Carmen Gonzalez

Carmen Gonzalez

This is carmen’s first year of journalism and she loves writing. Carmen also loves reading alone. She is very antisocial with people she doesn’t know she can be very social if you know her very well she will never stop talking and making you laugh. She loves kids and hanging with family. Carmen also loves gaming, running, and sleeping. She can only focus on one person at a time while talking. Carmen is very excited to start journalism when I tell you she loves writing she loves it so much it's the only thing that will get the stress off her mind. She loves music while writing it makes her feel good in a type of way while writing. Carmen loves her friends and family the most but most of all she loves to learn new things the school can be fun if you make it fun. she is also ready to interview people which has her very excited. in her free time, she used to draw and now she likes to travel more than she used to some of her family is from Fresno like her cousin's aunts and uncles. she was born and raised in portland Oregon on July 13, 2008, she was speaking Spanish for a long time sometimes it could be a struggle with talking back in Spanish but can completely understand you.  she has a rough life but is starting to understand what she needs to fix she came a very long way in life it funny cause she has a favorite cousin named Nataliya. life is a long way especially if you wanna make it in life. 

Stories and columns by Carmen