Grade 8

Future Ready/Naviance Digital Learning Activities

Title: Smart Goals
Instructions:Lesson 1 (Monday): Learn what a SMART goal means and how to set SMART goals. Explain why SMART goals are important through the following videos:How to Set SMART GoalsHow to Set Goals – 3 Questions To Ask YourselfGoal Action Plan Example for StudentsAfter watching the videos, talk to your student about what they learned. Review their knowledge of the SMART goal acroynm: Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.
Lesson 2 (Wednesday): Brainstorm SMART goal ideas. Ask your student guiding questions about their goals for their academics and career. Some examplesmight include:“What do you want to be after high school?”“What do you want to learn this school year?”“How can you prepare for high school academically?”Create a drawing to visualize their goals and present their creation to you. Make sure to ask students to represent all portions of the SMART goal(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely) in their drawing.
Lesson 3 (Friday): Sign in to Naviance Student with your student and set 2 SMART Goals:1.One academic SMART goal2. One career SMART goal
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Links: How to Set SMART Goals to Set Goals – 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Action Plan Example for Students
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Title: Transition to High School
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY)Sign in to Naviance Students and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled My High School Preview. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.”
You will understand the changes involved in the transition to high school. The required activities in the lesson include:1. Watching a video about transitioning to high school.2. Reading about changes ahead, including: making new friends ,more homework, learning a new school
Next, create a list of things you are worried about during the transition to high school.After making a list, make a plan to address one of these issues to work on.
HINT: Make sure you click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson. Still Need Help? Check out the video Naviance College, Career and Life Readiness Curriculum Video on the Postsecondary Resource Site.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY)Learn about the school selection process in the SDP. Watch the following videos created by the SDP to assist in the school selection process:Welcome: School Selection Process the School Selection Process Your Application Steps
HINT: Use the SDP High School Directory to answer these questions
Lesson 3 (THURSDAY)Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: 1. Are you attending the High School Fair?2. Who can you talk to about picking a high school?3. Name 3 high schools you are interested in attending.4. Why did you pick these schools?5. Do you know the criteria to be admitted into these schools?What are 2 goals you have for high school?
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Resource Links:Welcome: School Selection Process the School Selection Process Your Application Steps High School Directory to answer these questions

