Grade 11

Future Ready/Naviance Digital Learning Activities

Title: How to Figure Out What You Really Want
Instructions: Lesson 1 (Monday): Define next steps to get you to your life passion. Watch the following Tedx Talks to learn from experts on outlining how to get to where you want to be:How to Figure Out What You Really Want ( Searching for Your Passion ( watching the videos, talk to your student about what they learned. How can your student define what they want from life? How can students define their next steps without worrying about focusing on their “passion”?
Lesson 2 (Wednesday): Review the SMART goal format: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. Talk about goal setting and the next steps we take after a goal has been set.1. Why are each of these items necessary when creating a goal?2. Why must we always follow up with the goals we set?3.What should you do if you do not meet a goal you set?4. Write at least one SMART goal and make a plan. Ask students to write a goal in the SMART goal format and write a plan. The plan should include an outline of specific next steps, measurable/achieveable metrics, reasons why the goal is relevant, and the time in which each step should be completed for their overall goal deadline.
Lesson 3 (Friday): Sign in to Naviance Student with your student and set 2 SMART Goals:1.One academic SMART goal2.One career SMART goal
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Chose the task above and complete the survey questions.
HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Goals” and locating the goal categories titled “12th Grade Academic SMART Goal” and “12th Grade Career SMART Goal”
Video Links: How to Figure Out What You Really Want Searching for Your Passion
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Title: SuperMatch College Search & Reflection
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY)Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the Naviance Curriculum Lesson titled College Fit. Naviance Curriculum can be found at the bottom of the Naviance Student homepage, clicking the purple box titled “College, Career, and Life Readiness.” Instead of choosing a college based on name brand, students need to find the colleges that “fit” them best. The required activities in the lesson include:Students read about college fit, including:1. Will I be challenged?2. Where do I want to live?3. What size college would I do well at?4. What do I want from life on campus?5. How much will it cost?Next, create a list of things about college that would fit you.Then, make a plan about one of the areas of college fit they look for to include in your college search process.
HINT: Make sure you click “turn in my work” when you have completed the interactive lesson. Still Need Help? Check out the video Naviance College, Career and Life Readiness Curriculum Video on the Postsecondary Resource Site.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY)Sign in to Naviance Student with and complete a SuperMatch college search. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “Colleges” drop-down menu, click “Find Your Fit” and then “SuperMatch.”Use the “Fit Criteria” to narrow down a list of colleges that would be a good match for your interests. SuperMatch fit criteria include:LocationAcademicsDiversityInstitutional CharacteristicsCostStudent LifeAthleticsResourcesHINT: Use the “i” icon next to terms in the fit criteria search options to define a term.
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY)Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions: 1. What were your top 3 colleges (best “fit score”) after your search?2. Did you “favorite” your favorite/best fit colleges?3. Did you explore college profile pages?4. What is one new thing you learned about the college of your choice?
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Resource List:

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Title: Build a Budget
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY):What does the word ‘budget’ mean to you? Do you know the difference between fixed, periodic, and variable expenses in a budget? What happens if you have an overdraft?
Check out this BizKids Episode while thinking of the questions above.
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY)Next think through budgeting priorities. Consider the following: “You are working on your budget. You need a way to decide which items are the most important and which things are less important. Something you need is an item that is essential. Something you want is an item that is nice to have but is not essential. Something urgent is an item where time is running out and you need to have it now. Something not urgent is an item that you can wait for.Decide whether the following items are a want or need and are either urgent or not urgent:
Food to eatClothes to wearNew CDCell phoneNew video gamePlace to sleepSaving 10% of your moneyShoes to wearDonations to charityMovie ticketsBike/skateboardSports equipment
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY): Sign in to Naviance Student and complete the following survey questions:1. How can you know your income?2. How can you know your expenses?3. How do you decide what is important to spend money on?4. Will you use the worksheet (want, need, urgent, not urgent) to budget in the future?
Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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Title: Build Resume
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Learn about the basic components of a resume and why it’s important to have a resume, even in high school. Watch the following videos on resume building:
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read about different types of resumes you may use in high school and beyond. Not all resumes should look the same! Think about creating different versions of your resume for college, scholarships, and career opportunities:
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY):
  • Sign in to Naviance Student and create a resume draft. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “About Me” tab, click “Home.” Under your student’s name and class you’ll see a hyperlinked “Resume” – click here.
  • Use the “Add/Update Sections” tab to add new entries to a resume. Add new entries to the resume builder by selecting a type of entry from the menu displayed after clicking the pink plus sign. If you're not sure what information to provide, you can select an entry type and read the tips displayed.
  • Create a draft resume using the “Print/Export Resume” tab. When printing your resume, you can use the pink plus sign to add a new draft resume. Select the sections you’d like to include in the draft keeping in mind what type of resume you hope to create (example: college resume or career resume). Save the draft resume to finish.

