12, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons has now been charged with four counts of contravening Ontario’s bubble zone law that protects child-killing at the province’s abortion mills. She’s now in jail awaiting trial. Please pray for her. 

Andrew Lawton has written an excellent piece in The Walrus highlighting who Pierre Poilievre really is, especially when it comes to life and family issues. As many of us have known for a long time, he is pro-abortion and in favour of homosexual “marriage,” having flipped-flopped on these two issues. Preborn babies targeted for abortion desperately need a political champion who will not compromise when it comes to defending their lives. 

Euthanasia numbers continue to climb year after year. They are now 15% higher when compared to the previous year. The jaws of death gape wider and wider for more victims who are misled into having themselves killed as an exercise in “autonomy” and “rights.” 

CBC tells the heartbreaking story of two men who are receiving North America's highest civilian award after they died trying to save children from drowning. I know some members of the family and was deeply grieved last year upon learning of their tragic deaths. Please pray for this family. 

The must-see video of the week may not be for everyone. Choice42 has released its third animated video in a series highlighting the gruesome realities of abortion. This video shines a light on the babies that were aborted to obtain cell lines used for medical purposes, such as the testing of various vaccines. 

CLC investigated these cell lines in 2021-22 in relation to some of the Covid vaccines that were developed and/or tested on such cell lines. In a January 14, 2022 letter to the Catholic Bishops of Canada, CLC president Jeff Gunnarson highlighted the humanity of the children behind the cell lines and called on the bishops to "steer clear of or cease policies that mandate COVID vaccines tainted by abortion."

The July edition of CLC National News is now available online. Don’t miss CLC President Jeff Gunnarson’s letter to pro-lifers about making a difference in Canada. 

Finally, don’t miss my reflection at the end about how our country’s socially conservative, pro-free-speech, pro-democracy, pro-life-and-family movements are facing a new attack.  

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


Pro-life Canadian Man: Pro-life heroine Linda Gibbons charged for breaking Ontario’s bubble zone law

“Linda has five charges brought against her from her four arrests in the past weeks that took place in front of the Toronto Abortion Clinic on Hillsdale Avenue (formerly known as the Morgentaler Clinic).”

Canadian Catholic News: Pro-life award honours Vancouver’s Dr. Will Johnston

“Johnston has been named recipient of the organization’s 2024 Dr. Paul Adams Award, which recognizes 'exceptional initiative, professionalism and generosity within the pro-life medical community.' Dr. Paul Adams was a pro-life obstetrician and gynecologist who practised at St. Boniface Hospital in Winnipeg.”

Lakeland Today: Abortion pill access expanding beyond Alberta's major cities, data shows

“Mifegymiso is slowly changing the reproductive-rights landscape in Alberta, new data suggests.”

The Walrus: Who Is the Real Pierre Poilievre?

“The morsel that pro-choice Conservative politicians typically offer pro-lifers is a commitment to respecting free votes by backbench MPs on matters of conscience. Poilievre has made this promise, but he also told me in one interview during his leadership race that no abortion legislation would pass under his government. When I asked if he was saying he’d actively prevent a bill like that, he said it was 'just an obvious fact' that no bill restricting or banning abortion would pass.”

Regina Leader-Post: Sask. doctor promises not to talk abortion or religion with patients in clinic

“Dr. Terence Davids has promised not to speak about abortion or religion to patients in a clinic setting going forward.”

Real Women of Canada: A Brilliant Pro-life Idea

“A brilliant solution to this nightmare for pregnant women has recently materialized in Italy under pro-life Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.” 


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Canadian assisted suicide data suggests over 15,000 chose euthanasia last year

“There were approximately 15,280 reported Canadian assisted deaths in 2023, which is up by more than 15% from 2022.”

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Montreal woman with Spina Bifida offered euthanasia twice without requesting it

“Tracy Polewczuk, a woman who lives with Spina Bifida, on two separate occasions was urged to request euthanasia by a medical professional without initiating the request.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

CBC: ‘Selfless heroes' who died trying to save children who fell through the ice receive award

“Family members describe two Saskatoon men who died last year trying to save children from drowning as selfless heroes. Now, they are being awarded one of North America's highest civilian honours for heroism.”

Live Action: Mom says her ‘baby boy is alive today’ because of her state’s pro-life laws

“I can say for a fact that if an abortion facility were in my own backyard, I would have succumbed to the pressure to end the life of my child,” she wrote. “However, I’m proud to say, that is not our story. Thanks to my state’s pro-life protection, my baby boy is alive today, and his life has already made the world a much better place.”

