Digital Art impressing South Building passersby

Posted May 8, 2023

By Ivan Garz

Staff Reporter

General Art II students have been working for 10 weeks to put together a Digital Art display which is now on display in the South Building for view near the south office, and will stay on display throughout the month of May. 

The display consists of about 25 digital art pieces by 17 students from Art Teacher Sean Denty’s General Art II class. The display contains many impressive digital art pieces by student artists who practiced digital art for 10 weeks in preparation for this display. It is clear by looking at the various pieces in this display that the student artists channeled talent and creativity into their pieces, having been given the instructions to depict a “subject or object in an environment” with themes being chosen by the artists.

Some pieces depict simple landscapes, quaint nightscapes, and others show detailed characters modeling various poses in various actions, subjects on a tall building viewing the scenery beneath them, flowers in a vase on a table, fairy tales, abandoned urban buildings, flashy cars, the silhouette of a soldier, cultural symbols, and more.

Photos by Staff Reporter Ivan Garz