21410 *Business Finance


Course Number: 21410

Open to: Grade 10-11-12

Length: 1 Semester

Credits: 1/2 credit NHS, 3 TC credits at FVTC

Prerequisite: None

Required for any Business, Management, and Administration pathway within the NHS Business and Information Technology Academy.

NOTE: This course is approved for Dual/Transcripted Credit at Fox Valley Technical College.

NOTE: This course satisfies the Personal Financial Literacy graduation requirement.

Course Content: This course provides comprehensive coverage of financial concepts valuable in today’s business world. Students will become financially literate and learn options forfeiture investing. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, banking and credit union operations, alternative investment options, financial planning, insurance, credit, and retirement planning will be covered in this course.

Course Activities: Computerized stock market activities, stock market investment competition, Internet activities, guest speakers, financial calculators, and skills utilizing the 21st Century Skills of collaboration, research, communication, information technology, critical thinking, global concepts, and life and career skills.

Student Cost: Field trips

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