Grade 5

Future Ready/Naviance Digital Learning Activities

Title: Smart Goals
Instructions:Lesson 1 (Monday): Learn what a SMART goal means and how to set SMART goals. Explain why SMART goals are important through the following videos:How To Set Goals in 4 Easy StepsCashVille Kidz Episode 11: Goal & Goal SettingKhan Academy: How to Write a SMART GoalAfter watching the videos, talk to your student about what they learned. Review their knowledge of the SMART goal acroynm: Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.
Lesson 2 (Wednesday): Brainstorm SMART goal ideas. Ask your student guiding questions about their goals for their academics and career.Some examples might include:“What do you want to be when you grow up?”“What do you want to learn this school year?”Create a drawing to visualize their goals and present their creation to you. Make sure to ask students to represent all portions of the SMARTgoal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely) in their drawing.
Lesson 3 (Friday): Sign in to Naviance Student with your student and set 2 SMART Goals:1.One academic SMART goal2.One career SMART goal
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Chose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Goals” and locating the goal categories titled “5th Grade Academic SMART Goal” and “5th Grade Career SMART Goal”
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Week of April 27 - May 1

Title: Creating a Budget
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY)What is a “budget?” A budget is a plan or estimate of the amount of money needed for the cost of living or to be used for a specific purpose. Think of some examples of how budgets are used in everyday life (expenses per month) and for a specific item (new shoes.) Complete a sample budget activity. You have $20 to spend. You may use beans or other objects to represent money. Now it's time to make a few spending decisions in ALL of the following categories. The number of dollar signs next to each item is the amount of money, or beans, you must spend (ex. $$$=$3.00). Enter the total of each category in the highlighted box. Enter your budget total
LunchTake packed lunch from home $Buy lunch at school $$Buy lunch at nearby fast-food restaurant $$$Lunch Total _____________
Video gamesPlay with games you already have Purchase used video games $Play video games at an arcade $$$Video game Total ____________
MoviesBorrow from the public libraryRent a movie $$Go to half-priced matinee $$$Go to full-priced movie $$$$Movie Total_____________
Sports equipmentUse equipment that you already have Buy used sports equipment $Buy new sports equipment $$$Buy brand-name sports equipment $$$$Sports equipment Total _____________
ClothesWear what you already haveBuy at a thrift store $Buy at a discount store $$Buy at a department store $$$$Clothes Total _____________
Donations (Money given to a charity)Less than 5 percent $Five percent $$Ten percent $$$Donations Total _____________
BUDGET TOTAL_____________
***REMEMBER you must have money/beans to spend on each category. Tally up your total cost per category at the end of the activity.

Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY)THINK about what happens when you run out of money. Did you run out of money in exercise one? Was this frustrating? What can be done to keep this from happening next time?THINK about what happens when you have left over money. Describe how you save money. Describe how you can use savings to reach a goal.

Lesson 3 (FRIDAY)Sign in to Naviance Student and complete complete the following survey questions: 1. What is your total living expenses budget? 2. What do you spend money on every month? How much?3. What can you use to help with your budget? Select all that apply.
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of May 4 - May 8

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of May 11 - May 15

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of May 18 - May 22

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of May 25 - May 29

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of June 1 - June 5

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Week of June 8 - June 12

Title: Defining Entrepreneurship
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Watch a video about kid entrepreneurs.Kids Pitch Brilliant Products to the Shark Tank Tycoons
Kids can be entrepreneurs with big ideas!After watching the video think about what an entrepreneur is and what skills it takes to be a business owner.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Next, Brainstorm product/service ideas of your own! Write down “a pitch” just like the students in the Shark Tank video used. As you write your pitch, think about why it is important to sell other people on your great ideas when you are an entrepreneur.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. What is an entrepreneur?2. What skills are important to have as an entrepreneur?

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish