09200 Community Educational Experience (CEE)


Course Number: 09200

Open to: Grades 9-10-11-12

Length: 80 Hours

Credits: 1/2 credit

Prerequisite: Faculty sponsor; Community Sponsor; Approval of application by the counselor and an administrator.

NOTE: This course may be used to fulfill the Practical Arts graduation requirement.

NOTE: To enroll in this experience, students must meet with a counselor outside of the regular registration process.

NOTE: Freshman Seminar for 10-12 graders may count for CEE.

Content: This is a community-based program offering graduation credit to students outside the regular curriculum. It is an individualized approach based on the student’s interest and desires to provide community services. Examples of such projects may include working on local government issues, community social service work, hospital volunteer work, tutoring younger children and work in community youth programs. Other options may also be considered. If a student would like to pursue a CEE program, he/ she should contact his/her counselor. A student may earn 1/2 credit for each CEE project while in grades 9-12.

Activities: Activities will vary according to student’s selected project.

Cost: None

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