21100 *Entrepreneurship


Course Number: 21100

Open to: Grade 10-11-12

Length: 1 Semester

Credits: 1/2 credit NHS, 3 TC credits at FVTC

Prerequisite: One of the following: Foundations of Business and Marketing, Management, Business Finance, Accounting, or Marketing.

NOTE: This course is approved for Transcripted Credit from Fox Valley Technical College

Recommended for any Business, Management, and Administration pathway within the NHS Business and Information Technology Academy.

Course Content: This course provides students with opportunities to investigate, understand and apply the process of choosing entrepreneurship as a career path. Students will explore the entrepreneurial experience by focusing on an awareness of entrepreneurship, opportunity recognition, business concept development, and preliminary feasibility testing. Students gain the knowledge, skills, concepts, and strategies relevant for start-up and early-stage entrepreneurs. The practical hands-on approach encourages students to immerse themselves in the entrepreneurial experience.

Course Activities: Students will develop a business plan and learn from successful entrepreneurs.

Student Cost: None

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