Creative Writing class open to all students

Photo courtesy Isorepublic

Posted Nov. 1, 2022

By Mariah Anderson

Cub Reporter

The Creative Writing class, taught by ELA teacher Brian Graham, is open to all students. 

The purpose of the class, as is the purpose of most classes at DDHS, is to create an outlet for students. The class opens up a space for self expression in the student body, during a time when many students are struggling with identity. The class provides reading, writing poetry, putting on plays, and visual art projects.

“My favorite unit of creative writing is probably the short stories,” said Graham.

Creative writing can be used in many different ways. It can be used for entertainment, informative, or persuasive reasons. Some skills needed for this class are knowing how to research, planning and outlining, editing, revising, grammar, and organization. 

Creative writing is defined as an open-end prose or poetic construction that is intended to entertain rather than to impact information. The main genres students will be writing about in this class are fiction/literary nonfiction , poetry, and drama. Creative writing is known for improving grades in many different subjects. The reason creative writing helps improve grades is because it helps improve and define thinking skills. It also lets students have a chance to get to know themselves better.

Students who want to sign up for this class next year can expect daily journaling assignments, creative writing prompts, and inspirational readings.