HINT: You must complete the second tab titled “Print/Export Resume” to complete the activity

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: Build Resume
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Learn about the basic components of a resume and why it’s important to have a resume, even in high school. Watch the following videos on resume building:
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read about different types of resumes you may use in high school and beyond. Not all resumes should look the same! Think about creating different versions of your resume for college, scholarships, and career opportunities:
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY):
  • Sign in to Naviance Student and create a resume draft. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “About Me” tab, click “Home.” Under your student’s name and class you’ll see a hyperlinked “Resume” – click here.
  • Use the “Add/Update Sections” tab to add new entries to a resume. Add new entries to the resume builder by selecting a type of entry from the menu displayed after clicking the pink plus sign. If you're not sure what information to provide, you can select an entry type and read the tips displayed.
  • Create a draft resume using the “Print/Export Resume” tab. When printing your resume, you can use the pink plus sign to add a new draft resume. Select the sections you’d like to include in the draft keeping in mind what type of resume you hope to create (example: college resume or career resume). Save the draft resume to finish.

HINT: You must complete the second tab titled “Print/Export Resume” to complete the activity

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: Build Resume
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Learn about the basic components of a resume and why it’s important to have a resume, even in high school. Watch the following videos on resume building:
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read about different types of resumes you may use in high school and beyond. Not all resumes should look the same! Think about creating different versions of your resume for college, scholarships, and career opportunities:
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY):
  • Sign in to Naviance Student and create a resume draft. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “About Me” tab, click “Home.” Under your student’s name and class you’ll see a hyperlinked “Resume” – click here.
  • Use the “Add/Update Sections” tab to add new entries to a resume. Add new entries to the resume builder by selecting a type of entry from the menu displayed after clicking the pink plus sign. If you're not sure what information to provide, you can select an entry type and read the tips displayed.
  • Create a draft resume using the “Print/Export Resume” tab. When printing your resume, you can use the pink plus sign to add a new draft resume. Select the sections you’d like to include in the draft keeping in mind what type of resume you hope to create (example: college resume or career resume). Save the draft resume to finish.

HINT: You must complete the second tab titled “Print/Export Resume” to complete the activity

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: Build Resume
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Learn about the basic components of a resume and why it’s important to have a resume, even in high school. Watch the following videos on resume building:
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read about different types of resumes you may use in high school and beyond. Not all resumes should look the same! Think about creating different versions of your resume for college, scholarships, and career opportunities:
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY):
  • Sign in to Naviance Student and create a resume draft. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “About Me” tab, click “Home.” Under your student’s name and class you’ll see a hyperlinked “Resume” – click here.
  • Use the “Add/Update Sections” tab to add new entries to a resume. Add new entries to the resume builder by selecting a type of entry from the menu displayed after clicking the pink plus sign. If you're not sure what information to provide, you can select an entry type and read the tips displayed.
  • Create a draft resume using the “Print/Export Resume” tab. When printing your resume, you can use the pink plus sign to add a new draft resume. Select the sections you’d like to include in the draft keeping in mind what type of resume you hope to create (example: college resume or career resume). Save the draft resume to finish.

HINT: You must complete the second tab titled “Print/Export Resume” to complete the activity.

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
Translated DocumentsEnglishArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Title: Build Resume
Teacher Instructions
Instructions:Lesson 1 (MONDAY): Learn about the basic components of a resume and why it’s important to have a resume, even in high school. Watch the following videos on resume building:
Lesson 2 (WEDNESDAY): Read about different types of resumes you may use in high school and beyond. Not all resumes should look the same! Think about creating different versions of your resume for college, scholarships, and career opportunities:
Lesson 3 (FRIDAY):
  • Sign in to Naviance Student and create a resume draft. From the Naviance Student homepage, under the “About Me” tab, click “Home.” Under your student’s name and class you’ll see a hyperlinked “Resume” – click here.
  • Use the “Add/Update Sections” tab to add new entries to a resume. Add new entries to the resume builder by selecting a type of entry from the menu displayed after clicking the pink plus sign. If you're not sure what information to provide, you can select an entry type and read the tips displayed.
  • Create a draft resume using the “Print/Export Resume” tab. When printing your resume, you can use the pink plus sign to add a new draft resume. Select the sections you’d like to include in the draft keeping in mind what type of resume you hope to create (example: college resume or career resume). Save the draft resume to finish.

HINT: You must complete the second tab titled “Print/Export Resume” to complete the activity.

Signing into Naviance Student: 1. Go to and click the login tab 2. Enter your student ID and password information 3. Click on the Message Center tab (left-hand side) 4. Click on the Naviance Icon 5. You are now on your Naviance Homepage 6. Click on My Planner, then scroll to tasks 7. Choose the task above and complete the survey questions:HINT: The survey can be found in Naviance Student under the “My Planner” drop-down menu, clicking “Tasks” and locating the task title.
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