Grade 8 Digital Learning Activities


Day 1

Title: Pre-reading activity for "The Powwow at the End of the World"
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. A full list of directions can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

Day 2

Title: Pre-reading activity for "The Powwow at the End of the World" (continued)
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. A full list of directions can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

Day 3

Title: First read of "The Powwow at the End of the World"
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. A full list of directions can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3 

Day 4

Title: Theme in "The Powwow at the End of the World"
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. A full list of directions can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 4 

Day 5

Title: Writing Poetry
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. Choose one of the options in this document to complete your poem. A full list of directions can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides: 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 5 


Links to Interactive Assignments:
  • Being at Home Activities
    • Instructions: This presentation will lead you through a number of activities focused on being at home.

  • Feelings Chart
    • Instructions: Complete this activity after reviewing "Being at Home Activities."

  • Writing a Monologue
    • Instructions: Complete this activity after reviewing "Being at Home Activities."

  • Writing a Dialogue
    • Instructions: Complete this activity after reviewing "Being at Home Activities."

  • Learn More to Stay Safe!
    • Instructions: This is the final activity for the week. Complete the sentence on the first slide and review all of the slides for important information.


Weekly Activities

Title: Solving Linear Equations
Instructions:This slide presentation has your assignments for Week 1. The days are separated by cover sheets so you can quickly move from day to day. Please work through the activities. Some activities ask you to work on separate paper. Some ask you to drag things on the slides. Some ask you to work on websites and complete your work there. Some ask you to type your answer in a text box.Your teacher can see anything you type on the slides. If you have questions for your teacher, you can add them to each slide by clicking the comment button in the toolbar above. Type the question and then click “comment” and  it will be visible to your teacher.
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links: Google Slide Deck:


Activity 1

Title: Pigeonetics Puzzles
Instructions: Use this simulation to “breed” pigeons with certain desired traits, and practice using vocabulary like “phenotype,” “allele,” and “dominant/recessive”. There are 26 puzzles that get harder as you go along.Need Additional Help? Use this activity to review some of the vocabulary words used in the simulation. Complete the “Focus on Language” activity in Google Classroom.Instructionsfor Pigeonetics: 
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links: Interactive Website: and click on the link at the top of the page
Focus on Language:

Activity 2

Title: What are Traits and What are DNA and Genes
Instructions:Read the text and/or watch the video below to review traits and their relationship to DNA. Think about the guiding questions:“What are Traits?” Guiding Questions: What are some inherited traits (traits that are shaped by genes)? What are some traits shaped by the environment? What are some traits shaped by both genes and environment?“What are DNA and Genes” Guiding Questions: What is the physical structure of the DNA molecule. What is a gene? How are all humans’ genes the same? How are they different? 
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links:Interactive Website for Traits: Website for DNA:

Activity 3

Title: Trait or Tradition?
Instructions: Genetic traits are inherited from our biological parents. Traditions and culture influences our learned behaviors. For each card on pages 2 and 3, decide whether it is an inherited trait that can be passed along through DNA, or a family or cultural tradition that we learn from others. Pages 5-6 have the same traits described in Spanish. Then describe three other inherited traits and three other family traditions that are found in your family.
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links:Google Slide Deck: File: 

Activity 4

Title: How Traits are Passed from Parents to Offspring
Instructions:Read the article and answer questions #3-6 to review what Mendel learned about how traits are passed to offspring.Need additional help?Have a parent or older sibling read this to you.Use these sentence starters to help you answer question 5 and 6
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links:Link to text: Docs Constructed Response: Starters for Constructed Response:
Video Link Making of the Fittest:

Activity 5

Title: Evolution of Fur Color in Mice: Mutation, Environment, and Natural Selection
Instructions:Use the worksheet (Activity 5 Natural Selection Worksheet on Google Classroom) to answer questions before, during, and after viewing the video. The worksheet includes the link to see the video.
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links:Google Doc Natural Selection Mouse Color:

Activity 6

Title: Writing Activity What Have I learned
Instructions:Read the prompt and complete the assignment
Translated Instructions: Translated Instructions Folder
Links:Focus on  Language Writing:

Social Studies

Activities 1 & 2

Title: Parts of a Map
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities
  2. Complete the Parts of a Map Reflection

Translated Instructions:
  1. Google Slide deck:
  2. Parts of a Map Reflection:

Activities 3 & 4

Title: Location on the Globe
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities

Translated Instructions:
  1. Google Slide deck:

Activity 5

Title: Geographic Areas
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities
  2. Complete the Geographic Areas of the World Final Practice activity

Translated Instructions:
  1. Google Slide deck:
  2. Geographic Areas of the World Final Practice activity: