15270/15280 *Pre-AP® English 1 (9)

Course Name: *PRE-AP® ENGLISH 1 (9)

Course Number: 15270/15280

Open to: Grade 9

Length: 2 Semesters

Credits: 1 credit

Prerequisite: None

Content: *Pre-AP® English 1 focuses on the close reading, analytical writing, and language skills that have immediate relevance for students and that will be most essential for their future coursework.

Texts take center stage in the *Pre-AP® English 1 classroom, where students engage in close, critical reading of a wide range of literary and nonfiction works. The course trains the reader to observe the small details within a text to arrive at a deeper understanding of the whole. It also trains the writer to focus on crafting complex sentences as the foundation for writing to facilitate complex thinking and to communicate ideas clearly.

Activities: This course will include reading, writing, researching, critical thinking, speaking and listening.

Cost: None

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