NHS Guidelines for Graduation and Post-Secondary Academic Preparation Chart

NOTE: Once a student has met the graduation requirement, a course is counted as an elective. For example, 3 credits of math are required for graduation. If a student takes math beyond the 3 required credits, then that credit will be counted in the elective category.

NOTE: To participate in the graduation ceremonies, students in the class of 2016 and beyond will have to earn 19.5 credits by the end of semester one of their senior year.

NOTE: World Language - In order to meet college admissions requirements, a student who completes one year of a world language in middle school should either enroll in level 2 at Neenah High School or repeat level 1 during the student’s freshman year.

NOTE: Students who have completed NHS coursework while at Shattuck Middle School should be aware of the following

2018 and beyond

Credits toward graduation will not be awarded for advanced courses taken at the middle school level. Successful completion of the courses will allow for accelerated course options at the high school.

2023 and beyond

Post-secondary Course Graduation Requirement

Beginning with the Class of 2023, each Neenah High School graduate will be required to enroll in and complete at least one post-secondary, credit yielding, course prior to graduation.

As we prepare graduates of Neenah Joint School District to be college and career ready, one critical experience is the completion of a post-secondary course prior to graduation. Students participating in these post-secondary course opportunities will experience the rigor and depth of college or technical college courses while receiving the support and guidance of Neenah High School staff and earning college credit. Post-secondary course opportunities would include dual credit technical college courses, AP® courses, and CAPP courses. It is understood that flexibility and accommodations may need to be provided to students based on learning needs, post-secondary and career goals.

AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.