April 20-April 24

Environmental Science Digital Learning Activities

Activity 1

Title: Electron Configuration


#1. Review the Electron Configuration notes found here.

#2. Then answer the questions on the following pages.

#3. Need additional help? Watch the supplemental video.

Link to interactive Activity: Here

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Aufbau's Principle

Activity 2

Title: Focus on Language - Electron Configuration


1.Click here to review your notes on atoms, elements, and electron configuration

2. Listen to each question. The question is in the audio recording; it is NOT written on the slide. You can listen to the question as many times as you need.

3. Look back at your notes and plan your answer.

4. Use the Instructions for Using 'Vocaroo', visit the Vocaroo website and record yourself saying your answer.

5. Use the same instructions to insert your response in the middle column.

6. Use the answer column to check your answer.

Link to Activity: Here

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Activity 3

Title: Molecules


#1. Review the notes on ionic and covalent bonding found here.

#2. View the simulation website and complete the questions on the following pages.

#3. If you need additional help, watch the supplemental video.

Link to interactive Activity: Here

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Activity 4

Title: Carbon


#1. Review the Carbon and Organic Molecules Powerpoint found here.

#2. Complete the Active Reading and check your active reading notes with the Carbon Reading Response Guide.

#3. Use the Powerpoint and active reading to answer the questions on the following pages.

#4. If you need additional help review the Supplemental Reading on Carbon.

Link to interactive Activity: Here

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Activity 5

Title: Physical vs. Chemical Changes


In this review, you will investigate Physical Changes vs. Chemical Changes. After completing this enrichment activity, let your teacher know if you found something new about physical and chemical changes in matter.

How do you learn the best? Based on how you learn best you can choose to complete one assignment from four choices. All activities are embedded in the interactive activity below. The choices on slide 4 are:

#1. Read an article and Respond

#2. Watch a video and Respond

#3. Participate in a virtual experience and Respond

#4. Perform a hands-on activity and Respond

Do not hesitate to complete more than one assignment; you may like the other types as well :)

On each slide, there is a house icon, this will take you back to the main grid in case you wish to try some more activities.

Link to interactive Activity: Here

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Activity 6

Title: Water


#1. Review slides 3 - 23 on the Properties of Water.

#2. Answer the questions on the Properties of Water on slides 24 - 26..

#3. If you need additional support, you can watch this supplemental video.

Link to interactive Activity: Here

Instrucciones 使用说明 Instruções инструкции تعليمات