June 8-June 12

Grade 8 Digital Learning Activities


 June 8 - 12

Day 1

Title: First Read of "Chicago"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/8 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

 June 8 - 12

Day 2

Title: Contrast and Personification in “Chicago” 
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/8 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

 June 8 - 12

Day 3

Title: Characterization and Storytelling in “My Mother Enters the Workforce”
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1, Day 2, & Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/8 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3

 June 8 - 12

Day 4

Title: Reflection on Growth as a Reader
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4 & Day 5
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/8 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 4

 June 8 - 12

Day 5

Title: Reflection on Growth as a Writer
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4 & Day 5
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/8 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 5


Week of June 8 - 12, 2020

  • Title: Digital Scrapbook Project and Class Presentation

  • Instructions: This week, you will put together all the components (parts) of your digital scrapbook project. You will sharpen your speaking and writing skills as you complete each assignment. You will also present your project to the class and share your reflection on this experience.


Week of June 8 - June 12

  • Title: Operations with Scientific Notation 
  • Teacher Cover Sheets: Review these documents prior to the lesson
  • Instructions: Follow the directions on the google slides.

  • Link to Interactive Assignment: LINK 


Week Activities

Title: Chemical Reactions
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet for Activities
Directions: General Instructions:Go through each slide. Read the information on each slide, and respond to the activities.
Throughout this slideshow, you will see yellow boxes: 
These yellow boxes indicate something for you to do or complete.  Be sure to either type your response or complete the task when you see one of these yellow boxes.  Your teacher will be able to see your responses as you work on the assignment.
For more practice with the vocabulary for this unit, access the “Focus on Language” document from your Google Classroom.
If you need more help, click the links in the slideshow that say “Need Help?” or “Sentence Starters.”
Special InstructionsSlide 14: Use the information in the table to calculate the density of each sample and enter it in the yellow boxes in the table.
Slide 15 and 16: Use the data on Slide 14 to answer the questions. Choose the correct answer from each set of bolded yellow terms by moving the pink circles over the correct choice.
Slide 17: Play the video. Describe the changes you see in the log as it burns.
Slide 19: Write “the same” or “different” in the yellow boxes to complete each sentence describing the video showed on Slide 18.
Slide 24: Choose the correct answer from each set of bolded yellow terms by moving the pink circles over the correct choice.
Slide 26: Write “chemical reaction” or “physical change” in the yellow boxes to label each photo.
Slide 29: Write the correct letter in the yellow boxes to label each photo.
Slide 30: Question 1: Write the letter(s) of all correct answer(s) in the yellow box. Question 2: Match each observation to the conclusion it indicates. Click the arrows to extend and drag the arrowhead to the correct answer.
Slide 33: Choose the correct answer from each set of bolded yellow terms by moving the pink circles over the correct choice.
Slide 38-39: 
Chemical Reaction ProjectYou must have changed a lot over the last few months...maybe you even feel like a whole different person! 
Some of those changes were literally chemical changes--you might have grown a little taller, and you certainly digested some food! 
But you can also use the metaphor of chemical change to describe some of the emotional changes that you experienced. We’ve all had to learn new skills, deal with various different emotions, and adjust to the changes around us.
In this short project you will use what you learned this week as a metaphor to describe how you have changed since schools closed!
Create a poem, short essay, song, video, or artwork that uses the language of chemistry to describe how you have changed. Include the following elements.
-What are the “reactants” and “products” in this change?
-Would you consider yourself to be “the same substance” as you were at the beginning, or have you changed into something new? Why? In that case, would this (metaphorically) be a physical or a chemical change?
-Use at least three other vocabulary words, terms, or ideas that show what you’ve learned.
Slide 40:Paste your project (or a link to the project) here:
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Chemical Reactions

Social Studies

Days 1-4

Title: The Impacts of the Election of 1860
Teacher Cover Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H4ypVnOsVINEa9iDWDo2WrFMmh06vvVjK1-98PCSYJs/copy
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities  
*make sure the slides are not in 'Present' mode in order to complete the activities*
  1. Google Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pcmV3zfgdlusXzPNgfMzKQSdatSUADZRO1gXHo8dHkc/copy