May 18-May 22

English 3 Digital Learning Activities

Day One

Title: Science, Guided by Ethics

Click HERE for Teacher's Guide

Google Classroom Instructions: Read “Science, Guided by Ethics” complete close reading questions in order to analyze the reasons Dyson cites to support his claim that we need ethics to guide our use of green technology. You will also explain how Dyson uses rhetoric, style, and content to make his argument more convincing. Complete instructions and tasks can be found in the Google Slide presentation.

Click HERE for Week of May 18th translated instructions

Links to Assignments:

Google Slide Deck: Science, Guided by Ethics

Analysis: Science Guided by Ethics-Part 1

Day Two

Title: Science, Guided by Ethics-Part 2

Click HERE for Teacher's Guide

Google Classroom Instructions: Complete instructions and tasks can be found in the Google Slide presentation.

Click HERE for Week of May 18th translated instructions

Links to Assignments:

Google Slide Deck: Science, Guided by Ethics-Part 2

Writing Assignment: Science Guided by Ethics Response

Day Three

Title: The Ends of the World as We Know It

Click HERE for Teacher's Guide

Google Classroom Instructions: Read “The Ends of the World as We Know It” and analyze how the author’s use of analogies helps to structure his argument. Complete instructions and tasks can be found in the Google Slide presentation.

Click HERE for Week of May 18th translated instructions

Links to Assignments:

Google Slide Deck: The Ends of the World as We Know It

Analysis: “The Ends of the World as We Know It” - Task 1

Day Four

Title: The Ends of the World as We Know It Part Two

Click HERE for Teacher's Guide

Google Classroom Instructions: Read “The Ends of the World as We Know It” and analyze how the author’s use of analogies helps to structure his argument. Complete instructions and tasks can be found in the Google Slide presentation.

Click HERE for Week of May 18th translated instructions

Links to Assignments:

Google Slide Deck: The Ends of the World as We Know It Part Two

Writing Assignment: “The Ends of the World as We Know It” - Response

Day Five

Title: To Stop A Tech Apocalypse We Need Ethics and the Arts

Click HERE for Teacher's Guide

Google Classroom Instructions: Review the reading texts and work from earlier this week. Read To Stop A Tech Apocalypse We Need Ethics and the Arts in order to understand both Ms. James’ and Ms. Midford’s claim that “Without training in ethics, human rights and social justice, the people who develop the technologies that will shape our future could make poor decisions. That future might turn out to be one of the calamities we have already seen on screen.” Based upon all of your readings this week, you will need to make an educated claim and defend and support your position. Complete instructions and tasks can be found in the Google Slide presentation.

Click HERE for Week of May 18th translated instructions

Links to Assignments:

Google Slide Deck: To Stop A Tech Apocalypse We Need Ethics and the Arts

Writing Assignment: Article Response