Dance K-12 Digital Learning Activities

Dance - Salsa

Here is a video introduction to a basic Salsa dance pattern:

1. Click the the link to the video


2. Enter the Password "Salsa"

3. Create enough space around you and follow along to the video.

History of Jazz Dance (9-12)

1. Complete a 4-Read strategy on the following article by Jacqueline Nalett, (adapted from Jump Into Jazz, Fifth Edition, 2005, by Minda Goodman Kraines and Esther Pryor, published by McGraw Hill) History of Jazz Dance. This is a very brief article on the history of Jazz.

Complete the following tasks:

1. Select one choreographer discussed in the article.

2. Complete a more comprehensive search of the history and background of the choreographer.

3. Identify the various pieces composed by the selected choreographer.

4. Select one piece to study.

5. Build a presentation utilizing a medium of your choice (poster, powerpoint, prezi, etc.)

6. Include personal background, dance background, and dance accomplishments of the choreographer.

7. Learn 1-2 minutes of the selected choreography, and choose 4 counts of 8 to be taught via self made video.

8. Student will present by first discussing the background of the choreographer, both their personal life and dance life. Next, perform the section of movement. Finally, teach 4 counts of 8 to the virtual class.

Use the following questions as discussion or final assessment:

  1. Can jazz be considered “from America”? Why or why not?

  2. When America turned away it’s African American dancers,

  3. who embraced them?

  4. What role did dance play in the Great Depression?

  5. What series of events moved jazz from social to a codified

  6. professional dance form?

  7. What is the historic trajectory of jazz dance?

  8. How did jazz dance impact consumerism?

Line Dance Choreography Project

To begin watch the youtube video and practice the line dances you may already know ( i.e. cupid shuffle, electric slide) Most of these line dances are 32 counts of movement that repeat.

Line Dance Choreography Project Guidelines

1. Create four 8 counts (32 counts) of line dance choreography (Please include at least one of the following variations in choreography: level changes, a half time/double time element, direction changes, a sound making element snaps, claps, or stamps)

2. Choose a song (Must be clean)

3. Title the dance

4. Write a reflection about the process (*see below)

Name: _________________________________________

Dance Title: _____________________________________

Song: __________________________________________


What was the assignment?

What was the best/worst/most challenging thing that happened?

What did you learn from this experience?

Tap Dance History

Read and review the Tap Dance History Power Point. You will see links to videos for each tap dancer. View these videos and then answer the writing prompts on a separate google document. There is a test attached as well. In your mind I want you not to think of this as a test, but an exercise of expelling information to solidify your knowledge! :) NO pressure! That review can be filled out by hand on paper if you don't have access to a printer you could just list the numbers and right in your answers. You can also open the test document and make a copy of it then you should be able to type right in the document. I added a list of dance terms and descriptions of the steps if you want to practice!

English, Arabic, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Russian Translated Instructions: