33100/33200 Chinese 1

Course Name: CHINESE 1

Course Number: 33100/33200

Open to: Grades 9-10-11-12

Length: 2 semesters

Prerequisites: None

Content: This introductory course is designed for students with no previous study of Chinese or little knowledge of the language. In this course, we will be working on the acquisition of basic high-frequency words and structures in Chinese, all words and structures will be introduced and read in the context of stories, discussions, and cultural explorations. Repetition, comprehensible input, and compelling input of the Chinese language are integral components of this course. The focus is on all four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These skills will develop naturally as students listen and read, and in time, be able to produce them in speech and writing. The course will focus on what is classed as "comprehensible input" and by using the TPRS method (Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling).

Cost: None

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