Boys follow up Jamboree with 3-1 record

Posted Dec. 10, 2022

By Emilia Gutu and Haley Moreschi

Staff Reporters

Although the boys’ basketball team lost 18-19 to the Sunset Apollos, they persevered and won the first game of the jamboree at home against the Lakeridge Pacers 27-13 on Nov. 30.

The Scots began the jamboree with the Pacers first playing a 12-minute game. The Pacers dominated the first few minutes of the game with nine points while the Scots remained close behind with six points contributed by senior 6-foot-4 forward Drew Satterthwaite and senior 5-foot-11 guard Carlens Ostin. Senior 6-foot-3 guard David Alderton got fouled by the Pacers earning the Scots two more points from two free throws, score being 8-9. The Scots caught up with the Pacers with a layup getting the score to 10-9. Lots of defense was seen by the Scots with the desire to keep the ball on their side. Back and forth defense and offense showed by both the Scots and the Pacers, the score ultimately being 15-11 before a timeout was called by the Pacers in the last five minutes of the game.

Getting out of the timeout, the Scots got out of their trance with no action with a layup by Satterthwaite, score being 17-11. Scots lead and Satterthwaite got fouled by the Pacers. He made both free throws earning two more points for the Scots, 19-13. Another layup by the Scots, score increasing to 21-13. The first three-pointer of the game was made by sophomore 6-foot-1 Gimer Novelo, bumping the score once again to 24-13. The Scots fouled the Pacers and the Pacers made one out of two free throws, 24-14, 10 point difference. In the last three minutes, Satterthwaite makes another layup, 26-14, and Ostin gets fouled ending the game with one free throw 27-14.

The Scots got a break and the Lakeridge Pacers played the Sunset Apollos. Moving on to the third game of the night, the Scots played the Apollos. Starting off the game the Scots fouled and Apollos earned one point from a free throw. Another layup by the Apollos leading three nothing against the Scots. Right on time Ostin shot a three-pointer tying the score 3-3. The Apollos got fouled twice earning four points, and they made another layup earning another two points making the score 3-7, Scots ending up behind. Alderton got fouled finally earning the Scots two points, 5-7. The Apollos got the ball back with another layup but junior 6-foot-3 Freddie Elliot made a jump shot, score 7-9. Huge dunk by the Apollos earned them two more points, 7-11. Alderton got fouled once again making a free throw, 8-11. Senior 6-foot-1 Elijah Chadwick made a jump shot claiming two points and then a great assist to Novelo making a three pointer, the Scots gaining the lead and five points in total, 13-11. The Apollos tied the score with a layup and forced the Scots to timeout. 

Coming out of the timeout both teams kept the score even for a few minutes until the Apollos came back with a jump shot, score 13-15. The Scots then fouled the Apollos, who made two free throws. Ostin made another three-pointer staying close behind with the score 16-17, and senior 6-foot-2 guard Dameeko Nobles made a jump shot, 18-17. In the last few seconds of the game both teams fought hard to keep each other away from the basket until the Apollos secured the game with a layup winning with a one point lead against the Scots 18-19.

Even with a loss and a win, the Scots gave it their all and dominated against Lakeridge but also kept Sunset on their toes the whole game.

“We’re going to play hard because we have a pretty versatile group,” said  coach Chad Reeves.  “Different people can step up to do the right thing. We are defensively good and we have quality characters.”