Live Action: The incredible way this ‘pro-life hot dog man’ is saving lives… one hot dog at a time

“If you’re searching for a bite to eat in rural Arizona, you may come upon a hot dog stand with an unusual sign outside that reads, 'Free Pro-Life Hot Dogs. Savor the Flavor, Save a Life.' This sign isn’t an accident — it’s designed to get people talking about the most important issue of the day: abortion.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition 

Students for Life of America | Pro-Life Gen

Abby Johnson

Must-see video of the week

Take Action

Sign our new petition in support of MP Arnold Viersen who is under attack for his pro-life views. Sign here


Maureen, I’ve got an urgent message you must read and share.

A federally-funded group that allegedly exists to counter “hate” in Canada has just revealed that the $440K it recently received from the Trudeau Liberals will be used to cancel those individuals and groups it deems to be “far-right.”

The Canadian Anti-Hate Network (CAHN) announced on July 10 that the grant money will be used to hire a researcher who will produce “academic-level research with practical applications to prevent the growth of the far-right.”

In other words, to stomp down hard on these individuals and groups.

And who are the individuals and groups that the Canadian Anti-Hate Network deems to be what it calls the “far-right?”

It’s people like prominent psychologist and free-speech advocate Dr. Jordan Peterson who rose to fame after he refused to bow to the woke academic mob who wanted to force him to use preferred pronouns.

The anti-hate group has labelled Peterson a "far-right figure" and would like nothing better than to see Peterson’s strong voice for freedom and common sense silenced.

And, it’s people like “Billboard” Chris Elston who has become a preeminent Canadian voice of warning against the harm caused to gender-confused children when they are given puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and mutilating and sterilizing ‘sex-change’ surgeries.

The anti-hate group has deemed Elston an “anti-trans” and “transphobic” activist and would like to see his voice silenced.

It’s people like Christian student Josh Alexander who was kicked out of his Catholic school in Ontario in 2022 for stating that there are only “two genders” and that boys who claim to be female should not be allowed in the girls’ bathroom.

The anti-hate group has written a handful of pieces in which Josh and his group Save Canada are attacked, calling the teen a “newer face among the far-right.” He’s another voice the CAHN would like to see silenced.

Groups that the CAHN wants to take down include pro-parental rights groups like Parents as First Educators which empowers parents to take back schools and school boards that have been hijacked by gender-ideology activists.

CAHN has set its sights on PAFE, calling it “another reactionary far-right lobbying group.” It wants to shut this group down.

The CAHN also has it in for pro-freedom and pro-democracy groups like ACT! For Canada and Action4Canada labelling them as “far-right.”

Taking down these groups would be a big prize for the "anti-hate" group.

But, the biggest prize that the CAHN wants to take down is Canada’s pro-life movement.

The anti-hate network considers the defence of the preborn among the worst kinds of hate speech, calling it a "far-right idea."

It has some 30 articles highlighting its animosity towards CLC, which it calls, you guessed it, a “far-right organization.”

It has called the work of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform which uses abortion victim photography to show the truth about abortion a “form of hate speech.”

The quantity of articles that CAHN produces against the pro-life movement indicates that CAHN sees pro-lifers as one of the biggest threats to Canada.

I fear that CAHN is already much like the U.S.-based Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an “anti-hate” group that, before it was discredited, was used by various corporate and government entities as a go-to resource to vet organizations to partner with. 

SPLC showed its bias and lost its reputation after consistently labelling mainstream Christian and/or conservative organizations as “hate groups” to be distrusted by the public and blacklisted from various online platforms and services. In 2019, Twitter (now X) dropped SPLC as a "safety partner."

Canadians who love life, freedom, and democracy must recognize the threat posed by CAHN. If you publicly stand for life, family, and freedom, you might be targeted as the “far-right” and as a hater and potentially be blacklisted, finding that this group is preventing, in its words, your “growth.”

I call on a future Conservative government to revoke the CAHN’s funding and bar such groups from receiving government grants.

The future of our country depends on ordinary Canadians like you and me standing firm against groups who are the real spreaders of division and who undermine the values, heritage, and culture of our great Canada which is “founded upon the principle that recognizes the supremacy of God,” as our Charter states.

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski

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