April 20-April 24

United States History Review and Enrichment Activities

Monday, April 20, 2020

American Foundations Day 1

Day 1 Activities:

Activity: Do Now

You are away from school right now.

1. Answer the questions below, based on the following scenario: Imagine that your school tried to impose school rules on you while you are home.

a. How would you respond?

b. Why would you feel that way?

Activity: Image Analysis

1. Study the image of the statue of King George on Horseback

2. Answer the following questions about the image:

a. Describe what you see in the picture.

b. The statue is of King George III, King of England on horseback. Why might people pull down a statue of a king?

c. How are the people on the left reacting to the statue being pulled down?

d. How are the people on the right reacting?

Activity: Image Context and Vocabulary


1. Read the paragraph on slide 15

2. Use the vocabulary chart below to get a deeper understanding of the reading by:

a. Expressing what the word means to you in column 2

b. Explaining why you think the words means that in column 3

c. Looking up the definition to the word and placing it in column 4

3. Answer the following question: In 2-3 sentences explain how the reading enhances your understanding of the image? (2-3 sentences)

Activity: Image Analysis Part 2

1. Read the paragraph on slide 15

2. Observe the picture again

3. Consider the answers you wrote for questions 2, 3, 4

Answer the following:

a. Based on the information from the paragraph you read, and your to questions 2, 3, and 4, who would you say are the Moderates, Loyalist, and Patriots? Type the correct labels on slides 10, 11, and 12. Who are the moderates, loyalists, and patriots in the picture? (justify your answer)

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 2:

Activity: Timeline Analysis - Road to Revolution

1. Read the information covering the major events that caused the American Revolution on slides

2. Place the year of the event in the title

3. Describe what happened in the spaces provided. (British and Colonist action and/or reaction).

4. Explain how the action and/or reaction impacted the growing tension between the British authorities and patriots, by designating if the action DID NOT increase, SOMEWHAT increased, or GREATLY increased tensions between the British and the colonists. Highlight your analysis of the action using the color code here.

5. After analyzing the events, explain whether or not it seemed like war between the British and the colonists was unavoidable.

*The first event, SUGAR ACT, has been done as an example.

Activity Timeline Analysis - Road to Revolution Part 2

Based on the information that you’ve just analyzed:

1. Fill in the timeline by placing the events on the timeline in the correct order.

2. Use column 3 to state whether the event did not increase, somewhat increased, or greatly increased tensions between Patriots and British authorities.

3. Finally, in the final analysis box, answer the following question in 3-4 sentences: Does it seems like war between the British and the colonists was unavoidable? Why or why not?

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 3:

Activity: Do Now

1. Read the statements provided.

2. Highlight the statements you think are good reasons for moving into your own apartment.

Activity: Venn Diagram

1. Read the document "Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence"

2. Complete the Venn Diagram on slide 7 by:

In the Red Oval

a. write the name of the author(s)

c. three (3) main ideas from the document

In the Blue Oval

a. write the name of the second document

b. write the name of the author(s)

c. and three (3) main ideas from the document that are different from the ideas in the red oval- what is the contrast between the two documents?

In the Green Section in the Middle

a. write at least two(2) ideas the documents have in common- how do the documents compare to each other?

Activity: Declaration of Independence Review

1. Think back to the Day 1 Timeline activity, LIST at least 3 events that greatly increased colonists’ tensions with the British.

2. Watch the music video on slide 9, then LIST at least 4 complaints the colonists had against King George and Britain.

3. Read the Excerpts of the Declaration of Independence and answer the analysis questions on slides 10, 11, and 12.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 4

Activity: Do Now

1. Read the statement

2. Answer the question on slide 4

Activity: Different Viewpoints

1. Read the information provided on slides 6-9 to learn about the different perspectives that people held about the American Revolution.

2. For each perspective, list the names or types of people who held those views

3. Restate an argument used by individuals from that perspective.

Activity: Would You Have Joined?

1. Watch the video on slide 10

2. As you watch the video take notes in the table (on your notetaking document) on the advantages and disadvantages each group had to consider when deciding to join the Revolution.

Activity: Putting it All Together, Newspaper Op-Ed

1. write an editorial from the perspective of a Patriot or a Loyalist (you can get as detailed as white landowning man, woman, enslaved or Native American) and whether or not colonists should be joining the war effort.

2. Your editorial should include

headline summarizing the main idea of the editorial.

an introduction that identifies the writer and briefly describes his or her background.

Type 1-2 paragraphs (5-10 sentences) that clearly support or criticize the actions of people during two(2) events during the American Revolution.

For example, the Patriot editorial might praise those involved in the Boston Tea Party, while the Loyalist article might condemn their actions.

Type a conclusion that summarizes why the actions of the Patriots were justified or suggests alternatives that could have been explored.

Activity: Optional Movie Scene Analysis

1. Watch the scene from the movie, The Patriot

2. Answer the following: Is Captain Martin a patriot, moderate, or loyalist? How do you know? Give reasons why.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 5

Activity: Do Now

1. Read the statements on slide 4.

2. Rank the statements of what government should do for its citizens from most important to least important

Activity: Strengths and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

1. Watch the video

2. While/after you watch, list 4-5 specific weaknesses with the Articles of Confederation.

3. Look at the list you made. What problems could you predict the US would have if all of these problems continued?

Activity: The Preamble

1. Read the Preamble (The Introduction) of the Constitution

2. Identify the 6 purposes of the Constitution and what they mean.

Activity: Putting it all together

Now that you have seen what the Constitution commits the government to doing for the people of the United States, it’s time for you to identify which parts of the the Preamble are being addressed in your current context:

1. Based on the 6 sections of the preamble to the U.S. constitution, provide an example of how local, state, and/or national government works to accomplish those purposes today.