17250/17251 Illustration and Creative Writing


Open to: 10-11-12

Length: 1 semester

Prerequisite: None

Credits: 1 credit (1/2 Art + 1/2 English)

NOTE: This course is taught in conjunction with the Illustration (Art), and will be block scheduled with

both, 2 classes taken in the SAME semester. If a student has taken Creative Writing previously they can only register for the Illustration course, 10140.

If this course is taken as a senior, the Creative Writing course meets the composition 12 graduation requirement.

Content: This course is designed as a cross-curricular partnership with the Illustration course for students wishing to illustrate their own writing. The course will explore a wide variety of art mediums, illustration styles, publishing, and digital trends.

Activities: Students will illustrate myths, fables, short stories, folktales, poems or written works composed originally or by other authors. A showcase event of student writing and accompanying illustrations will be planned by the Creative Writing and Illustration instructors and students.

Cost: $20 (collected in Illustration class) -covers all art supplies, including matte board, illustration board, ink pens, paints, brushes, and other supplies.