January 12, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

Did you know the Canadian Pharmacists Association has put together an entire toolkit to help pharmacists dispense poisons that kill developing children? I didn’t know about it either until this week when I visited the group’s website. I was deeply disturbed by what I found. You can read all about it in my report below.

My colleague Jack Fonseca covers a recent win for Ontario faithful Catholic school trustee Mike Del Grande who continues to defend himself against ridiculous accusations from his woke leftist school board. This man is truly an example of what patient endurance and faithfulness look like in the face of overwhelming odds.

There is beginning to be some serious opposition in Alberta to the province’s medical regulatory body proposing that doctors participate in euthanasia, abortion, and even gender-affirming interventions by being forced to make an effective referral if they won’t do the dirty deed themselves. It’s good to see.

HOLD THE PRESS: I've just learned moments ago that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta has dropped the "effective referral" proposal from its policy update, declaring this fact on its website. This certainly is a big victory. Visit our website later today for more on this important win. 

Don’t miss the story in the “inspiring stories” section about the mom in a health crisis who’s life was saved by her preborn baby. I love stories like this.

Finally, don’t miss my reflection at the end about why pro-life doctors will not refer a patient who wants to be killed by MAiD or who wants an abortion to someone else who will do the dirty deed.

Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about

Campaign Life Coalition: Canadian Pharmacists Association pushes baby killing

"In dispensing abortion drugs to kill humans, pharmacists have become just like the Nazis in their death camps. Pharmacies are the new centres of a horrific holocaust."

Campaign Life Coalition: Big win for Mike Del Grande

“Appeals Court sides with Trustee against TCDSB.”

LifeSiteNews: Pro-life Canadian health workers say they won’t be forced to participate in abortion, euthanasia

“Pro-life healthcare workers in Alberta have said they will not be complicit ‘to murder’ and go along with a plan by their provincial medical regulatory college that aims to mandate all healthcare workers in the province, including physicians and their assistants, to be in effect forced to be complicit in abortions or assisted suicides.”

LifeSiteNews: Canadian pro-life physicians group blasts plan for forced participation in euthanasia, abortion

“The Canadian Physicians for Life (CPL) in a recent email to its supporters took issue with the CPSA’s ‘effective referral’ proposals, saying, ‘We encourage you to write to the CPSA Council indicating that you oppose the compulsion of ‘effective referral’ in this policy.’”

LifeSiteNews: Abortion killed 44.6 million people worldwide in 2023, more than any other cause of death

“More than 44.6 million abortions were committed across the planet last year, according to Worldometer, a nonpartisan resource that tracks and estimates statistics in real time on a wide variety of subjects, based on data from sources such as the United Nations, World Health Organization (WHO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and more.”

Catholic Register: Summer job grants flow to abortion groups

“Canada Summer Jobs applicants who fail to toe the federal government’s ideological line on abortion and related issues remain out of the running for grants under the hire-a-student program.”

CLC Comment: This has been the case since 2017 and has negatively impacted our own ability to hire and train summer interns. This is exactly the kind of effect the Trudeau Liberals intended. Despite this, we still hire summer students thanks to the generous aid of our pro-life supporters.

Rebel News: Gender-affirming surgery clinic at Ottawa Hospital is now accepting patients

“This is the first facility of its kind in Ontario and the second in Canada to offer facial, top, and bottom procedures for trans and non-binary patients.”

CLC comment: Doctors who mutilate and destroy healthy reproductive organs in a futile attempt to affirm someone in their delusion that they are trapped in the wrong body are guilty of practicing bad medicine. More and more individuals who have undergone these brutal and horrific procedures are realizing the dreadful frankenstein monstrosities that they’ve become. They’d give everything to return to their original body. But, the surgeries are irreversible. And, the hormones cause permanent damage. A number of these poor souls have launched lawsuits against the doctors who performed the mutilations. When it comes to children, these mutilations are child abuse. A day will surely come when the pain-filled outcry from ex-trans individuals will be so loud that governments will have no choice but to ban these procedures. Future generations would look back in horror at these times and wonder how anyone could have gone along with such madness.

Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: Join our campaign: Stop euthanasia of people with mental illness

“EPC has launched a petition to the Justice Minister and the Justice Critics demanding that the Canadian government reverse its decision to permit “MAiD” for mental illness alone and demanding that Canadians with mental illness not be abandoned to death by euthanasia (‘MAiD’).”

Everyday for Life Canada: Canada's trans activist witch at the WHO: give all minors hormone blockers

“The World Health Organization has chosen Canada's Florence Ashley, a trans activist, to help develop resources regarding child sex changes.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Higher Ground Times: ‘Love is a powerful thing’: Mom thanks God for ‘miracle’ baby that helped save her life

“The Michigan resident was 35 weeks pregnant when she suffered a tear in her aorta known as an aortic dissection. The condition was life-threatening and easily could have killed her. And it might have — if she hadn’t been pregnant.”

LifeNews: She Had Multiple Abortions and Worked for an Abortion Clinic, Now She’s a Christian Saved by Jesus

“In the meantime, Kelly urges, we need to fight with everything we have against this agenda that brings death and darkness to more women’s lives. Because ‘I wouldn’t wish any of my abortion procedures on anyone, especially the abortion pill experience. I felt like I was walking through hell. Women don’t deserve that.’ What they deserve, she’d be the first to tell you, is the truth.”

Live Action: My son has Trisomy 18, and he is a three-year-old miracle

“I have an amazing son named Andrew, but everyone knows him as Andy. He’s a three-year-old miracle baby diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Trisomy 18.”

Live Action: Parents refuse ‘lethal injection’ abortion, donate organs of baby who survived minutes after birth

“A baby boy born in Missouri last month has made a lasting impact though he only lived for four minutes after birth. His parents have called him a ‘fighter.’”

Live Action: Conceived in rape, man shares gratitude for his birth mother’s decision for life

“Steventhen Holland was eight years old when he learned that his family had adopted him. Though he had a happy childhood he always considered the question – ‘Why did my mom not want me?’”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Campaign Life Coalition

Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform

Abby Johnson

Must-see video of the week

Rape victim speaks out: Me and my child shouldn’t be used as political fodder to justify abortion: Woman who was raped and became pregnant shares why rape is not a justification for abortion.

Take Action

If you live in Alberta, tell the CPSA why it should scrap its ‘effective referral’ proposal. Submit feedback by clicking here and scrolling to the section called "We want to hear from you!". 


Maureen, as many of you know, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) had drawn up plans to coerce doctors to participate in procedures that many of them see as not only bad medicine but also morally problematic, including abortion, assisted suicide (MAiD), and “gender-affirming” interventions.

I'm delighted that enough Alberta doctors raised concerns about this for the CPSA to abandon the proposed update. 

Why would a good doctor be opposed to referring a patient to someone else who will offer the procedure?

It’s really pretty simple why a doctor of conscience wants nothing to do with making what’s called an “effective referral.” Forcing a doctor to make such a referral is to force them to participate in a procedure against their medical judgment and their conscience. 

In essence, many doctors of conscience see making an effective referral as them being the first domino in a series of events that result in the killing or mutilation of their patient.

Such doctors, especially those who adhere to the Hippocratic Oath of doing “no harm” to their patients, want no part in their demise. They don’t want to be that first domino.

One prominent Alberta doctor said that she would move out of the province rather than be put into a position where she would be asked to make such referrals.

Dr. Shauna Burkholder, a Pediatric Critical Care Physician and Medical Director at Alberta Children’s Hospital Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, said that if she was “forced to participate, even at arms length, [in] a procedure I am morally opposed to, something I view akin to murder, I will be unable to continue practicing medicine in this province.”

The CPSA acted wisely to abandon this policy update. The province with its already overburdened healthcare system can’t afford to lose numerous doctors who disagree with this policy proposal.

Now that the CPSA has abandoned this policy proposal, it's time for the UPC to pass legislation, just like Manitoba did, protecting doctors’ conscience rights.

Now, more than ever before, it’s time for Alberta healthcare professionals to unite and demand that their Charter-guaranteed right to “freedom of conscience” be respected and protected in provincial law.

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition