Celtic Heart turns 19

Posted Feb. 1, 2023

By Haley Moreschi

News Editor

The Celtic Heart has provided students with clothing supplies for 19 years, and is still going strong.

Celtic Heart helps students acquire basic school and hygiene supplies from donors who provide clothing, backpacks, and school supplies for both DDHS and Fir Ridge students. This program started in 2004, was highly motivated by the lack of basic necessities for the student body. Many different teachers would separately provide different supplies, so it only made sense for them to join together and provide to the student body from one source.

Even though the name “Celtic Heart” is made-up by the program, the symbol itself has deeper meaning. A Celtic Heart knot consists of two interweaving hearts symbolically 

representing love, which can closely tie to the program’s generosity. 

The program was originally started by social studies teachers Tracy Lind and Heather Murdock, but is solely run on donations and by volunteers, with the help of counselors and TAs who help fill orders. Meetings are not after-school or scheduled like those of school-based clubs for that reason. The only difference from previous years is that the Civic Scholars Club now partly helps the program. Donations made to the Celtic Heart remain anonymous and are anonymously given to students. 

 “I am so grateful for the support from the staff who are incredibly generous and caring,” said Lind.

The Celtic Heart was recently featured on television by Joey Harrington. The pressures outside of the high school walls, Harrington pointed out, are often more difficult than the school work.