Grade 6 Digital Learning Activities


Day 1

Title: Introduction to The Iliad
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1 
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/25 - 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

Day 2

Title: Writing an Objective Summary of "The Golden Apple"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 2
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/25 - 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

Day 3

Title: Close Reading of "The Golden Apple"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/25 - 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3

Day 4

Title: "The Golden Apple" Prompt
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/25 - 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 4
Writing Prompt: Use the "Golden Apple" Prompt document to complete your response.Week of 5/25 - "Golden Apple" Prompt 


Title: Protecting Water with Watersheds and Wetlands
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this document to prepare for the week
Day One
  • Instructions: Day 1: Today, you will learn key vocabulary that you will use this week. You will also learn about sources of water and sources of water pollution.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Two
  • Instructions: Day 2: Today, you will learn about watersheds. Think about the three questions below as you watch videos, read the text, and look at images and maps about watersheds.
    • 1.What is a watershed and why is it important?
    • 2. How do watersheds get polluted (dirty)?
    • 3. How can we protect watersheds?
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Three
  • Instructions: Day 3: Today, you will learn about wetlands and why they are important. You will watch videos, read a text, and look at images and maps. You will use what you learned to write an argumentative paragraph. You will explain if you agree or disagree with the author that wetlands are important and need to be protected. You will provide three reasons to support your answer.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Four
  • Instructions: Day 4: Today, you will read the last part of the text and learn about water quality. You will respond to text dependent questions. Finally, you will use what you learned this week to write an informative text about how and why people should protect watersheds and wetlands. 
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides


  • Title: Surface Area of Pyramids and Volume with Fractional Edge Lengths
  • Teacher Cover Sheets: Review these documents prior to the lesson
  • Instructions: Follow the directions on the google slides.

  • Link to Interactive Assignment: LINK 


Activity 1

Title: Weather: Water Cycle and Weather Predictions
Teacher Cover Sheet: This document will be used for all activities and teacher should review prior to lessons.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: Review vocabulary on slides 4-5.On slide 6 click on the picture to be taken to Scholastics Study Jam page.On Study Jam: Watch the video and then take the self test to show what you know.On slide 7 watch the video and answer the thought questions.Slide 8: Complete the graphic by typing the name of each phase of the water cycle in the correct box.Review slides 9 - 15 and 18 and answer the thought questions.Match the correct term to the pictures on slides 11-12.Complete the quiz on slide 21.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Weather: Water Cycle and Weather Predictions

Activity 2

Title: All About Clouds
Teacher Cover Sheet: This document will be used for all activities and teacher should review prior to lessons.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: Review vocabulary on slides 4.Review slides 5 - 15 watching videos and answering any thought questions.Complete the quiz on slide 16.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: All About Clouds

Activity 3

Title: Using Weather Maps
Teacher Cover Sheet: This document will be used for all activities and teacher should review prior to lessons.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: Watch the video on slides 5 and then review slides 6 - 16 answering any thought questions asked on individual slides.Watch the video on slide 17 then use what you have learned in this lesson to answer the weather question, based on the map on slide 18.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Using Weather Maps

Activity 4

Title: Why Can't Scientist Accurately Predict the Weather
Teacher Cover Sheet: This document will be used for all activities and teacher should review prior to lessons.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: Read the article on Slides 5 - 9 then answer the questions on the slides that follow the story.For each question, move the green arrow next to your selection.You may look back into the story as often as you need to confirm your thinking.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Why Can't Scientist Accurately Predict the Weather

Social Studies

Days 1-4

Title: History of India
Teacher Cover Sheet:
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities  
*make sure the slides are not in 'Present' mode in order to complete the activities*
  1. Google Slide deck: