School Board approves modified dress code

Posted May 17, 2023

By Mckensey Buck

News Editor

The April 13 School Board meeting the high school dress code was significantly modified with a 7-0 vote, allowing hats and hoods to be worn during school hours. 

Students have been complaining about this policy for a long while now, and the school seemed to have listened. Why was there a no hats and hoods rule in the first place? Most schools have this rule simply for identifying students easier to keep the schools as safe as possible. Some teachers have found it distracting to learning, because it's hard to tell if a student is actually paying attention. Some teachers consider wearing a hat in class disrespectful. This is why not all teachers agree with the modified dress code. 

Hats and hoods can also hide any type of headphones, which the school prohibits. Students may disagree with this because it could be against their freedom of expression. For some, wearing hats or hoods makes them feel secure and comfortable. For students it is important to feel comfortable and safe in their learning environment, because if not it can be challenging to actually learn.