Florida’s anti-trans legislation full of ignorance

"Transgenderism isn’t a disease to be cured, but part of someone’s identity to be affirmed. Anti Trans legislation in Florida shows blatant apathy towards Trans youth and their well-being. Gender-affirming care is integral for Trans youth, their well-being depends on their identities being validated and affirmed."

Posted Nov. 17, 2022

By Ivan Garz

Staff Reporter

Florida’s anti-trans legislation placed by people who know nothing about being transgender

Transgender people have always faced setbacks in simply being able to be themselves, whether it be governmental influence against Transgenderism or societal stigma, transgender people have always had to fight for their basic rights to be themselves. In this day and age, we should expect a level of progression and understanding that transgender people are valid and deserve their rights to be validated just like everyone else, however Trans rights in Florida are being threatened by harmful legislation

Beginning with the “Don’t Say Gay or Trans” bill , passed on March 28,2022, LGBTQ+ and Trans Rights have been endangered in the state of Florida, showing a trend of disregard for the truth that gender affirming care is necessary for Trans youth. Transgenderism isn’t a disease to be cured, but part of someone’s identity to be affirmed. Anti Trans legislation in Florida shows blatant apathy towards Trans youth and their well-being. Gender-affirming care is integral for Trans youth, their well-being depends on their identities being validated and affirmed.

Time and time again Florida shows a disregard for the rights of transgender people. Stripping away trans youths’ right to be affirmed in their identities is malicious and the Florida legislature has proven that they don’t care about trans youth and don’t care to know about the issues they face on a daily basis simply by daring to be themselves against society’s lack of empathy on what they don’t want to understand

People who endorse Anti-trans legislation targeted towards trans youth, don’t know anything about being transgender and they purposely ignore the truth about gender affirming care. The fact that legislation is being passed under this willful ignorance to the truth and the legislation being imposed based on it is very harmful and negatively affects the lives of all trans people. It is a huge step back for trans rights in this country caused by people who are harmfully ignorant to the truth.