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Title: Learning Style Inventory & Reflection
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Learning Style Inventory assessment. From the homepage, click “About Me” and navigate to the Learning Style Inventory assessment. Read the instructions listed on the page and click “start” to begin. Allow students to think about each question and rate how it applies to them.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read through your results when you are finished. Did you know?Visual Learner: If you are a Visual Learner, you’re the most common type of learner, making up about 65% of the population. Visual learners relate most effectively to written information, notes, diagrams and pictures. You might not even absorb information if someone just tells you. It’s almost as if it doesn’t exist unless you see it written down. Study tip: take notes even when you’ve been given handouts or printed notes. Look at all study materials and directions. Use or make your own charts, maps, notes, and flashcards. Write everything down for frequent and quick visual reference.
Auditory Learners: You are the second-most common type of learner, accounting for an estimated 30% of the population. As an auditory learner, you relate most effectively to the spoken word. You tend to listen to a lecture, then take notes afterward or rely on printed notes. Written information will have little meaning until it has been read. It may help auditory learners to read written information aloud. Study tip: read your assignments and study materials aloud- even if you feel a little silly at first- or use recordings. Recorded lectures may help fill in the gaps in your own notes. Sit at the front of the classroom where you can hear well.Tactile Learners: You are a rare breed- one of only about 5% of the population. Tactile learners prefer a hands-on approach, learning through touch and movement. You learn skills by imitation and practice. Study tip: you may take a little longer to learn some skills since most information isn’t presented in a way that suits your learning style, but you can make schoolwork easier by typing your notes, using real objects or acting out reading assignments. Role-playing helps, too.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student with your student and complete the following survey questions:1. Which learning style best describes you? (Visual, Auditory, or Tactile)2. What did you learn about yourself based on your Learning Style Inventory results?3. What study skills have you learned based on your Learning Style Inventory results?4. How might your learning style translate into your career?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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Title: College Search
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled Facing Fears About College. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Address rumors and myths concerning college attendance. The required activities in the lesson include:Read about college fears, including:I can’t pay for collegeIf my family hasn’t gone to college, I can’t go to collegeI will have to leave home to go to collegeCollege is hard workReflect on college myths including:Choose one myth. How might that have stopped you from applying to college?How will you bust through college myths in the future?HINT: Make to click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student to complete a college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, from the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Colleges Home.” Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen and either search for a college by name or keyword.Click on an institution’s name to learn more about the institution. College pages in Naviance Student will show more information like fast facts, student population statistics, degrees/majors offered, and financial aid information, to name a few.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: Use a college research in lesson 2 (above) to answer the questions.What college did you select to research?How far is this college from your high school?What is the average net price of this college if your family income is $36K?Name 2 programs of study at the college you selected.What is the acceptance rate at this college?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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Title: College Search
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled Facing Fears About College. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Address rumors and myths concerning college attendance. The required activities in the lesson include:Read about college fears, including:I can’t pay for collegeIf my family hasn’t gone to college, I can’t go to collegeI will have to leave home to go to collegeCollege is hard workReflect on college myths including:Choose one myth. How might that have stopped you from applying to college?How will you bust through college myths in the future?HINT: Make to click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student to complete a college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, from the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Colleges Home.” Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen and either search for a college by name or keyword.Click on an institution’s name to learn more about the institution. College pages in Naviance Student will show more information like fast facts, student population statistics, degrees/majors offered, and financial aid information, to name a few.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: Use a college research in lesson 2 (above) to answer the questions.What college did you select to research?How far is this college from your high school?What is the average net price of this college if your family income is $36K?Name 2 programs of study at the college you selected.What is the acceptance rate at this college?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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Title: College Search
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled Facing Fears About College. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Address rumors and myths concerning college attendance. The required activities in the lesson include:Read about college fears, including:I can’t pay for collegeIf my family hasn’t gone to college, I can’t go to collegeI will have to leave home to go to collegeCollege is hard workReflect on college myths including:Choose one myth. How might that have stopped you from applying to college?How will you bust through college myths in the future?HINT: Make to click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student to complete a college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, from the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Colleges Home.” Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen and either search for a college by name or keyword.Click on an institution’s name to learn more about the institution. College pages in Naviance Student will show more information like fast facts, student population statistics, degrees/majors offered, and financial aid information, to name a few.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: Use a college research in lesson 2 (above) to answer the questions.What college did you select to research?How far is this college from your high school?What is the average net price of this college if your family income is $36K?Name 2 programs of study at the college you selected.What is the acceptance rate at this college?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: College Search
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled Facing Fears About College. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Address rumors and myths concerning college attendance. The required activities in the lesson include:Read about college fears, including:I can’t pay for collegeIf my family hasn’t gone to college, I can’t go to collegeI will have to leave home to go to collegeCollege is hard workReflect on college myths including:Choose one myth. How might that have stopped you from applying to college?How will you bust through college myths in the future?HINT: Make to click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student to complete a college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, from the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Colleges Home.” Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen and either search for a college by name or keyword.Click on an institution’s name to learn more about the institution. College pages in Naviance Student will show more information like fast facts, student population statistics, degrees/majors offered, and financial aid information, to name a few.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: Use a college research in lesson 2 (above) to answer the questions.What college did you select to research?How far is this college from your high school?What is the average net price of this college if your family income is $36K?Name 2 programs of study at the college you selected.What is the acceptance rate at this college?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: College Search
Teacher Instructions
Directions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled Facing Fears About College. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Address rumors and myths concerning college attendance. The required activities in the lesson include:Read about college fears, including:I can’t pay for collegeIf my family hasn’t gone to college, I can’t go to collegeI will have to leave home to go to collegeCollege is hard workReflect on college myths including:Choose one myth. How might that have stopped you from applying to college?How will you bust through college myths in the future?HINT: Make to click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student to complete a college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, from the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Colleges Home.” Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen and either search for a college by name or keyword.Click on an institution’s name to learn more about the institution. College pages in Naviance Student will show more information like fast facts, student population statistics, degrees/majors offered, and financial aid information, to name a few.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: Use a college research in lesson 2 (above) to answer the questions.What college did you select to research?How far is this college from your high school?What is the average net price of this college if your family income is $36K?Name 2 programs of study at the college you selected.What is the acceptance rate at this college?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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