May 24, 2024

Dear Maureen, I’m Pete Baklinski and this is your Canadian Pro-Life News Bits where I let you know what’s happening on our country’s pro-life and pro-family front.

The Liberal’s political ship is sinking fast. Mr. Trudeau’s approval rating is plummeting. The Conservatives are enjoying a 20-point lead. So, what do the Liberals do in an attempt to shore up support? They go on the abortion warpath. They use the killing of preborn babies in an attempt to gain political points. It's sickening. You can read a few reports about this below. 

Calgary City Council has approved a bylaw requiring pro-life advocates to cover images of abortion-victim photographs before handing them out door to door. This is an infringement against pro-life speech and is likely unconstitutional. These bylaws must be challenged and overturned. 

In some good news, Ontario just installed its first safe haven baby box in Bowmanville. It's a place where moms in a crisis can safely surrender their baby – no questions asked. These safe haven boxes have already saved lives in locations where they have been installed. They teach a community that human life is precious and worthy of safeguarding. This is an awesome pro-life work of mercy!

Do you have children or grandchildren in the publicly-funded school system? Do you oppose having “pride” flags flying over your children’s schools? If you do, please participate in the second annual National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day. Details are below. 

Don’t miss my reflection at the end about a federal leader who supports killing babies in the womb. 

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Top Canadian pro-life stories you need to know about


LifeSiteNews: ‘Moral degenerate’: Pro-life group blasts Trudeau for going after premier who cut abortion funding

“After Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau attacked New Brunswick Conservative Premier Blaine Higgs for going after ‘women’s rights because he cut abortion funding, Canada’s top pro-life group had some choice words for Canada’s leader, saying his comments show he supports ‘child murder in the womb.’”

Toronto Sun: Trudeau's ongoing abortion rhetoric a sign of true desperation

“With his polling numbers going down, Trudeau is desperate to scare voters away from the Conservative.”

National Post: Liberals fearmonger over abortion rights that Poilievre won't touch

“A woman’s right to choose in a Conservative-led Canada won't be any different from today, no matter what Gender Equality Minister Marci Ien says.”

Comment: Michael Taube of the National Post writes something true in his piece about the CPC party and abortion...and it's also sickening – namely that a “woman’s right to choose in Canada if Poilievre becomes prime minister will be the same today, tomorrow — and beyond.” As we’ve pointed out at various times in the past, Poilievre has the same policies on abortion as Trudeau. He will be no saviour for the preborn targeted for abortion. 

The Star: Trudeau government not planning to legislate further protection for abortion rights, health minister says

“Despite warning of looming threats to abortion rights in Canada, the Trudeau government does not plan to enshrine legislative protections of a woman’s right to choose to end an unwanted pregnancy, says Health Minister Mark Holland.” 

Comment: The Liberals are using fear-mongering tactics when it comes to abortion in an attempt to get the Canadian public to support them. But, their hands are also tied by the abortion lobby, which has told them not to legislate on abortion, making it difficult for them to come up with anything concrete when it comes to enshrining abortion as a "right." So, all the Liberals can do is talk. And, that's what Liberal Health Minister Mark Holland just admitted in the article above.

Leger poll: Abortion Rights in Canada

“A majority of Canadians (80%) are in favour of a woman’s right to an abortion if she so chooses, while around one in ten (11%) are opposed, and 9% don’t know where they stand on the matter.”

Comment: All this poll shows is that most Canadians are ignorant and have bought into the lie that the baby inside the mother's womb is really "her body" and "her choice." Science says otherwise. When Canadians begin to learn the truth about the unique and unrepeatable human life living inside his or her mother's body, they suddenly find themselves very uncomfortable with abortion on demand. It's ignorance that's keeping Canada "pro-choice," that is, pro-abortion. And the way the questions are worded in this poll are designed to keep Canadians locked in their ignorance. 

CTV News: Flyers showing graphic images of fetuses subject to new safeguards under Calgary bylaw amendment

“Calgary city council has approved a bylaw amendment restricting the door-to-door distribution of graphic anti-abortion flyers.”

Comment: If city councils have such a problem with what abortion looks like, they should ban abortion, not silence the messenger. 

Western Standard: Former Sask Party MLA says abortion law is needed

“A former three-term Saskatchewan Party MLA [Warren Michelson] says Canada needs an abortion law.”

Comment: What babies targeted for abortion need is not a law regulating abortion. They needed a law protecting their lives. What Canada needs is a law that acknowledges the preborn as full members of the human family who are endowed with inalienable rights, the first of which is the right to life. Yes, we need a law. But, it must be a just law. It must be a law that protects life from the first moment of its existence. Anything less than this is unjust. The preborn are yearning for such a law. Justice demands such a law. The whole country must look towards its future by protecting life in the womb. 


Euthanasia Prevention Coalition: 61-year-old Canadian mother fast-tracked for euthanasia even though she wasn't terminally ill

“The daughter of a Canadian woman who was 'fast tracked' for euthanasia after she 'starved herself' - because she was 'depressed' following car accident complications - broke down in tears as she recounted being given 48-hours' notice that her mother was going to die.”

Gender Ideology

Campaign Life Coalition: UPDATE: 2024 National “Pride” Flag Walk-Out Day

“The latest update is that we’re extending the dates to run between May 31 to June 4, and the reason is simple.”

ARPA: BC defeats bill to protect women’s sports before it even gets going

“The BC legislature recently voted down a bill that sought to protect women’s sports by basing participation in publicly funded sports programs on biological sex. In an unprecedented move, the bill was defeated at first reading.”

Inspiring stories to give you hope

Clarington News: First infant surrender box opened at Ontario fire station 

“Ontario’s first Hope’s Cradle, a place where parents may safely surrender an infant, is operational at the Bowmanville Fire Station, 2430 Highway 2 in Clarington.”

RAIR Foundation: Christian Escapes Sharia: Islamic State Survivor Ruth Robert's Pro-Life Crusade and Warning to Canada

“In a powerful one-night event organized by Action4Canada, Ruth Robert, a prominent pro-life activist, captivated her audience in Ottawa. Known for her unwavering advocacy against abortion, Ruth unveiled another facet of her life that many were unaware of—her upbringing as a Christian in an Islamic state governed by Sharia law.”

LifeSiteNews: Abby Johnson: Prayer and activism are the keys to making Canada a pro-life nation

“‘I don’t really care about being on the right side of history,' Planned Parenthood director turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson declared. 'I care about being on the right side of the future. And that future is Jesus.’”

Right to Life UK: Premature Baby Girl Born at 22 Weeks Heads Home From Hospital

“The smallest baby ever to be born at a hospital in Chicago and weighing only 1lb has been discharged after spending nearly six months there receiving care.”

Live Action: March for Life Colombia sees tens of thousands participate in 114 cities

“On May 4, 2024, tens of thousands of Colombians gathered for the 18th National March for Life in their country. Colombia’s March for Life is unique in that it has managed to arrange simultaneous marches all over the country, not just a gathering in the country’s capital, Bogotá. This year the march spread across 114 cities.”

Awesome pro-life social media posts this week

Abby Johnson

Celebrate Life

Dr. Calum Miller

Must-see video of the week

NFL star Harrison Butker’s stunning graduation speech that made leftists mad: Star NFL kicker Harrison Butker in his recent commencement address denounced abortion, 'Pride Month,' and the 'tyranny' of DEI.

Take Action

Sign our new petition to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan asking them that they stop persecuting Dr. Terence Davids for counselling a woman against abortion. Sign here.


Maureen, did you know that babies born at 22 weeks gestation can survive outside the womb? 

Babies like Curtis Means, born at 21 weeks gestation and weighing under a pound, need help, but they live and are soon thriving on their own. Modern medicine is truly astounding when it comes to saving babies like Curtis. It happens all the time. 

Canadian NDP leader Jagmeet Singh recently admitted on camera that babies like Curtis should not be protected by law. 

If a mother wants to kill a baby like Curtis, Jagmeet Singh is fine with that. 

When asked at the protest against the National March for Life two weeks ago if he supports any limitations when it comes to abortion, Jagmeet Singh responded that he believes in a mother's "unequivocal right to choose." 

With these words, Jagmeet Singh just admitted that he supports killing babies like Curtis. He admitted that he supports killing babies who can survive on their own. 

Here's a thought-provoking question: how have we, as a civilized country, elected leaders who support the killing of viable babies? 

Think about it: we have people who support killing viable babies running this country. 

No wonder things are such a mess.

What our country needs is a just law that protects human life from the first moment of its existence. The preborn are yearning for such a law. Justice demands such a law. The whole country must look towards its future by protecting life in the womb. 

Be bold and daring for life!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition
Follow Pete on X: @petebaklinski

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