55600 Astronomy and Meteorology

Course Name: Astronomy and Meteorology

Course Number: 55600

Open to: Grade 11-12

Length: 1 Semester

Credits: 1/2 Credit

Prerequisite: None

Course Content: This course is designed for students who are interested in both astronomy and meteorology and will address the following course objectives. Successful students will demonstrate the ability to:

    • Contrast the scientific method with pseudoscience and non-scientific approaches to understanding phenomena.

    • Describe the cycles of nature used in astronomy and their historical background to explain the behavior of celestial objects in the sky.

    • Use the Earth’s characteristics as a model planet to compare and identify distinguishing features about other members of the solar system.

    • Explain solar activity based on the physical characteristics of the sun as a model star.

    • Summarize the attributes of a great variety of stars and determine their positions on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

    • Identify the features of the Milky Way Galaxy and compare them to features of the other types of galaxies in the Universe.

    • Contrast models and determine the best explanations of cosmology using current scientific evidence.

    • Identify the challenges associated with colonizing another celestial body.

    • Differentiate the different layers of the atmosphere and the energy transfer that occurs between those levels.

    • Investigate the relationship between atmospheric moisture and weather conditions.

    • Analyze the characteristics of air masses and fronts and be able to predict possible locations of severe weather.

    • Differentiate between different severe weather conditions and where they occur.

    • Interpret weather maps and predict future weather conditions.

    • Understand how global weather patterns affect our local weather.

Course Activities: The course activities will include group and individual instruction, student-selected projects, laboratory activities, and investigations.

Student Cost: None

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