College Readiness/GEAR UP Digital Learning Activities

Grades 6-8

Title: Exploring Your Interests: Summer Programs
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:
  1. View the Exploring Your Interests: Summer Programs Google Slide and follow the prompts.
  2. When directed in the slides, complete the Task Assignment, as instructed.
  3. After completing the activity, answer the Activity Reflection questions.

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Grade 9

Title: Exploring Credit Recovery or Enrichment
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Task 1 - Review your current grades*Log-in to Infinite Campus student Account, Step 1 - Select loginStep 2 - Enter username & passwordStep 3 - On the Infinite Campus homepage, click on Academic PlanStep 4 - Your page will say Academic Progress across the top.**Do not change the first box from “Graduation (Graduation)”Step 5 - Next to the column 'Report Type', select "Detail" then click on 'Select All'Step 6 - Now click, Generate your Academic Plan Progress Report

Task 2 - Complete interactive activity Step 1 - Open this week’s Google Slide document.Link: Link to Interactive Assignment: Exploring Credit Recovery or Enrichment ActivityStep 2 - Read and complete each activity when prompted.Step 3 - Submit your assignment in Google Classroom.
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Title: Finding Support When You Have Fallen Behind
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Step 1 - Read attached articles listed under link to text covering the topics of Finding support when you have fallen behind.Link: Link to Text: Finding Support When You Have Fallen BehindStep 2 - Choose 2-3 tips/tactics to implement from the article. Step 3 - Complete interactive assignmentLink: 9th Grade - Finding Support When You Have Fallen Behind Activity Step 4 - Open this week’s Google Slide document.Step 5 - Read and complete each activity when prompted.Step 6 - Submit your assignment in Google Classroom.

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Title: Balancing summer work and fun
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Step 1: Read attached articles about time-management & Balance.Link: Link to Text: Balancing Summer Work & Fun
Step 2: Watch video on Thinking Skills & Video Games.Link: Link to Video: Balancing Summer Work & Fun- This tool will teach students how they can use the same skills from video games and apply them to their school work.
Step 3: Apply what you've learned from throughout the lesson and apply your skills to the interactive assignment.Link: 9th Grade - Balancing Summer Work & Fun
Step 4: Complete the Feedback Form to review everything learned from this week’s activity.Link: 9th Grade - Balancing Summer Work & Fun
Step 5: Students will locate a planner/scheduling format that will incorporate the followingLink: Balancing Work & Fun-- Weekly school schedule (days and class times)--Weekly work schedule (days and shifts)--Weekly study schedule--Self Care schedule (exercise, leisure reading, time with friends etc.)


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Grade 10

Title: Researching summer internships and learning opportunities
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:During the summer students will have multiple opportunities to join summer internships as well as learning opportunities.
Task 1 - Summer InternshipsLink: Summer Internships & Learning Opportunities
Step 1: Click on the link to text to read about the StartUp Edu opportunityStep 2: If interested students will select the Work Ready link listed under “other link” to complete the application.- If you need assistance email
Task 2 - Learning OpportunitiesLink: Summer Internships & Learning Opportunities
Step 1: Click on others link to see the Online Banking opportunity for High School- There are 7 different categories that can be done anytime over the summer.*No time limit to each section but it is suggested to do them in the listed order.
Step 2: Review the free 10 links listed for on-line learning opportunities over the summer offered by Tech Summer.
Link: Summer Internships & Learning Opportunities


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Title: Summer Academic Support - Get back on track
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Step 1: Save the document by adding your name to the end of the document’s name, for example, Summer Academic Support-Jessica P
FOLLOW THESE STEPS ~ click File, then select Make a copy, click Entire presentation. Page 5, is a Note Page for taking notes if you need it while you are reading.
Step 2: Look at page 2 for some book suggestions for reading this summer. Also, this link offers more reading suggestions:
Step 3: Select at least 5 books for your summer reading selections. No, you’re not expected to read 5 books - even though that would be AMAZING!!!!!! The minimum is 2 books for your summer reading.
Step 4: Print OR Keep pages 3 and 4 for the Reading Games. PAGE 3 - The Summer Reading Challenge 2020, use the green check marks to move into the small boxes once you have completed a task. The goal is to have all of the reading ideas checked off by the end of the summer and before returning back to school for the 11th grade.
PAGE 4 - The Summer Reading BINGO is the traditional bingo game with a reading twist. It would be great to do this with a friend but if you desire to do this solo, that’s fine too. After completing the reading tasks, take the red/green or green/red circle chips that are located on the side of the game sheet and move them over to the bingo spaces. The goal is to have all of the reading ideas checked off by the end of the summer and before returning back to school for the 11th grade.
Step 5: Pages 5 & 6 are the Feedback pages. Answer the questions by clicking inside of the boxes.


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Title: Resume Writing
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:RESUME WRITINGUnderstanding the Parts of a Resume and How to Create a Resume
Students will organize information about themselves to create a personal high school resume. Students are encouraged to ask the teacher and/or counselor questions regarding what types of skills or experiences may be helpful when applying for a position.
Teacher Cover Sheet:

Link to interactive assignment:HS Resume Worksheets
Sample Resume: Parts of a ResumeCreate your own resume by filling in the missing pieces
Links to text:
Other Links:

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Grade 11

Title: Jump Starting Your Future: Paid summer internships and volunteer work
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Summer Plans-Paid Summer Internships and Volunteer WorkSummer time is the ideal opportunity to research, and gain experience through Paid summer internships or volunteer jobs. By investing your time in summer work opportunities can also demonstrate your sense of responsibility to the college admissions officers. Also, remember that any volunteer work and summer paid internship experience can be added to your resume! Below find ideas and suggestions as you begin the search for that perfect job or internship:
1- Follow a passion- If you could do something this summer, what would it be?
2-Get a taste of a future career-Experience the career you hope to be in.
3- Create an internship- by working for free at a potential employer-someone who inspires you, but might not be able to afford to hire you- The job skills you will gain can be worth a fortune!

Interactive Activity:Think outside the box- Review the 10 questions in this link-10-questions-and-discover-your-future AND answer the first 5 questions here-Five questions to help you discover your passion!


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Title: Jump Starting Your Future; Get Back on Track: Summer Learning Experience
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Get Back on Track-Summer Academic Support! Summer learning programs are a great opportunity to develop new skills, explore your interests, and get hands-on experience that the classrooms might not offer. Summer learning programs can also benefit you when completing your college applications as it shows colleges that you're committed to learning. Interactive Assignment:Read the article start working on your checklist- Summer Learning program Checklist - to enroll in a summer learning program! You can also utilize your summer time to start working on your post-secondary plan checklist. For more information refer to the -summer supplement ANDFAFSA application

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Title: Jump Starting Your Future: Resume Writing
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Jump Starting your Future-Resume Writing!
Summer is a great time to start working on your resume!
What is a Resume?
  • A written summary of a person’s experiences, interests, skills and accomplishments relevant to a particular job, employer, company or school;
  • Organizes all the information you want a potential employer to know about you in a neat, concise manner;
  • Focuses on your positive traits and should include everything that you have to offer;
  • Aims to convince an employer that he/she should hire you

Why Create a resume before looking for a job or paid summer internship?
  • Many employers expect the applicant to have a resume before or at the interview;
  • Many employers want to see the resume before interviewing the applicant;
  • The employer who is not expecting a resume will be impressed;
  • The resume reminds prospective employers of the applicant’s best qualities;
  • Writing a resume will help you organize your qualifications and gather important personal information so that you will know what you have to offer an employer;

Activity-Resume writing1-Review How-to-create-your-resume information from CollegeBoard2-Watch tips to write your resume 3-Get the “How to get perfect interview answers report” here: Interview answer report!
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Grade 12

Title: Jump Starting Your Future: How to build a resume
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:This is an exciting time in your life!Whether your next step is college, trade school, or work, you need the tools in order to succeed. One of these tools is a resume. A resume is a document used and created by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments.
How to build a resumeAs a senior in high school, creating a resume can be difficult if you never had a job. However resumes can highlight talents that you received in high school such as being fluent in a foreign language, holding a leadership position in sports or an afterschool club, or volunteer/internship work.
Activity 1: Please view the following video to learn tips on how to create a resume.
Activity 2: View the sample resumes from graduating high school seniors: Resume Example 1: Resume Example 2: Resume Example 3:
Activity 3: Create your own resume!
  • Visit and begin to create your resume
  • Once complete, send a copy to your teacher and upload it into your personal Google drive

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Title: Jump Starting Your Future: Understanding your financial aid award letter
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:Understanding Your Financial Aid Letters
College is very expensive, therefore you must make a conscious decision regarding the cost of higher education. The process may seem confusing, but don’t worry, if you complete these steps, you will be on your way!
Activity 1: Determine your cost for college
  1. First, gather all of your financial aid letters from the colleges/universities you have been accepted to.
  2. Please read the following article on how to understand and compare your financial aid letters.
How to Read Your Financial Aid Award Letter: 5 Examples
  1. Use the following spreadsheet to determine which school is best for you financially
( Please make a COPY of the spreadsheet FIRST. Please go to File on the top left corner of the document, and click on Make a copy)
  1. Fill in the information from your financial aid letters into the spreadsheet.
  2. Determine which college is cheapest for you to attend. Share a copy of the spreadsheet to your teacher.

Activity 2: Writing an appeal letterAt times, your favorite college might be the most expensive or your family’s financial situation may have changed since you completed your FAFSA. If so, writing an appeal letter may be best.
  1. Read the following article regarding how to write an appeal letter.
  2. Write an appeal letter to a college or university you have been accepted to. Please send the letter via email to the school’s financial aid office.
  3. Email a copy of the letter to your teacher.

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Title: Jump Starting Your Future: What happens after you receive your acceptance letters
Teacher Instructions
Student Instructions:What happens after you receive your acceptance letters
We understand that the transition after high school can be overwhelming especially because life will be different. No worries, because we are here to get you through it!
Activity 1: Please complete the following assignments regarding your pathway towards college
  1. Organize all of your acceptance letters and financial aid letters from your colleges.
  2. Schedule a meeting to meet with your family or support system to make your decision.
  3. Check all emails/online portal from the college/university to determine if you are missing any documents.
  4. Submit your enrollment deposit by the deadline. If you cannot afford to pay this, please complete and submit the College Deposit Waiver form to the admission office. ( Please note some colleges may not accept this waiver.)

Activity 2: Life after the DepositNow that you have committed to a college, there are additional steps that you must take over the break.
  1. Read the following article to understand life after submitting your college deposit:
  2. Complete 3-4 of the items on the list
  3. Send a copy of those follow up items to our teacher.counselor

Additional Resources Preparing for life on-campus or commutingPlease view the various videos discussing the transition for high school to college Videos for first generation college bound students:YouTube - What I have learned as a first-generation college studentMovie - First Generation College Student TipsOther links for students transitioning from high school to college:High School Transition Guide - Gear UP9 Steps to Making Your College Plans a Reality!
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