April 20-April 24

African American History Digital Learning Activities

Monday, April 20, 2020

Five Phases of Forced Migration Day 1

Day 1 Activity 1: Image Analysis

You are going to be shown a series of images:

1. View the image.

2. Write how this picture might relate to the process of enslavement.

3. After viewing and analyzing each image, answer the Quick Think, Quick Write question: If these images represent a sequence of events, in what order would you place the images? What sequence of events is being represented? (please explain)

Day 1 Activity 2: Five Phases of Forced Migration Reference Information and Student Responses

1. Read the brief descriptions of the five phases of forced migration of Africans

2. Write a 2 sentence response to each of the phases.

3. For Phase 4 (Middle Passage) there is a short video that you will need to watch before you respond.

4. Complete a 3-2-1 wrap up activity in which you write 3 things you found out, 2 interesting things, and, 1 question you still have.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Five Phases of Forced Migration Day 2

Day 2: Vocabulary

For each word in the vocabulary chart,

1. Define the word. Include the part of speech and your source.

2. Copy and paste an image that represents the word.

3. Create your own sentence using the word.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Five Phases of Forced Migration Day 3

Day 3: Primary Source Analysis

1. Read the primary source excerpt

2. Identify the phase being described in the excerpt (one of the excerpts reflects 2 phases) Recall the phases that you studied on day one and the vocabulary that you studied on day 2.

3. Point out the mindset being conveyed in their descriptions.

4. If the mindset is not clear, try to infer the mindset of the individual experiencing that particular phase.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 4: Time Lapse Map Analysis

1. Visit the slave voyages site

2. Watch the time lapse video of 31,164 vessels carrying kidnapped Africans to the Western Hemisphere.

3. While viewing, answer the following questions:

a. What stands out to you from this timelapse video?

b. What regions of the Western Hemisphere are the focal point of the trade?

c. Pay attention to the map from 1776 to 1787, what noticeable change occurs with the vessels coming to the U.S.? Why do you think this change occurs?

d. What does this map reveal about the experiences and mindset of kidnapped Africans throughout the period of forced migration and enslavement?

Friday, April 24, 2020

Day 5: Creative Writing

Using information from activities 1-5 complete one of the following:

1. Write a poem, speech, song, or rap about the dreadful enslavement experience that tens of millions of kidnapped Africans experienced as they were forcibly migrated to the Western Hemisphere.

*Be sure to include the mindset of these kidnapped Africans as you shed light on their experiences and the various phases that they went through.