Special Programs


The Special Education Department provides a continuum of services to students who have been evaluated by a multidisciplinary team and meet eligibility criteria for a disability (impairment) and have a need for special education under the Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act (IDEA). Modifications to the regular education curriculum and accommodations to the school environment are provided through a student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). A student's IEP is managed by a special education teacher (case manager) to ensure each student receives the Free Appropriate Education (FAPE) he/she is afforded under IDEA. The IEP team works together to devise measurable annual goals, determine instructional setting and placement, and consider transition services to best meet the needs of the individual student. If you have further questions or would like clarification, please contact the special education department chairpersons.


Open to: 10-11-12

Prerequisite: Criteria for selection is based on the District’s definition of “at-risk” students.

Content: Neenah’s Employment and Academic Training Program (NEAT) provides an alternative for potential dropouts in grades 10-12, consisting of in and out-of-school experiences leading to high school graduation. As part of the educational plan, a combination of school and community efforts is directed to helping these students develop a sound academic base, grow personally and socially, and prepare for career employment.

Activities: Students in grade 10 will explore effective strategies designed for school success. Content areas will include personal development skills, study skills, and career awareness. Students in grades 11 and 12 are required to complete the program’s “Employment and Personal Skills” course. They are also required to participate in a school supervised community work experience for which they can earn 1/2 credit for each semester of experience, not to exceed 1 credit per year.

Cost: None


Open to: Ages 14 - 21

Prerequisite: To be considered, students must meet criteria established by federal and state agencies. Applications are accepted and processed by the Workforce Development Office.

Content: The Workforce Development Program is a federally funded work experience/job training program open to low-income and handicapped youth. This program is funded through the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh and works in cooperation with Neenah High School. For those students who successfully complete both the classroom phase and work experience, 1/4 credit will be awarded. For more information see the Vocational Counselor. Activities: During the months of June, July and August, students are placed at public non-profit work sites for approximately 160 hours during the summer. To complement this work experience, students meet 5 hours each week for 6weeks at Neenah High School to learn and improve employability skills.

Cost: None


Open to: Students who are between the ages of 18 and 21 years old

Prerequisite: Students who have completed their academic programming (usually 4 years) and still have a need to work on transitional goals. Students have walked through graduation ceremonies but have not accepted their diploma.

Content: Each student follows their IEP as determined by the IEP team. The IEP is comprised of functional life & vocational skills.

Functional Skills:

  • Meals - Planning balanced meals, grocery shopping, budgeting, cooking, and kitchen clean-up.

  • Housekeeping - dusting, vacuuming, sanitizing, cleaning the bathroom.

  • Hygiene

  • Organization, Time Management

Vocational Skills:

  • Students work on job development, online and paper applications, resumes, cover letters, and job shadows.

  • Students participate in a spectrum of volunteer placements, school-to-work programs, and paid competitive jobs.

Activities: Small group and individualized instruction

Cost: None