May 18-May 22

Grade 7 Digital Learning Activities


May 18 - 22, 2020

Day 1

Title: Introduction to the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 1 
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/18 - 7th ELA Interactive Slides Day 1

May 18 - 22, 2020

Day 2

Title: Author's Tone and Purpose
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 2
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/18 - 7th ELA Interactive Slides Day 2

May 18 - 22, 2020

Day 3

Title: Tone and Purpose in President Obama's Proclamation
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 3
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/18 - 7th ELA Interactive Slides Day 3

May 18 - 22, 2020

Day 4

Title: Crafting an Argument [Part 1]
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 4
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/18 - 7th ELA Interactive Slides Day 4

May 18 - 22, 2020

Day 5

Title: Crafting an Argument [Part 2]
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers, review this cover sheet to prepare for this activity.Teacher Cover Sheet Day 5
Instructions: Open the activity in Google Slides to see the directions for today. All directions and translations can be found on slide 2.
Link to Interactive Google Slides:  Week of 5/18 - 7th ELA Interactive Slides Day 5


Week of May 18 - 22, 2020

Title: How has water influenced the health and growth of a city? Drink up! The history of drinking water in Philadelphia
Teacher Cover Sheet: Week of May 18
Day One
  • Instructions: Day 1 will focus on key vocabulary and the history of clean water.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Two
  • Instructions: Day 2 will focus on precipitation and the history of drinking water in Philadelphia.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Three
  • Instructions: Day 3 will focus on how the population of Philadelphia changed its history of drinking water.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Four
  • Instructions: Day 4 will focus on how pollution in Philadelphia changed its history of drinking water.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides

Day Five
  • Instructions: Day 5 will focus on typhoid fever and the water filtration plants in Philadelphia. Students will debate are jobs or health more important.
  • Link to Interactive Assignment: Google Slides


Week of May 18 - 22, 2020

  • Title: Understand Probability
  • Teacher Cover Sheets: Review these documents prior to the lesson
  • Instructions: Follow the directions on the google slides.

  • Link to Interactive Assignment: LINK 


May 18 - 22, 2020

Activity 1

Title: 6 Forms of Energy Introduction (Video and Slide Share)
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 1
Directions: Today you will watch a video and read about the 6 forms of energy and answer the questions about what you read. All questions will be in yellow. Type your answers in the Blue Boxes. If you need help answering the questions, try taking notes while watching the video or when you read the slides. You can go back to the video and slides at any time to help you answer the questions.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: 6 Forms of Energy Introduction (Video and Slide Share)

May 18 - 22, 2020

Activity 2

Title: Energy Transformation (Reading)
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lessonTeacher Cover Sheet Activity 2
Directions: Today you will learn how the 6 forms of energy can be changed into different forms. You will use information to look at examples and determine what form of energy is going INTO the system and what form of energy is going OUT. All questions will be in yellow. Type your answers in the Blue Boxes. If you need help answering the questions, try taking notes while reading the slides. You can also watch the video to review the 6 forms of energy. You can go back to the slides and video at any time to help you answer a question. 
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Energy Transformation (Reading)

May 18 - 22, 2020

Activity 3

Title: Energy Transfer: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation (Video & Reading)
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 3
Directions: Today you will watch a video and read about how heat energy can be transferred from one object to another. You will use what you learn to determine what form of heat transfer is being shown in a picture. You will type your answers in the BLUE boxes. If you need help answering the questions, try taking notes while watching the video or when you read the slides. You can have an adult read with you and can go back to the slides at any time to help you answer a question. 
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Energy Transfer: Conduction, Convection, and Radiation (Video & Reading)

May 18 - 22, 2020

Activity 4

Title: Thermal Conductors and Insulators (Video & Reading)
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 4
Directions: Today you will watch a video and read about Thermal Conductors and Insulators. There will be questions that follow. All questions will be in yellow. Type your answers in the Blue Boxes. If you need help answering the questions, try taking notes while watching the video or when you are reading. You can go back to the video and the reading as many times as you need to. Some questions have HINTs to help you know where to go to review that information. 
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Thermal Conductors and Insulators (Video & Reading)

May 18 - 22, 2020

Activity 5

Title: Thermal Insulators Experiment
Teacher Cover Sheet: Teachers review this document prior to the lesson.Teacher Cover Sheet Activity 5
Directions: Today you will watch a video showing an experiment on Thermal Insulators. You will be asked to make a hypothesis about what you think will happen before the video and explain what the results were after you watch. All questions will be in yellow. Type your answers in the Blue Boxes. If you need help answering the questions, try taking notes while watching the video. You can go back to the video as many times as you need to.
Links: Interactive Slide Deck: Thermal Insulators Experiment
Focus on Language Writing: Directions: Pretend you are one of the first scientist to study the different types of energy and how energy can be transferred.Write a diary entry of your observations of energy transferring from one object. Use the information from the slides to help you describe what is happening.
When you are ready go to the next slide and begin your description. 
Interactive Slide Deck: Focus on Language

Social Studies

Activities 1-5

Title: Brazil Case Study
Teacher Cover Sheet:
  1. Navigate the Google Slide deck, following all directions and completing all activities  
*make sure the slides are not in 'Present' mode in order to complete the activities*
  1. Complete Resistance: The Maroons activity

  1. Google Slide deck:
  2. Resistance: The Maroons activity: