Academic Advising Digital Learning Activities

Grades 6 - 8

Title: Personal Statement
Teacher Instruction
Student Instructions:Instructions: 1. Open the Google Slides.2. Respond to the questions and prompts.3. Submit your assignment in Google Classroom.
Personal StatementActivity A: 1. Highlight the importance of this activity2. This will be a chance to summarize all that you have covered over the past 7 weeks3. Students should write a personal statement - include topic sentence, body (strength, SMART Goals, weaknesses, colleges interested, careers interested, learning style, business idea, which high they may be interested in, CTE programs, and a closing sentence)

Translated directionsArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish

Grades 9 - 12

Title: Reflection, Move Up, and TransitionPersonal Statement
Teacher Instruction
Student Instructions:Instructions: 1. Open the Google Slides.2. Respond to the questions and prompts.3. Submit your assignment in Google Classroom.
Reflecting over the last year, express yourself choosing two of the 3 activities: A. Write 5 goals for next year and describe how you will obtain those goals. B. Write about what were some challenges for you this year and how did you overcome those challenges.C. What are some changes that you want to make either personally or in academics? Why?

Translated directionsArabicChinesePortugueseRussianSpanish