June 1-June 5

Grade 8 Digital Learning Activities


 June 1 - June 5

Day 1

Title: Evaluating Author's Argument in "Teens Need Jobs, Not Just Cash"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/1 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

 June 1 - June 5

Day 2

Title: Evaluating Author's Argument in "Teens at Work"
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 2
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/1 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

 June 1 - June 5

Day 3

Title: Analyzing Author's Argument in “Rewards and challenges for teens who work while still in school”
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 6/1 - 8th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3

 June 1 - June 5

Day 4

Title: Planning and Outlining a Public Service Announcement
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4
Instructions: Use the "Planning & Outlining a PSA" document to complete your assignment.
Writing Document: Planning & Outlining a PSA


Week of June 1 - 5, 2020

  • Title: Digital Scrapbook Project

  • Instructions: This week and next week, you will explore personal and family stories and traditions. You will sharpen your speaking and writing skills as you complete each assignment. For your final project, you will create (make) a digital scrapbook using information that you collected from interviews and your personal reflection (your own thoughts). You will present your project to the class and share your reflection on this experience.


Week of June 1 - June 5

  • Title: Exponent Properties and Introduction to Scientific Notation
  • Teacher Cover Sheets: Review these documents prior to the lesson
  • Instructions: Follow the directions on the google slides.

  • Link to Interactive Assignment: LINK 


Week of June 1 - 5, 2020

Title: Atoms and Elements
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 
Need Additional Help? Ask someone to read along with you.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Atoms and Elements

Social Studies

Days 1-4

Title: Political Parties and Elections
Teacher Cover Sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VvJ1IzggNCmOCEPEU8xZwjuxVpPoGfuWqaoDbdBQz8s/copy
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities  
*make sure the slides are not in 'Present' mode in order to complete the activities*
  1. Google Slide deck: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1J1Z2ZOTjqa4Fq2LLO1Vl7NsGueL-uf1toKHWXqCL5xk/copy