Half-Grad's bittersweet celebration

Class of 2024 plays a variety of social games to celebrate their half-way milestone towards graduation. Photos by staff reporter Mila Romero.

Posted Oct. 20 2022

By Mila Romero 

Entertainment Editor

Juniors celebrated their halfway to graduation status with mini-games, popsicles, and music at the annual Half Grad Celebration in the Anthony Palermini Stadium on Oct. 14.

Juniors that met the curriculum requirements were excused from their 4th period classes to gather at the stadium. The Half Grad Celebration is a gathering of juniors who are on track to graduate, this class in 2024. The students celebrate their accomplishments from the previous two years of their high school experience. 

The Class of 2024 was welcomed with music and supportive school faculty, along with members of the Student Council. The students each received a raffle ticket at the entrance of the stadium which had one lucky number that was announced later on. The winning numbers were announced and the lucky winners were given a bag which contained David Douglas merchandise.

Though the juniors have officially grown up, they had a rewarding time playing games with each other and eating popsicles like kids once again. The celebration included a variety of social games, such as Jenga, Connect 4, Pickleball, a bean bag toss, and more. Students were also encouraged to sign the Class of 2024 banner that will eventually be hung up in the North Cafeteria, accompanying all the other classes banners signed by Half Grads throughout the years. The Half Grad Celebration has taken place for years, which makes this year's juniors part of a Scotsmen tradition. 

“It was very bittersweet,” said junior Student Council member Katie Dinh. “It was amazing to see our class be recognized for our accomplishments from the past two to three years, but it was also sad knowing that after this and next year, we’re all moving on to different chapters in our lives. In one to two years, we’re no longer going to be kids, and to be able to just sit back, relax, and forget about school work for an hour and a half was a great feeling.”