Recent victory bumps volleyball even for season

Photos by staff reporter Tay Krouse

Posted Sept. 26, 2022

By Tay Krouse and Kim Phan

Staff Reporters

Despite a loss to Sandy in the first game of the season, Volleyball’s expectations and record for future games remain high. 

The team's game against Sandy ended in a 1-3 loss, but their first and second sets were close in scores, indicating high hopes for future games. Douglas has played 3 home games against Gresham, Barlow, and Reynolds, respectively. There were 3 away games against Sandy, Clackamas, Nelson in Happy Valley, and one scheduled against Central Catholic soon. That was demonstrated by two consecutive victories following that game against Clackamas and Gresham, 3-1 and 3-0, respectively. David Douglas won with a significant point lead in games against Clackamas and Gresham. The Scots played well against Clackamas, taking a 2 point lead in the first two sets, and David Douglas surprised everyone by turning the game around and winning the final set with an 8 point lead. Only proving that, while they played consistently against Clackamas, they decided to step up their game in the second half to win.

The difference in the game against Gresham was about the same, as was the point lead. The Scots moved away from the Gopher’s point lead, making a 19-point difference in the second set, and winning all three sets against Gresham, solidifying their victory. 

Despite losing the following two games to Barlow and Nelson, David Douglas made a memorable comeback in their fifth game against Reynolds. A long-awaited home game, the team's serving was skilled and especially memorable. 

This year, the volleyball team has accomplished much this season, as expressed by coach Janeen Rainey.

“This year's varsity team bonded quickly and always brings positive energy to the court,” said Rainey. “They have persevered through some tough matches in order to come from behind and get the win.” 

The team obviously works very well together, each player bringing something different to the court. Most players on the varsity team are either sophomores, juniors, or seniors. There is one freshman. 

While only four four weeks into the school year, it's clear that the volleyball team is holding up expectations for this season, not only scoring consecutive wins neck and neck against challenging opponents, but also building teamwork. Rainey made it clear that she’s very proud of the cohesion that the team has developed and continues to be proud of the work they continue striving to make. 

Volleyball has also established a new goal this year which was their game against Clackamas. 

“A highlight so far has been their win against Clacakamas,” said Rainey. “This is the first time we have beaten Clackamas since they joined our league.” 

Although the pandemic has stunted many sporting events and sports teams have suffered losses in players and progress, volleyball is so far holding up strong this year. In the game against Reynolds, Douglas scored a win going neck to neck and winning at home, 3-0. 

“Reynolds is always a fun opponent to go up against,” said Rainey. “Like us, they have a lot of energy on the court so it will come down to who shows up ready to compete.”