Grade 6 Digital Learning Activities


Day 1

Title: Background on Folk Tales
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1 
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: Week of 6/8- 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

Day 2

Title: First Read of "Yeh-Shen"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 2 
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: Week of 6/8- 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

Day 3

Title: Foreshadowing in "Yeh-Shen"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: Week of 6/8- 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3

Day 4

Title: Fairy Tale Planning
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: Week of 6/8- 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 4

Day 5

Title: Writing Your Own Fairy Tale
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 5
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: Week of 6/8- 6th ELA Interactive Slides Day 5
Writing Document: Use this document to complete your writing assignment for the day.Grade 6 ELA Week of June 8 Day 5: Fairy Tale


  • Title: Digital Scrapbook Project and Class Presentation

  • Instructions: This week, you will put together all the components (parts) of your digital scrapbook project. You will sharpen your speaking and writing skills as you complete each assignment. You will also present your project to the class and share your reflection on this experience.


  • Title: Continuation of Percents & Review
  • Teacher Cover Sheets: Review these documents prior to the lesson
  • Instructions: Follow the directions on the google slides.

  • Link to Interactive Assignment: LINK 


Activity 1

Title: Climate and Climate Zones
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: You will be learning about Climate and Climate ZonesYou will view two videos and answer thought questions after each.You will compare the difference between weather and climate and show where various climate zones are located on a map.At the end of the lesson you will be completing a writing assignment, about what Climate you would move to and why, adding a picture to show visually what the area looks like.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Climate and Climate Zones

Activity 2

Title: Climate Change
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: You will be learning about Climate changeWe will explore what climate change is and how scientists determine that it is occurring.Review the vocabulary and each slide for this lesson.Answer the thought questionsAt the end of the lesson you will be completing a list of ways that you think could slow climate change in our world.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Climate Change

Activity 3

Title: Greenhouse Effect
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: You will be learning The Greenhouse effect.Review the vocabulary and the slides that follow answering the thought questions as they appear.You will view a timelapse video of Arctic Sea Ice from NASA.At the end of the lesson you will be writing a paragraph on what you observed and your ideas on how we can change the amount of ice melt in the arcticNeed additional help? Ask someone to read or watch along with you.Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Greenhouse Effect

Activity 4

Title:  Climate Change in Our Oceans
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: You will be learning about how our oceans change due to increasing temperatures.Review the vocabulary and content on each slideAt the end of the lesson you will be completing an Exit Ticket of three things you learned, one thing you want to learn more about, and one question you still have.Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Climate Change in Our Oceans

Activity 5

Title: The Heat is On, an article from ReadWorks
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1-5
Directions: Before reading, review the questions at the end of the story.Read the article The Heat is On.Answer the questions based on the knowledge you acquired from the reading.
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: The Heat is On, an article from ReadWorks

Social Studies

Days 1-4

Title: Japan
Teacher Cover Sheet:
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities  
*make sure the slides are not in 'Present' mode in order to complete the activities*
  1. Google Slide deck: