40210/40211 Band
Course Name: BAND
Course Number: 0210/40211
Open to: Grades 9-10-11-12
Length: 2 Semesters
Credits: 1 credit
Prerequisite: Open to all students. Students without experience will be required to audition.
Students electing to participate in the band program will be placed into one of the following ensembles considering these factors:
Individual musicianship
Ensemble instrumentation
Advanced placement desire
Cost: Students provide their own instruments with the exception of the larger, more costly instruments, which may be rented from the school. This includes any and all percussion instruments. Students are also expected to provide any items necessary for their personal use such as reeds, valve oil, and mutes. For the benefit of the ensemble, all students are expected to keep their instruments in good repair. Students will be required to purchase black shoes ("Dinkle-Vanguard”) for formal performances as well as a band shirt for informal appearances.
Content: Band is a performance music class designed for developing musicians in which students are exposed to music from the baroque to contemporary periods primarily via large group rehearsals. Students concentrate on developing ensemble and individual musicianship skills applied in part through concert performances and chamber music opportunities that include the WSMA Solo & Ensemble Festival. Students in this band will also be required to perform as part of the Neenah High School Marching Band for the homecoming parade and football game and the Memorial Day parade. Students will also be required to perform as part of the Neenah High School Pep Band at various winter athletic events, schedule and the exact number will be determined in the fall of each school year. In order to achieve musical proficiency and make a positive contribution to the ensemble, individual out-of-class practice is necessary and expected and performance attendance is required.
Activities: Large group rehearsals and/or small group sectionals daily. Technology supported music theory. Individual and/or small group lessons and assessments. Collaborative chamber music projects. Peer and self-assessment activities. Creativity activities involving improvisation and composition. The marching aspect of this course requires periodic outdoor rehearsals. Regional and national travel opportunities are possible.
Content: Symphonic Band is a performance music class designed for advancing musicians in which students are exposed to music from the baroque to contemporary periods primarily via large group rehearsals. Students concentrate on developing medial ensemble and individual musicianship skills studying the music of grade 3 and above as determined on a scale of 1-6. These skills are applied in part through concert performances and chamber music opportunities that include the WSMA Solo & Ensemble Festival. Students in this band will also perform as part of the Neenah High School Marching Band. This aspect of the course will focus on developing marching techniques and will be applied in part through parades and home football games. In order to achieve musical proficiency and make a positive contribution to the ensemble, individual out-of-class practice is necessary and expected and performance attendance is required.
Activities: Large group rehearsals and/or small group sectionals daily. Technology supported music theory. Individual and/or small-group lessons and assessments. Collaborative chamber music projects. Peer and self-assessment activities. Creativity activities involving improvisation and composition. The marching aspect of this course requires periodic outdoor rehearsals, Regional and
National travel opportunities are possible.
Content: Wind Symphony is a performance music class designed for advanced musicians in which students are exposed to music from the baroque to contemporary periods primarily via large group rehearsals. Students concentrate on developing advanced ensemble and individual musicianship skills studying the music of grade 4 and above as determined on a scale of 1-6. These skills are applied in part through concert performances and chamber music opportunities that include the WSMA Solo & Ensemble Festival. Students in this band will also perform as part of the Neenah High School Marching Band. This aspect of the course will focus on developing marching techniques and will be applied in part through parades and home football games. In order to achieve musical proficiency and make a positive contribution to the ensemble, individual out-of-class practice is necessary and expected and
performance attendance is required.
Activities: Large group rehearsals and/or small group sectionals daily. Technology supported music theory. Individual and/or small-group lessons and assessments. Self-directed collaborative chamber music projects and opportunities for conducting. Advanced peer and self-assessment activities. Advanced creativity activities involving improvisation and composition. The marching aspect of this course requires periodic outdoor rehearsals, Regional and National travel opportunities are possible.